Chapter Eighty-One: Warnes Brother Studio

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Isla of Sussex

April 26th, 2013

I stepped into the car with Harry after saying goodbye to my mum and Diana. It has been about three weeks since I have given birth to Diana and today would be my first day leaving her so I could go to the Harry Potter world with Harry, Will, and Kate.

"Does it feel weird leaving her?" Harry asked and I nodded as I leaned towards him.

"Yes, it does. But I made this promise and I don't want to break it." I said and Harry smiled as she looked at me.

"Do I look fat?" I asked and Henry shook his head before pulling me close to him.

"No, you look beautiful. It has only been three weeks since you gave birth to Diana and you don't even look like you were pregnant." Harry said and I smiled at him before kissing his cheek.

"Someone photographed me walking Diana around the garden yesterday. Harry, I hate hiding." I said and he smiled at me before shaking his head.

"Then don't hide. They can see you if you want them to." He said before the car stopped and I looked forward to seeing William and Catherine climbing out of the car.

Our doors opened and I smiled at the familiar cheer of people calling my name as I climbed out of the car and waved to the crowd. Harry walked around the car and reached for my

"Hello," I said to Will and Kate as I kissed both their cheeks.

"How is it you don't even look like you had a baby?" Kate asked and I laughed as I hugged her before J.K Rowling walked to us.

"Hello, Your Highnesses." She said as she shook our hands and bowed to us.

"It's wonderful to see you again Isla. You don't even look like you had a baby." She said and I smiled as I fixed my dress.

"Thank you. It's an honor to be here. I love Harry Potter world. So what is first on our tour?" I asked and Rowling smiled.

"First thing first. You four will all get a wand." She said before she began to lead us inside. After saying hello to everyone people ran around to get the right wand and when I opened the black box that was placed in my hand I smiled when I saw Hermione Granger's wand.

"Thank you! I've always loved her wand." I said and the woman bowed her head to me. I looked towards Harry who smirked at me before grabbing his wand and we pointed them at each other.

"We are going to split you four up. William and Catherine will come with us to see the effects of behind the scene while Harry and Isla will come with us to see the Great Hall." One of the workers said and I smiled before following the women towards what would be the Great Hall.

"Hogwarts is split into four houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. All seperated by different traits and sometimes by blood status. Do you two have a house?" She asked and I smiled.

"I am a Ravenclaw. But a lot of people say I'm a Slytherin." I said as we walked in between the tables and towards the front.

"Well, you two are about to be sorted! Who would like to go first?" She asked and I smiled before watching Harry going and sitting on the stool. His photo was taken and when the hat was placed on his head I smiled as it yelled Gryffindor.

"Sometimes I wonder if you are secretly a Weasley," I said and Harry laughed before I handed him my clutch and sat on the stool. I grinned as the hat was placed on my head and my photo was taken.

The hat yelled out Slytherin and I raised an eyebrow before standing up and taking the hat off my head and placing it back on the stool.

"Wasn't that fun? The four houses sit at their own tables so you two wouldn't be able to sit with each other." She said and Harry gasped before holding me close to him.

"Oh ignore him. I feel like he is feeling the seperation anxiety more than I am." I said and everyone laughed before we followed the workers out of the Great Hall and towards where the stores were at. I smiled when we caught up with Catherine and William. We all lined up and took a photo of us staring into the sky with our wands pointed.

"Isla, you went to the last movie premiere right?"

"I did. I had taken my nephew Theo with me. He loved all the Harry Potter movies." I said as I turned and watched as Harry tried to go into the stores.

"When we heard you were still coming even after having the baby we were shocked."

"As much as I love my daughter I had made a promise to be here and I intended to keep my promise. I still have one of my best friends wedding coming up and I still plan on going to that." I said and the woman smiled at me.

"Your daughter is one of the cutest little babies ever." She said and I smiled thinking of Diana back home sleeping in her cot while my mother cleaned.

"She truly is. Sometimes when she sleeps I just stare at her and smile thinking of how lucky I am to have her. Both her and Harry." I said before I heard something start and I turned to see Harry on Sirius's motorcycle.

"Oh no," I said with a laugh as I walked towards him.

"I had one you know. Dad made me sell it saying my mother would be disappointed." He explained and I laughed.

"I think she would've encouraged it," I said with a laugh as I placed my hand on his shoulder and rubbed softly. I stepped closer before sitting sideways on the bike and leaning into Harry's body.

"If we didn't have a child I would say we get one," I said and Harry let out a laugh before we both got off the bike and followed the workers back outside where we were expected to speak to everyone.

I shook hands with some of the guards and laughed at those dressed like some of the Weasley's. I possed with some of the workers before making my way to the crowd were everyone cheered.

"Hello, thank you all for coming today," I said as I shook their hands.

"It was such a nice surprise to see you and Prince Harry stepping out of your own car." A woman said and I let out a laugh.

"Well, when I make a promise I intend to keep it," I said as I smiled when I saw a baby.

"Oh, I miss Diana. I wonder if she is up yet from her nap." I said and everyone laughed.

"I think I say this for the entire world that we were all shocked when it was released that you and Prince Harry named her Diana." Someone said and I laughed before shaking my head.

"While thinking of names we have thought of every single name possible except for Diana. Then when I saw her I said why haven't we thought of Diana." I said before I felt an arm around me and I turned to see Harry.

"Well naming her Diana was in honor of my mother. But she truly is a Diana. She even looks like my mother." Harry said and I laughed as I leaned into Harry.

"Thank you all for coming out here today. It truly means a lot for us to see you all here." I said before I fixed all the flowers in my hand before we made our way back to Will and Kate.

"Oh god I cannot wait to go home and see my daughter and take a nap," I said and Catherine nodded.

"I need a nap too." She said and the guys stared at us for a moment before shaking their heads.

"Oh shut up. You two love us."

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