Chapter Forty-Four: Formal Dinner

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Isla of Sussex

I smiled as Carl held his hand out for me to grab. I happily took it thinking of how everyone would react to me.

"Which crown is that?" Carl asked as we all lined up to walk into the ballroom.

"Queen Mary's Fringe Tiara. On loan from Her Majesty." I said as he fixed his sash.

"Pull it a little to the left. Then it will be alright." I added and he stared at me for a moment and smiled. When the music began I stood up straight as we followed Victoria and Daniel who followed her parents into the ballroom.

I waved to the cameras as Victoria did as Carl led me to my seat. He held the seat out for me and I nodded my head in thanks before sitting down. King Gustav stood up and nodded.

"Everyone, thank you for coming here tonight. This week we have a guest with us. Please help me welcome Her Royal Highness Isla, Duchess of Sussex." He said and I smiled as I stood up and waved. Gustav held his hand out and I smiled as I walked over to the microphone. I bowed to him before standing up.

"Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, distinguished guests. Thank you for the wonderfully warm welcome I have received. Tonight's dinner will be especially memorable for me as this is my first royal tour.Your Majesties, I bring warm greetings from my Her Majesty, The Queen to you both and to the Swedish people. Her Majesty has very fond memories of her two State Visits to Sweden, and of hosting visits by Your Majesties and King Carl XVI Gustaf." I began with a smile.

"For the United Kingdom, our relationship with Sweden is extensive and very special. We are neighbours. We are allies. We are close partners in all sorts of enterprises. But above all, we are the strongest of friends. Geography and history have made Sweden and the United Kingdom not only North Sea neighbors, but the staunchest of allies." I added with a smile as King Gustaf smiled at me.

"Your Majesties, I am beyond pleased that my visit to Sweden is allowing us to meet so many Swedians who are thinking about our joint future. Sweden has been and will continue to be, enormously important to Britain both as a friend and a partner. Thousands of people across the North Sea in each direction every year. Friendship is the hallmark of what prompts them to make this journey. Your Majesties, thank you for your hospitality. We look forward to our two countries' friendship deepening even further in the years to come. Tack!" I said as I held up my glass of water. King Gustaf and Queen Silva stood up and nodded towards me before holding up their glasses. I nodded my thanks before making my way over to Carl who smiled.

"You did beyond amazing. I never saw my father smile like that when a visitor spoke." He said as the first course was passed out. It was, of course, a light salad with tomatoes. I waited for the King to take his first bit before following so.

The second course was grilled chicken, white rice, and a small portion of mash potatoes. I smiled as those were my favorite foods for now.

"We did our research with your brother in law," Daniel said with a smile.

"Well, thank you. Being pregnant my food taste has been crazy." I said with a laugh before I went back to eating. When I was done is when the music started.

"Your Highness, may I have this dance?" Carl said and I smiled as I took his hand and followed him onto the dance floor. He spun me around before we rocked to the music.

"Are you sad Harry isn't here?"

"No, he has a duty to his country. I can't be mad at him." I said with a smile. Carl gave me a little twirl.

"Are you getting dizzy?"

"I perfectly fine. My months of dizziness is over." I said before the song ended and everyone stopped. I clapped along with Victoria, Daniel, and Carl before I walked back into my seat.

"You seem tired. We only have one more hour." Madeline said.

"I'm not used to this. I'm slowly learning as I go on." I said as I held up my glass to the paps.

"Well, for your first speech you really did amazing. I hope Her Majesty is proud." She added and I smiled before reaching for my thick shawl.

"I am need of fresh air. Care to join me?" I asked and Madeline smiled before standing up and leading me out to a balcony.

"Does it ever get tired? Being put last?" She asked as waved to some citizens below.

"At times yes. But we have our own moments no one can ever take away."


"Me being pregnant first. This trip to Sweden. My wedding. When I give birth to my son or daughter. Their christening. We all have our moment." I explained as I rubbed her shoulder.

"It is alright to be angry when at times you are put last. But don't let that jealous or anger cloud everything. Because one day you will say something you will regret and it will be too late to take it back." I stated and Madeline smiled.

"Thank you, Isla. It means a lot to me." She said and I nodded before wrapping the shawl around me.

"I am getting cold. I'm going to go inside." I said before sneaking back inside.

"Isla, there you are," Victoria said and I stared at her for a moment.

"Yes, is something wrong?" I asked as I took my shawl off and placed it on the back of my chair.

"Nothing, I just wanted to say you did amazing for your first royal speech aboard. Tomorrow you are leaving with Madeline and Carl around eleven. Your breakfast will be in your room at nine. Is that alright?" She asked and I nodded.

"It is. Can you just ask if I can have grapes with my breakfast?"

"Of course. Some say a sign of eating fruit a lot during your pregnancy means you are having a girl." Victoria said and I smiled as I placed a hand on my stomach.

"Well we will know in about six month what I am having."

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