Chapter Fifty-Seven: Talking With the Queen

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Isla of Sussex

I opened the door to find William standing there with my favorite tea from Starbucks.

"Wow, you are now my favorite in-law," I said and Will laugh before I grabbed my keys and threw them into my purse.

"All right let's go," I said as we made our way to his car. I laughed as I saw the paps taking pictures and I turned to William who laughed.

"Ready?" I asked before he pulled me into a bear hug and I laughed before we ran for the cars.

"That'll be in the news forever." He said making me laugh as he backed up and took off on the highway. It took twenty minutes to get to the palace and outside waiting for us was Prince Phillip. I smiled before climbing out of the car and walking towards him.

I kissed both his cheeks before dipping down into a curtsy, I laughed when Phillip helped me back up because of my belly. William walked over before he bowed to his grandfather.

"How are you feeling? I thought you were going to fall." Prince Phillip said and I let out a laugh before I waved at the cameras.

"So did I. Being pregnant, my balance is horrible. I feel like I have none." I said and Phillip laughed before he nodded.

"Come Isla. Lizzie is waiting for you." He said and I nodded before following him into the palace and towards Her Majesty's office. When we got there I waved goodbye to Will before I made my way to the door. I knocked before I heard her say to enter. I curtsy before I stood up and she smiled at me.

"You look like you are glowing." She said and I smiled before I bent down and kissed both her cheeks.

"I wanted to tell you as you get to your pregnancy as your belly gets larger you don't have to do those deep curtsies anymore. Just cross the ankles and bend softly. We do not need you to harm the baby or yourself." She said and I nodded before I sat down on the couches with her.

"Henry was here for the first checkup, yes?"

"Yes, he wanted to see the baby before he had to leave," I said and the Queen nodded before smiling.

"Harry has three days off but he is in Scotland right now. In Inverness, he will get there tonight." She said and I felt myself smiling.

"Harry's here, I get to see Harry?" I asked and the Queen nodded before smiling.

"You two have a military outing where Harry awards newly soldiers for completely there first three tours. The rest of the time you two have together. You can bring your dog as well" She said and I hugged her before I quickly pulled apart.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so excited," I said and she nodded before standing up.

"I was too, I was pregnant with Charles and he went away drove me crazy. I'm thinking of letting Harry come home at the end of December." She said and I smiled before I stood up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you." I said before I kissed her cheeks and curtsied.

"Go pack Isla. So you can see your husband." She said and I smiled before I turned and walked out the door. William and Prince Phillip were waiting for me.

"Well, was it something bad?" Will asked as I went closer to them.

"No, she's letting me go see Harry," I said and Will smiled before he hugged me.

"That's wonderful. When do you have to leave?" He asked as we pulled apart.

"Tomorrow morning around six. I have to back though. I can't believe I am going to see Harry." I said with a smile before Prince Phillip nodded.

"She hated being pregnant and I wasn't there to help her. So I think using her own past helped this situation." Prince Phillip said and I smiled.

"Harry doesn't know I am going. We are keeping it a secret." I said and I saw Will's eyes fill up with tears.

"Oh, he is going to love that. I wish I could be there." He said and I smiled up at him.

"I wasn't going to come today. I had too much back pain but when you texted and said you have breakfast and tea for me I said fine I'll go. So thank you, Will. Now I get to see my husband."

Will smiled at me before a voice call for Phillip. I kissed both his cheeks before I bowed my head.

"Be careful ducky." He said before he walked away. I turned to Will who laughed.

"You finally get to see your husband." He said as we linked arms and began roaming the halls.

"I'm happy, yet scared at the same time. Will he be alone or will we have everyone there." I said as we got to the balcony.

"Hopefully you two will be only. Do you want to go home and start packing?" He asked before we saw the cameras and we both waved.

"Can we get something to eat first? I'm taking Bud with us." I said and Will laughed as some of the workers bowed to us.

"I can just imagine Bud with some vest that says Royal Family. Please take pictures." He said and I nodded as we got outside and went to the car as our personal guards held the paps back.

William took me to McDonald's and I smiled at the workers who said they loved my style.

"Thank you, but really all the credit goes to Sarah. She picks out everything." I said as I handed them the money before we drove back to my house.

When we parked the car Bud came running out of the house.

"Alright, alright. Go use the bathroom." I said as I lifted my food away from him and went to my house. Maddy was there.

"Maddy," I said and William's shot me a look before going to his house.

"Theo is at school, Kate told me you were seeing the Queen. She let me in." She said and I nodded before Bud came back.

"Let's go inside," I said before I closed the door behind me and sat on the couch.

"Maddy, when that women told me Andrew was alive I didn't believe her. Why let a rumor that wasn't true spread? But when I got to Luxembourg Carl found him." I said and Maddy stared at me waiting for me to keep going.

"So I left, without my guards and I found his house. He was waiting for me. Like he knew I was coming. I couldn't stand him justifying what he did. So I called you, after that, I smacked him and threw some photo at him before leaving. Maddy I am so sorry." I said and Maddy smiled before pulling me into a hug.

"I am not angry at you. I am angry at him. It was so hard explaining this all to Theo." She said and I let out a laugh.

"He then showed up at the wedding. I practically had to shove him in the limo." I said earning a laugh out of her.

"Before you left I wanted to tell you something?"

"What? Did something bad happened?"

"No, I met someone. His name is Ricky." She said and I smiled before pulling her into a hug.

"Maddy that's great. Do I get to meet him? Do the basic sister stuff, you break her heart I break you. But this time I can really mean it." I said earning a laugh out of her.

"You do when you get back from this trip. Which is?"

"I get to see Harry for three days," I said and Maddy gasped before clapping.

"Oh, that's wonderful."

"It is! I finally get to see my husband again."

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