Chapter Twenty-Two: One Year Anniversary

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Isla Richards

I smiled as Harry walked into the room and made his way over to me before wrapping his arms around me.

"Can you believe we have been together for a year?" Harry asked as I applied my mascara.

"Not really. A year ago I was hired to be the wedding planner for the biggest royal wedding." I said as I put my mascara down and hugged his arms.

"And then I realized I was a fool to let you slip out my hands." He added and I let out a laugh.

"Only because I was being mobbed by reporters," I said with a slight smile as I turned around in his arms and grinned.

"Better late then never right?" He asked as he pressed a kiss to my noes.

"That is true. Can you imagine us not being together?" I questioned and Harry let out a laugh before shaking his head.

"Not at all. I want you in my life now and always." He stated clearly and I couldn't help but smile before tackling him into a kiss. When we pulled away he smiled and fixed my hair.

"So tell me my darling, where are we going?" I asked and he smiled as he stared at me.

"Well, I would like to meet your brother." He said earning me to freeze. I hadn't visited Andrew since the day we buried him.

"My brother?" I whispered and he smiled.

"I bought some flowers for him. I talked to Maddy and she said it was alright." Harry began and I smiled before nodding.

"Of course we can go visit him. We buried him in the lot near Oxford." I explained and he grinned before handing me my black jacket and helped me into it. He led me into the kitchen where white roses sat and I laughed a little.

"He sent me those flowers every year on my birthday," I said with a smile as I grabbed them and followed Harry out of the castle and into his car.

It was a silent car ride as I tried not to cry as I fixed the flowers. It took us an hour to get to the cemetery and Harry helped me out of the car and towards my brother's plot. I sniffled before brushing the leaves of his headstone and placed his flowers down.

I crouched in front of his headstone and closed my eyes.

"Oh Dios, por cuya misericordia Los fieles se apartaron encuentran reposo, envía a tu Santo Ángel a vigilar esta tumba, por medio de Cristo Nuestro Señor. Amen." (O God, by Whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, send Your holy angel to watch over this grave, through Christ our Lord. Amen.)

I lifted my head up and smiled at Harry before he helped me up and I leaned my head against his.

"My brother would've loved you. He loved Will and Kate." I said making Harry smile.

"I promise to always take care of her. I won't do anything to hurt her." Harry said and I smiled as I saw him looking at Andrews grave.

"So where to next?" I asked and he chuckled before grabbing my hand and walked me back to the car.

"That my dear is close by." He said and I raised an eyebrow as he started driving. When we got to Maddy's summer home I laughed.

"Is she letting us use the summer house for the night?" I asked as Harry shrugged before pulling into the driveway. I climbed out of the car before he could help me and I laughed as I saw Maddy and Theo walk out of the house.

"Auntie Isla!" Theo said as he rushed over and jumped into my arms.

"Hey, buddy! I've missed you!" I said as I squeezed him.

"Mummy and I were cooking for you and Harry!" Theo said making me smile.

"Really? Then I bet it will be delicious." I said as I poked his nose before he jumped out of my arms and rushed over to Harry.

"Happy Anniversary to you!" Maddy said as she hugged me.

"Thank you! You're not spending it with us?" I asked and she shook her head as the boys walked over to us.

"No, Theo and I were just setting up the house for you. Come on kiddo." Maddy said and I grinned before waving goodbye. Harry grabbed my hand and led me into the house and I smiled seeing the roses all over the floor.

"Oh, Harry," I whispered and he smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

"Happy anniversary my love. I couldn't imagine spending a year with anyone else." He said and I grinned before kissing him.

"Happy anniversary darling. I love you so much." I said with a smile before I walked into the kitchen and grinned as I saw our favorite meal on the table. Roasted potatoes, steak, grilled string bean and a small portion of rice.

Harry helped me into my seat before pushing me in and then sitting in his seat himself. He poured me a cup of white wine.

"Can I ask you a question?" Harry asked as I took a sip of my wine and nodded.

"Do you ever see us getting married?" Harry asked and I smiled at him.

"Of course I do. Whenever we see fit." I said and he raised an eyebrow almost like he was in shock.

"Really? I thought after everything.." He began and I smiled as I reached over and grabbed his hand.

"Growing up I never once knew love. I didn't know what it was liked to be loved only by my brother. When I met you and we first got together I knew you cared but I pushed you away. I love you, Harry. I always will." I said with a smile.

"Happy Anniversary darling." He whispered as he lifted my hand and kissed it. We went back to eating and I grinned every time he looked up and winked.

"So I spoke to Granny and she said you can come with all of us to Christmas service and the entire day," Harry said and I grinned.

"Awesome! I can't wait! I was going to be sad if I couldn't spend Christmas day with you." He said and Harry grinned before shaking his head.

"No, I want you at Christmas with me." He said with a smile.

We finished eating and he led me to the room where I usually stayed at and smiled when I saw the candles and different color rose petals all over the floor.

"Harry," I whispered as he moved my hair away from my neck and kissed it.

"I wanted to spend the entire night with you. I've been busy lately." Harry said and I sighed before kicking my heels off and leaning against him.

"You have to be quiet you know. Neighbors are close. It isn't like the castle." I whimpered as he unzipped my dress and began pushing it down.

"I'm not the one that needs to be quiet. You do." He said with a smirk as he turned me around to face him.

This was going to be a long night.

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