Chapter Forty-Nine: Sandringham With the Queen

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Isla of Sussex

I sat next to the Queen on the train. In less than an hour, we would be at Sandringham and I would begin my first engagement with the Queen.

"Isla, are you hungry darling?" The Queen asked and I shook my head.

"No, ma'am. Just thirsty."

"Get her a bottle of water please." She told the server before turning back to me.

"You don't have to be nervous. The people love you." She said.

"That's the nervous part. If I even mess up one time I am all over the papers." I said with a laugh.

"It is always like that. When I was a princess and joined the war to fix the trucks. My name was everywhere." The Queen explained and I let out a laugh.

"Your Highness." The server said before handing Isla her water.

"Thank you."

"Your Majesty we have twenty minutes before we arrive at the train station."

"Thank you. We are going to start getting ready." The Queen said. I watched as she stood up before following her. I walked over to Sarah who smiled before dusting powder over my face.

"You are going to be amazing. Remember any gifts give them to me."

"Sarah I know. This child is moving around like an animal." I said with a laugh before I smiled.

"Stay close," I added before the train slowed down. I walked towards the Queen and stood behind her. I smiled as the door was slide opened. I heard cheers and laughed softly as I watched the queen step down.

I stepped down after her before waving to everyone. I followed the Queen as she waved to everyone.

"Isla!" I heard a tiny child call out and I turned and smiled when I saw a little boy on his father's shoulders. The Queen nodded and I walked over to them.

"Hello," I said as I shook the father's hand before smiling at the little boy.

"I got this teddy for your baby. When I heard you were coming here I wanted to bring it to you." He said and I smiled as I grabbed the teddy.

"Oh thank you. It's lovely. I loved teddies when I was a little girl." I said before nodding my thanks as I turned to the Queen and walked to her.

"It's lovely. We are going to the estate in half an hour. Keep saying hello." The Queen said and I smiled before I watched the kids reaching to hand me flowers.

"Oh these are lovely," I said as twin boys handed me posies.

"You're welcome, your Highness." They both said as they bowed.

"Your Highness, how does it feel to be at Sandringham again since your engagement?" A reporter asked and I smiled.

"Wonderful, sometimes it slips my mind I was engaged for six months. But I love my husband so much all I could do that day was say yes." I said with a laugh.

"How are you feeling. We know next month you are going to go with the Earl and Countess of Wessex to the wedding of Prince Guillaume to his girlfriend Stephanie."

"I am feeling alright. I am just turning five months. I can't wait for the wedding and I can't wait to see my friends again."

"You are speaking of Crown Princess and Prince Victoria and Daniel. Prince Carl Phillip and Princess Madeline."

"I am. They were wonderful for me in Sweden. I'm sorry I can't say more. Have a good day." I said as I waved goodbye. I walked to another group of children.

"Oh you guys look so adorable," I said with a smile before I hugged all the kids. They showed me a picture of Harry and me from our wedding.

"Seems it was so long ago but it was only six months ago," I said with a laugh before they handed me the picture.

"Isla, we have to go," Sarah said and the children pouted.

"Oh, I will see you all tomorrow afternoon," I said as I waved goodbye before following the Queen towards the car.

"Isla, why don't you get in first." The Queen said and I tried not to look shocked before nodding. I waved to the crowd before turning and stepping into the car. I slide to my seat and smiled as the Queen joined me.

"I say Isla. You did a wonderful job. We are going to service in the morning and then leaving in the afternoon." She said and I nodded.

"Those children were so happy to see me. Does it ever stop?" I asked as we got onto the highway.

"Never. Ever since Diana died whenever the boys are together they always have a poster of her for them to see." The Queen said and I smiled.

It took fifteen minutes to reach this castle. The Queen got out first before nodding her head for me to follow her. I slid to the edge of the seat before climbing out. I heard the clicks of the camera and smiled as I followed the Queen to inside the gate. That's when the clicks stopped. I let out a sigh before walking inside.

"Your room is third on the left side. It's on the fourth floor. I know you are tired." The Queen said and I smiled before nodding at her before turning and walking up the stairs. Sarah was already on the second floor.

"How are you up here already? It took me forever." She said and I laughed before hooking my hand with her.

"Come on, I'm tired and I want this heels off," I said as we turned and walked up the third floor. After we got to the fourth floor I smiled as I opened the door and gasped at the room.

"Wow," I said as I stepped inside

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"Wow," I said as I stepped inside.

"Hmm, now I wonder who is the true favorite grand-in-law," Sarah said as she brought my bags inside.

"Oh shut up Sarah."

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