Chapter Thirty-Nine: Harry

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The Duke of Sussex

Pregnant? How could she be pregnant?

Stop acting like an idiot Harry you know how babies are made.

Yes but so soon?

"Your Highness?" A voice said and I stood up to see the doctor.

"Yes? Is my wife okay?" I asked and he nodded smiling at me.

"Your wife is fine. But I need to speak with you for a moment in private. Your family is on their way." The Doctor said and I nodded before following him down the hall into his office.

"Is Isla alright? Why did she pass out?" I demanded as I sat in front of his desk.

"Your wife is about three weeks pregnant. She has Nausea sickness where she gets very lightheaded and can pass out. I've dealt with women like this before and it takes place her first three months. She is almost finished with her first." Doctor Lohier explained.

"So you're saying that if she has public appearances we have to be careful she doesn't faint?" I asked and he nodded.

"A nurse should be there at all the time." He said before his pager went off and he smiled.

"Isla is awake. Let us go see her before she falls back asleep." He said and I nodded before following him to Isla's room.

"Harry." She called out and I smiled as I walked over to her and smiled.

"Hello sleepy," I whispered as I stroked her hair.

"I wanted to tell you sooner but I wasn't sure. Anne was going to take me next Tuesday." She explained and I shook my head.

"It's alright. You both are safe." I said before Isla turned to Doctor Lohier and smiled.

"I would shake your hand but I'm tired," Isla said and the doctor nodded.

"Relax. I just came to explain a few things. You are around three weeks. You should give birth the last week of March but babies come at their own time." He said with a smile and Isla let out a laugh.

"Why did I pass out?" She asked.

"You have nausea sickness. You get light headed quickly and it will last about two more months." The doctor explained before Isla yawned.

"Sleep. I'll be right back. I have to check if everyone is here." I said and Isla nodded before leaning her head back.

I made my way down the hall to the small waiting room. There Kate, Will, Dad, Camilia, and my grandfather sat.

"Is she alright?" Kate asked as soon as I closed the door.

"She's alright. More than alright. She's pregnant." I said and Camilla gasped as Grandpa smiled.

"How far along?" He asked as Dad shook my hand.

"Three weeks. She has nausea sickness. Very lightheaded. The doctor said we should have a nurse by for the next two months." I said and I found myself smiling.

"Oh, congratulations little brother." Will said as he brought me into a hug.

"When can she be released?" Dad asked as he walked over to Camilia and smiled.

"One more day."

"Good because as soon as you two walk out people will be waiting and you have to tell them that you are expecting." He said and my grandfather nodded.

"A great-grandchild. I must go tell your grandmother. Come, Charles." Grandpa said as he led Dad and Camilia out.

"Sit you look as if you are going to pass out?" Kate said as they both lead me to the chairs.

"Are you alright?" Will asked and I let out a laugh before nodding.

"I'm going to be a father. I mean I am good with children but this my own." I said and Will let out a laugh before smiling.

"You will be nervous up until Isla goes into labor. Once she gives birth and they hand you your son or daughter that nervousness will go away and you will look at your child and you will be alright." Will said and I smiled before I felt a tear go down.

"I just wish mum was here," I whispered and I watched as my brother stared at me for a moment before nodding.

"So do I. But she's here. Always here with her little smirk." Will said and I smiled before a nurse knocked on the door.

"Your wife is asking for you three." The nurse said and we all stood up to follow her out and towards Isla's room.

"Isla!" Catherine said before she pushed her way from us and rushed to Isla who was sitting up in bed.

"You are supposed to be sleeping," I said as I pulled a chair to her left side.

"I got hungry and the food here sucks," Isla said earning me to smile as I grabbed her left hand and smiled.

"Well, you get to leave tomorrow. When we do. We get to tell the world we are expecting a little prince or princess." I said and Isla stared at me for a moment before smiling.

"I love you." She whispered and I nodded before kissing her hand.

"I love you more."

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