Chapter Thirty-Seven: Trooping of the Colour 2012

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Isla of Sussex

I smiled as Harry walked up behind me with my hat. We had to leave soon for the carriages. Today was the trooping of the colour. 

"How is this going to stay on?" He asked as he handed it to me before he began to fix his medals. 

"It's a bloody hat." I hissed before I quickly put it on and turned to him. 

"You look lovely." He said and I smiled as I stood on my toes and kissed him. 

"Let's go," I said as I grabbed my pink clutch and led him outside. There William waited as we got in the car. 

"You look so beautiful in white," Kate said as I leaned down and pecked her cheek

"After so many years I still don't like taking the carriage," Harry said before we arrived at the mall. Catherine and I were the first to get in the carriage. 

"Ready for your first one as a Duchess?" Catherine asked as the carriage began to move forward. 

"Let's see how they take my appearance," I said before I heard people call my name and I began to wave.

I laughed as I saw fathers lifting their children up to see us. 

"It's the fab four." One yelled and I turned to the guys who chuckled. 

"Fabulous Four? I guess we all have a new nickname." William said before we turned and made our way back to the palace. 

"Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge along with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex." The Royal announcer yelled as the four of us began to get off the carriage. There the Queen and Prince Phillip were waiting for us along with Charles and Camilla. 

Kate and I bowed before we stood up and Charles kissed both our cheeks. 

"You both look beautiful. Now get in line." He said with a smile. Harry offered me his arm and we stood behind Will and Kate before the anthem began and we all started to walk inside. The Queen and Prince Phillip led us to the balcony where we had to wait. 

"Isla!" Two voice said and I smiled when I saw Louise and James running to me. 

"Hi, guys!" I said as I pulled them into a hug and kissed both their foreheads. 

"We've missed you," James said. 

"I thought you were still in Paris. How was it?" Louise asked with a smile as Prince Edward and Sophie walked towards us. 

"Sorry. We tried to hold them back." Sophie said and I shook my head smiling. 

"It's alright. I've missed them as well." I said before I hugged her and kissed Prince Edwards cheek. 

"Alright everyone it's time." Prince Phillip said before the doors opened and everyone began to walk outside in order of succession.  I laughed softly as I heard someone yell my name and I waved to them before standing near Harry. The planes began to do their show and Harry picked up James so he could see everything. 

"Look! He's doing a double loop." I said as I pointed to the last plane on the right. 

"How does he do that?" James asked and Harry chuckled. 

"You'll learn as you get older." He said as he placed James back on the ground. I felt an ease of sickness in my stomach making me clear my throat. 

"Alright love?' 

"Yes. I just felt sick for a moment." I said before the show ended and we all clapped our hands. The Queen nodded before the band began to play their short song for the Queen. 

"Do you remember the first you ever came too?" Harry asked as the song began to end. 

"Yes. It was four years ago. Catherine and William just got back together and I was his date because no one knew. My name was everywhere the next day." I said before the song ended and we all clapped. The Queen and Prince Phillip made their way inside and we all followed. 

I felt everyone relax as the door closed before the sickness came back. 

"Isla are you alright?" Prince Charles asked and I nodded. 

"I'm fine. Someone sprayed to much perfume or cologne." I said earning him to chuckle as we were lead to the lunch. 

"You look pale. Are you sure you're alright?" Catherine asked as we took our seats. 

"Postive. Must've been the carriage ride finally getting to me." I said with a laugh before our salad was passed out. I took a deep breath before we all began eating. 

"So will we expect any children soon. William and Catherine have been married over a year and still none." Prince Andrew said with a small laugh. 

"We have been married only a month," Harry said with a smile. 

"Oh leave them, alone dad. You're making Isla look sick." Beatrice said with a smile. I smiled softly at them before I placed my napkin on the table. 

"Excuse me," I whispered as I grabbed my bag and walked out the dining room. Once I was sure they couldn't see me I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. 

"I knew it." A voice said as I lifted my head and saw Catherine with Princess Anne. 

"Knew what? I am probably sick." I said as I grabbed a napkin and wiped my mouth. 

"I have been pregnant two times and have been there throughout every royal woman's pregnancy. I know pregnant women when I see one." Princess Anne said and I whined before washing my mouth. 

"I still don't know. I have only been married for a month." I said as I fixed my hair and hat before turning to them. 

"You look as if you are going to drop. Good reason I told my mother you weren't coming back because you didn't feel good." Anne said as she grabbed my hand and smiled. 

"Come. Let us go to your home and I'll make some soup. It'll keep it down." She said and I nodded before turning to Catherine. 

"Go. I'll tell Harry." She said and I sighed before leading Anne to my home. 

"Go change honey. You'll be alright." 

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