Chapter Seventy-Three: Christmas 2012

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Isla of Sussex

I sat next to Harry in the car with Charles and Camilla. We were finally at Sandringham and making our way to St Mary's Church.

"So William and Catherine didn't tell you guys they weren't coming?" Camilla asked and I shook my head.

"No, and they wouldn't answer our texts yesterday or the day before that," I said as I fixed my gloves.

"I will speak to William when he returns. He's under stress of Catherine being sick during the beginning of the pregnancy."

"Isla was sick as well if no one remembers. She fainted for the first three months. But no one does care because William will be king while we will just be the Duke and Duchess of Sussex." He said and I raised an eyebrow before turning to Charles.

"You two will forever be important in this family and to the world. No one can take that away. I was talking to Her Majesty and she wants you two, once the baby is around six months, to tour the entire United States." He said and I turned to Harry.

"Our first trip as a family is to the states. The entire states? We will be gone for months." I said and Harry cleared his throat.

"We could tour the states but we pick the states we want to go to. But when our baby is six months." Harry said and I raised my hands.

"Enough, we are here," I said before the car stopped. Since I was close to the door I was the one to climb out first. I waved to everyone and smiled when the called my name. I turned and smiled when Harry climbed out and I reached for his hand. He gladly took it before we made our way towards the rest of the family.

"Hello everyone," I said before I hugged Zara and Mike. Zara curtsied and I rolled my eyes before leaning towards her.

"Still hate the fact you all have to do that," I said before I saw Eugine and Beatrice walking towards us. The curtsied to me as well before hugging Harry and I.

"Are we all ready?" Charles asked and we nodded before falling in line and following him as we made our way to the church. Her Majesty and Prince Phillip will be here shortly. I smiled when I saw Father Lawerence and shook his hand.

"Wonderful to see you again, Your Highness." He said and I smiled at him.

"It is wonderful to see you as well Father. I look forward to today's service." I said and he nodded his head before pointing to my belly.

"The baby is supposed to be due Late March but like my doctor said babies choose when they come to the world," I said and Father Lawerence smiled.

"As stated in Psalms 127 verse 3,  Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." He said and I smiled before nodding at him and following Harry inside the church. I smiled at the page boys leading us towards our seat.

"Why do you always speak to the Father's when we come to church?" He said as he took his scarf off.

"Because growing up my grandmother would. She said it showed good faith to them." I said and he chuckled before rolling his eyes. I took my gloves off and smiled.

"Oh shut up and pay attention."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I smiled as I followed Her Majesty out of the church and nodded towards the Fathers.

"How did you like the service Isla?" Her Majesty asked as we began our walk to the public.

"I enjoyed the singing the most all the time," I said and she chuckled before I saw Harry walking towards me.

"I have a gift for you two."She said before she opened her purse and she handed Harry and I a piece of paper.

"What is this?" I asked and Her Majesty smiled.

"I have decided to give you two Craigowan Lodge. It is several bedrooms and it once belonged to your parents Henry." She said and I smiled as I looked up at Harry who was smiling.

"Thank you." He said and I bowed my head.

"Go, both of you and say hello to the people who have waited for us." She said and I smiled as I walked with Harry and went to the side and took my gloves off.

"Hello, thank you guys for coming today. You aren't cold?" I asked as I shook some of the people's hands.

"Not at all Your Highness. We've been looking forward to seeing you again." A woman said and I smiled.

"I know I took a break after the Christmas party to relax and rest for a bit," I said and the women smiled.

"Well thank you so much for coming today," I said before I went to another couple. I shook their hands and smiled when I stood to take a picture.

"Are you excited for your baby to come?" An older lady asked and I stopped and turned to her.

"Very, yesterday Harry and my mum were arguing about how to put together the cot. It was the funniest thing ever." I said and Harry rolled his eyes as he placed his head on my shoulder.

"It was not funny. I did not understand half the insults she threw at me." Harry said and I gave out a laugh.

"I said let me teach you Spanish but you didn't agree," I said and the older lady chuckled.

"You two fight just like my husband and I do." She said and I smiled before shaking her hand again and following Charles towards the end.

I smiled when we walked down the steps and Her Majesty began to walk towards her car. Harry grabbed my hand and we stood beside Charles and Camilia. When Her Majesty turned around I smiled before curtsying to her.

She smiled at me before she and Phillip got into the car and drove back to Sandringham. A car came for Charles and I waved to the crowd before climbing into the car and we began driving back.

"Where are we taking you two?" Camilia asked and I smiled at Harry.

"Craigowen Lodge. It's our now." I said and Charles smiled.

"I was wondering when Her Majesty would give that up." He said before he turned around and told the driver.  When the car stopped I smiled when I looked out the window.

"Welcome to your new home," Camilia stated.

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