Chapter Sixty: Relaxing

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Isla of Sussex

I woke up to Madeline's ringtone going off. 

"Why is Madeline calling?" Harry asked as he handed me my phone. 

"I don't know but I am going to kill her," I said as I pressed the green button before placing it to my ear. 

"I'm engaged!" Madeline yelled and I sat up. 

"Excuse me? Chris asked you?" I asked and she laughed. 

"Just hours ago, Dad said yes and we are going to get married in June. Isla I want you and Harry there." 

"Of course we'll be there. We are bringing the baby as well." I said and Harry raised an eyebrow before smiling. 

"Isla, can you come to Sweden after seeing Harry? I already had Dad ask Her Majesty." 

"Madeline, I'm not a wedding planner anymore." 

"No, you're not. But you know how to prepare a wedding for under one year. I just need your advice." 

"I can be there in a week. When I get back to England I have to appear in my new Patron." I said and Harry groaned before getting up and going to get a maid. 

"Okay, I just need my best friend here." 

"I will. Just like when the baby is born I'll need the baby's godmother and her godfather there but I'll ask Chris in person." I said before Harry came back in with food. 

"I have to go Madeline. I have to eat." I said before I got out of the bed and sat at the table with Harry. 

"So what are we going to do today?"

"Lay in bed which we already did. Go out and shop and get some lunch." 

"Yes, shop because with everything we get I will need a new suitcase," I said as Harry let out a laugh. 

"I will get you a new suitcase. Get dressed but be relaxed." He said and I rolled my eyes before he kissed me. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too, Ginger," I said before I got up and went to my closet. I dressed in some black joggers with white stripes on the side. I pulled on a jumper and put my hair in a half up hairdo. 

"Are you ready?" Harry asked as he came into the closet as I slipped my rings on and turned to him. 

"Yes, just putting my rings on," I said and Harry smiled. 

"I still love that ring. It was supposed to be my mum's." He said and I smiled before grabbing my purse and walking downstairs with him. All the guards bowed to us as we walked outside. 

I laughed as Harry jogged around the car and opened the door for me. 

"You're such a gentleman," I said with a smile as I climbed into the car before he got in himself and we took off towards the regular streets and to the shops. I laughed as we both waved to some fans who took photos of us. 

"Do they ever leave you alone now since your pregnant?" He asked as he parked the car in front of Zara.

"No, they are worse," I said before climbing out. I waved to the people who were waiting to take pictures before we entered into Zara and I made my way to the maternity section. Harry began to look for some outfits and I smiled as he picked out a knit blue wrap dress. 

"I like that," I said and he grinned before throwing it over his shoulder and going back to the dress section. I grabbed an off the shoulder stripped shirt before walking to Harry. 

"You don't want anything else?" 

"No, I just want to shop for the baby. We have nothing." I said and he laughed before grabbing the shirt from me and made his way to the counter. I smiled when he came back with a bag and we walked out. 

"Thank god the crowd got smaller." He said as we walked across the street into Babies-R-Us. 

"Now this makes me more nervous," I said as we went to the clothes. I went to the gender-neutral clothes as picked out a yellow oneis and laughed. 

"I can't believe babies are so small," I said and Harry chuckled. 

"Didn't you help Maddie when Theo was born?"

"Yes, but Theo was nine kilos. Our baby is currently two." I said and he smiled before showing me a package as swaddle blankets. I nodded and he tossed them into the cart before grabbing a tag with three pacifiers attached and putting them in the cart. I frowned when I saw people bring their phones out. 

"We are just normal people who are shopping for their baby," Harry said as I grabbed two baby towels and put them in the cart. 

"Normal people who are in line to the throne," I said and he chuckled before grabbing three bottles. 

"So much money," I whispered as we went to the register. 

"Good afternoon, Your Highnesses." The cashier said and I smiled. 

"We are just Isla and Harry right now," I said and she smiled as she began to ring us up. I let out a laugh as Harry looked at the final cost.

"I mean children are expensive" 

"We are waiting two to three years after this one." He said and the cashier laughed as she handed me the two bags as we walked out. 

"I would say let's go out to eat but we are currently living in a damn castle right now," Harry said as I pointed to Chapter's Indigo. 

"I want to get a couple books. The only things that keep me entertained during a plane or train rides." I said and Harry nodded. 

"When you say a couple how many is that?" 

"Only two. Throne of Glass and The Diviners." I said and Harry raised an eyebrow. 

"Well wait out her with our detail while I go get the books." 

"You are no fun," I whined as he gave me a kiss. 

"But you chose to marry me." He said as he gave me the bags and went inside. I turned to the head detail Ruiz and smiled. 

"Can I get you anything, ma'am?" 

"Can I get a large mango smoothie?" I asked and he nodded before pulling out his walkie. When someone came with the smoothie Harry came outside with a huge bag. 

"I only wanted two books," I stated and he rolled his eyes. 

"I just got a couple others." 

"Such as?" 

"Oh, a book they wrote about my mother and a parenting book." He said and I smiled before wrapping my arm around him. 

"I know you wish she could be here and meet her grandchild," I said and he nodded as we started our walk to the car. 

"I do, she was really good with us. With a lot of kids." Harry said and I wiped his tears away. 

"She is always here with you. She never leaves you or William alone." 

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