Chapter Ten: Day Before the Wedding

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Isla Richards

I smiled as I walked into the hotel with Kate, her mother, and her sister. Last night was the bachelorette party and now I had a massive hangover.

"Does your head still hurt?" Kate asked after she checked us in and our bags were being taken up first.

"Yes. We need to hurry up and get to our rooms before these paps have a field day." I said and Carole nodded before we were quickly led towards the elevator and into the penthouse. I quickly threw myself on the couch and took my sunglasses off.

"No one told you to drink that entire bottle of vodka," Pippa said with a smile.

"Isla!" Carole scoled and I found myself shrinking into the couch.

"I just wanted to party. Also, Catherine didn't stop me from drinking that bottle." I said earning Kate to gasp at me before she turned to defend herself to her mother.

"Okay enough. Isla who is getting the church ready since you are here?" Pippa asked and I sat up with a smile on my face.

"Her Majesty is. She wants it a certain way and went to make sure it is done. Prince Phillip is at the castle instructing everyone on what needs to be done. Harry and William are with the cooks and soon Sarah will be here so we can go get the dresses." I said and Kate grinned.

"Can you believe I'm getting married tomorrow?" She asked with a smile as she sat down at the table.

"Took long enough if I can say so," Pippa said making me nod at her.

"True. I always thought you and Will would get married right after college." I added and Carole grinned at us.

"As did Micheal and I. They just needed a little more time to grow up." She said before the elevator dinged and we all turned to see Sarah walking in.

"Hello, ladies." She said as she walked past them and towards Kate.

"So! The car is ready downstairs who is coming to get the dresses?" Sarah asked and Kate stood up.

"I'll go. Mum, you and Pippa just stay here and get ready for later tonight." Kate said and her mother nodded before she began to walk to the elevator and Sarah and I jumped to rush after her.

Once we walked out the hotel the paps were on us like flies.

"Kate! Are you ready for your big day?"

"Isla, are you and Harry going to get married?"

Sarah opened the car door and rushed Kate and me inside before getting in herself before the car took off.

"Take the back street. Then once we get to the shop don't pull up front go to the back." I said and the driver nodded before I leaned back and rested my head on Kate.

"Are you ready for the stress to be over?" She asked and I found myself laughing.

"Honestly? Yes. I just want to sleep and relax." I said and Kate chuckled before patting my hand.

"Then after this wedding, everyone will want you," Kate said before the car stopped and I looked to see the dressmaker Sarah holding the door opened for us before we rushed out the car and into the shop.

"Thank you for that. Are the dresses ready?" I asked and she nodded with a smile.

"The most beautiful dresses I have ever made." She said before leading us towards the middle where three bags hung ready for us.

"Thank you. For everything." Kate said and Sarah nodded before shaking her hand.

"Good luck your Highness," Sarah said before my Sarah rushed and grabbed the bags before we were back to getting into the car and towards the hotel.

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