Chapter One Hundred and Seven: Preparing for Christmas

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Isla of Sussex

December 1st, 2013

I placed Diana in her walker as I watched Harry and William bring up the Christmas tree and all of the decoration.

"So when is your guys Christmas party with the soldiers and their families?" Kate asked as she handed me a cup of tea.

"The fourteenth. It will be in the same place as last year." I explained as I sipped softly on my tea.

"Are you guys bringing Diana?" William asked as he took the tree out and began putting it up with Harry.

"Yes, this time last year I was nearing the end of my pregnancy and we had told them we are going to bring her," I explained and Harry smirked.

"Alice said that when she took Diana to the park she smiled at all the other kids and she kept trying to reach for them," Harry explained and Kate let out a laugh.

I watched for a moment after they finished assembling the tree as they began to sort out the tree branches and make the tree look fuller.

"George is not interested in any other children," Kate said and a snort came out of me. I looked over and saw Diana sitting up on her play mat with George laying beside her.

"I can't wait for Christmas! Because then afterward we can start planning her first birthday!" I said as the guys finished setting up the tree.

"Please don't remind me. My baby is turning one." Harry said as he grabbed a box of new ornaments.

Harry unwrapped a brand new ornament we had made of Diana's footprint.

"Aw, when did you do that?" Kate asked as Harry hung it upfront and center.

"About two weeks ago. I say this now she hates arts and crafts." Harry said and I rolled my eyes.

"I still can't believe how big they are getting."

"I know. It blows my mind really how fast they grow. George is starting to get the hang out holding his own bottle." William stated and I looked at Kate who nodded.

We heard a bark and I stood up from my spot on the sofa and went to the office door and let out Bud and Max.

"There are the other two Sussex," William said as Bud ran to William.

"How is Lupo with George?" I asked as I scooped Max into my arms and sat back down.

"He likes him but whenever George moves around really quick or when he cries loudly he gets scared and hides under the bed," Kate explained and I winced as Max cuddled into me.

"Are you guys releasing Christmas photos this year?" I asked and Kate nodded.

"It's going to be the one we took at George's christening. What about you two?"

"We took photos in Australia but we are taking photos of Diana and we haven't decided which ones yet," Harry explained as they finished with the ornaments.

"Are we all set for the star?" I asked as I placed Max down and went and scooped up Diana.

"Yes, William dear brother, pick up your son and the babies can put the star on," Harry said and I watched as William stared at his brother before rolling his eyes.

"Sometimes I wonder how Isla deals with your dramatic self," Will muttered as he picked up George.

"Are you ready for the star baby?" I whispered to Diana as I placed her on my hip. As Will and I lifted the babies up to place the star, with Harry's help, the Christmas tree was finally done.

"Go yay!" I said to Diana as she clapped fast.

"When did she start doing that?"

"Yesterday, Harry was watching some match and had her in her little bouncer and she stared at him as he clapped before looking at her hands for a moment before clapping herself," I said with a laugh as Harry took Diana from me.

I stuck my tongue out at Harry for a moment before turning to my godson who was reaching for me.

"Oh come here, papas. Are you ready for Christmas?" I whispered as I scooped him into my arms and he went to reach for my hair but I quickly stopped him.

"Diana has ripped out enough of my hair. I don't need you doing the same." I said with a soft smile. I looked over at the time and noticed that it was getting late.

"Should I cook or should we just order out?"

"How about we all go out? I hate being cooped up in the palace for such a long time." Kate said and I smiled.

"It's the maternity leave. I went crazy myself."

"Okay let's go out. How about Alexandrie Restaurant?" William offered as he took George from me to put the coat on him.

"Deal, let's go," Harry said as he shot up and went to find Diana's coat.

After we all got into our coats we got into one of the huge vans and drove three streets down to the restaurant.

"Your Highnesses! It's so wonderful to see you here again." The host said once he saw us.

"I know we haven't been here since these two were pregnant," William said as he held George's car seat.

"So would you like your usual table in the back room along with two slings?" He asked and I nodded.

"If you could just bring us a high chair I'll stick her right in there," I said and the host nodded as he grabbed four menus before leading us to the back room where we always ate at.

Once seated I took Diana out of her car seat and placed her on my lap as I moved the plate and silverware away from us.

"She's still grabbing for things?" William asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Everything. I was doing my hair yesterday and she reached for the straightener. I put her in her playpen as a time out and she was so upset." I explained and Harry snorted.

"I came home and was beyond confused to see her with such an upset look on her face."

"Our children are truly work aren't they?" Kate asked as she sipped on the water that was brought to us.

"They truly are. But they are our babies."

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