Chapter Seventy: A Press Release

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Isla of Sussex

I stepped out the truck with Harry before waving to the press. I followed Sarah inside before we got to the podium.

"Alright, we have five minutes. Isla you will do the talking while Harry and I stand behind you." Sarah said and I smiled.

"Don't worry. The only one that has to worry is Andrew because after this we are going to his hotel." I said before I saw the flash of the camera's before I stepped forward.

"Thank you all for those who are here today and for those watching online or on the television. My name is Isla and I am the Duchess of Sussex. When my engagement became public knowledge so did my entire life." I began as I stood up straight.

"Including the fact that when I was twenty-two I buried my only sibling because he crashed his car while he was drunk. But that recently has been proven wrong. My brother Andrew faked his death with the help of my father Andrew Richards." I added and everyone gasped.

"When I went to Sandringham with Her Majesty a women came up to me and said she had proof my brother was alive. She pulled out her cell phone and showed me a picture of my brother. So that it when I said I will find him and ask him why he did this."

"Before the wedding of Prince Guillaume to Princess Stephanie, I went and found him. I went with one of my friends and I confronted him and begged him to tell me why he left. He said he couldn't handle being a disappointment to our family. So he believed it would be best to disappear." I explained and I saw everyone zoom their cameras.

"He had told me he wanted to remain in the shadows. From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely apologize to Her Majesty and His Highness Prince Phillip for any inconvenience my brother has opposed to this family." I finished and I almost laughed as everyone jumped up and Sarah stepped towards me.

"Her Highness will now accept question only related to either her work and certain questions of her family."

"Did your mother know?" Someone called out and I shook my head.

"I wasn't the one to tell her. From what my mother said, my brother went to her job and nearly gave her a heart attack." I said and everyone chuckled.

"Will your brother be in your child's life?" Another said and I looked confused.

"Who said that?" I asked before I saw him.

"I did," Andrew said and I glared at him

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"I did," Andrew said and I glared at him.

"At the moment. No, you will not be in my child's life." I said before Harry stepped to me.

"We can leave if you want." He said and I shook my head.

"I will not be a coward," I said before I turned towards my brother.

"It is not being a coward Isla. It is showing him you are above all of this petty bullshit." Harry said and I took a deep breath before smiling.

"Thank you all for those who could tune in or be here. But I must leave now for I will be going to the University of Sussex to open a new building tomorrow and I still haven't packed yet." I said and everyone chuckled. I waved goodbye before I grabbed Harry's hand and we went towards the back.

"Really running away Isla? Weren't you throwing pictures at me in Luxemburg?" Andrew asked as he followed me outside.

"Cabrón! How dare you show up? I am trying to fix this mess." I hissed at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Didn't know I caused a mess? Honestly Isla, I didn't think people would notice me?"

"Notice you? If you haven't noticed your sister married into a royal family. With that comes people who will always follow your sister and your mum. My mum went through it and it caused so much damage to her. I remember hearing my parents argue because of those people who took your photo. I won't let you hurt my wife." Harry said and I quickly stood in between them

"Andrew, por favor."

"I wanted my sister back. That's why I came out of hiding. I remember when I watched your wedding online and I saw Theo and Maddy. I saw Theo standing with Prince Charles and him tearing up when he saw his Tia walking down the aisle."

"What about Maddy? Your wife if you haven't forgotten." I said and Andrew sighed.

"Maddy moved on with that guy named Ricky. All I want is for her to be happy." Andrew whispered.

"After Christmas then we will talk. But I will not let you stress me so much it will hurt my baby. It will take me a while to forgive you, Andrew." I said as I took Harry's hand and we walked outside to our car.

"That went really well. You are trending on twitter #Islabreakssilience." Sarah said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Sarah not now," I whispered and she nodded before putting her phone away.

"You handled when he walked in with grace." She added before Harry's phone began to ring and he answered it.

"She's right here. Hold on." He said before looking at me.

"Granny wants to speak with you." He said and I took his phone and pressed it to my ear.

"Your Majesty," I said and I smiled when I heard his voice.

"Isla, you did not have to apologize to us. I was shocked that you were so calm when he came into view. I would've thrown something if I was younger." She said and I snorted.

"Thank you, Granny," I said as I felt myself tear up and Harry pulled me into his arms.

"Do not be sad Isla. Yes you and your brother were close but he chose his bed and now he must deal with the consequences. I am very proud of you dear. Have a wonderful time in Sussex." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you. Goodbye, Your Majesty." I said before I ended the called and gave Harry his phone back.

"What did she say?"

"She said she's proud of me. I don't think I ever heard her say that to Kate." I whispered and Harry chuckled before we pulled into the gates of Keingston Palace.

"Well, you're different from Kate. Like I'm different from Will."

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