Chapter Twenty-Three: Christmas 2011

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Isla Richards

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Isla Richards

I frowned as Kate placed the stupid black pillar hat on my head before smiling at me. She went back to fixing my curls before turning me around, so I could see myself in the mirror.

"You look wonderful. Presentable." Kate said with a slight smile as she fixed her burgundy hat that was pinned to her head.

"Are the boys ready? I want to get this service over and done with." I said, and Kate nodded as she handed me my bag and we began making our way towards the entrance where Will and Harry were waiting with Prince Phillip.

"Don't you girls look beautiful," Phillip said as Kate and I walked closer and we bowed to him.

"Thank you." We both said as he kissed our cheeks before nodding at the boys and walking to for go find the Queen. I turned to Harry who grinned at me.

"You look beautiful. Beyond beautiful. My vocabulary is beating me in the head." He said as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"Thank you, my love. You look handsome." I said as I reached and fixed his tie.

"Come on you four. We need to head over to the church." Prince Charles said as he walked past us with Camilla. We all nodded before walking outside to Will and Kate's car. Harry held the door opened as I climbed into the car.

"Nervous?" Harry whispered, and I stared at him for a moment before nodding.

"Yes. I'm scared I might trip or say something stupid." I explained, and Harry shook his head as he reached over and grabbed my hand.

"You won't. I'll be there. Kate and Will are there. You'll be okay." He said as Will took off and followed his father as we drove towards the church. Spending Christmas at the Sandringham with the royal family was different than any other time.

When we arrived at the church Harry helped me out and I couldn't help but smile as the kids cheered for me. As we began following Prince Charles and his parents towards the church Kate squeezed my hand. As we got to the halfway mark every female in the family began earning flowers and when a little boy walked in front of me I smiled and bent down to his size.

"Merry Christmas Ms. Richards." He said as he handed me the bouquet of lilies. I grinned and smelled the flowers before smiling at him.

"Merry Christmas," I said before I stood up, grabbed Harry's hand and began walking to the steps. When we got to the last step the Queen turned around and Kate and I quickly dipped into a curtsy.

She nodded at me with a soft smile before she began leading us into the church with the Pastor. When we walked into the church I physically relaxed and couldn't help but laugh when Kate started laughing.

"Shush! The pastor is staring." Will said with a slight smile as we walked to our seats as the choir began to sing.


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