Chapter Thirty-Eight: Royal Foundation

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Isla of Sussex

I smiled at Harry and I climbed out of the truck and waved to the bystanders. I would be announcing my addition to the Royal Foundation while Harry would be making a public apology for what happened in Frances. 

"It's rather chilly for June don't you think?" I asked as I pulled the jacket close. 

"Storm is coming. Bed all day?" He asked and I rolled my eyes before the director who handled things when we weren't here walked over to us and bowed. 

"It's wonderful for you all to join us. It's an honor to have you join the team, Your Highness." He said before he walked me inside. Their many men and woman were waiting for us and I smiled as they bowed to us. 

"Your Highness these are for you." A woman in a light brown dress said as she handed me red roses. 

"Thank you. These are lovely. What is your name?" I asked and she smiled before smoothing out her dress. 

"I'm  Major-General Alice Cooper man. I served in the army for five years. I just came home to get surgery." She said before she pulled her dress up a little and I saw a prosthetic leg. I smiled softly before looking at her and shaking her hand. 

"Thank you for your service ma'am. It means a great deal to me." I said as we all began walking. 

"Captain Nash ma'am, of the Royal Navy. Did you have a family member in the Army or Navy?" He asked. 

"My best friend Louis was in the army. We lived together for two years. I took care of the flat and I would wake up to him screaming from nightmares." I said with a frown before we all sat down. 

"Colonel Louis Hayne?" A man with an eye patch asked and I nodded. 

"How do you know his name?" I asked the man handed Harry a frame and I leaned over and gasped. 


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"Louis. He's here?" I asked and Alice shook her head. 

"No, ma'am. He is at the doctor's." 

"Louis Haynes. I remember him. Party animal." Harry said with a laugh as he grabbed my hand. 

"You joined the party. Don't blame us." I said with a laugh as I shrugged my jacket off. 

"It is time for your speeches." Captain Nash said as he offered me his arm and we made our way to what I believe is their ballroom. Captain Nash led me to the table before Harry joined me. 

"Nervous? First speech as a royal." He asked with a smile as he kissed my hand. 

"Kinda. Now I know Louis is alive. It makes me terrified." I said and he smiled before patting my hand. 

"The Royal foundation began last year with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge along with Prince Harry. We are proud to add Prince Harry's wife, the Duchess of Sussex." The director said and I nodded before making my way to the podium. 

"Before I even begin may I say to all of you thank you for your service to our nation. I personally know the aftermath of a person who has served. Being friends with the future king I have seen him go into battle and wait patiently with his then-girlfriend to see if she heard anything." I said with a smile. 

"You have all risked your lives protecting ours. One day when I have children I know they will follow their father and the other members of the family and enlist themselves. You have given everything and left with parts of your bodies missing. Your friends dying." 

"I am proud to be joining the Royal Foundation for the fact I will meet wonderful people like you. I will always be here as a shoulder to cry on or an ear you need to vent to. I thank you all for your services and I pray you all find the strength to get better." I finished and I heard one person clapping and I smiled when I saw Harry. 

I made my way back to the table and smiled as I saw Harry walk up. 

"When my brother, sister-in-law, and I formed this foundation I was a naive Prince. It was until I meant my wife that I felt I could change. During the third day of our honeymoon, I left my sick wife alone and went to get drunk." Harry began and I found myself staring at my ring. 

"I publicly say that to my wife and woman I love I am so sorry. I never meant to embarrass you. To my father, brother, and my mother who I know for a fact is shaking her head at me I am sorry for embarrassing and shaming you. To Her Majesty The Queen, I know I truly know that what I did will take time to forgive but I take responsibility for my actions and hope I can get your trust back." Harry said before he cleared his throat and wiped his eyes. 

"To my wife, Isla, you have been there since you met William at University and have always told me the truth no matter how bad it hurt me. When you didn't say a single word I knew how disappointed you were and I hope and pray you forgive me. Thank you." 

I smiled before I stood up and clapped for my husband before everyone joined us. As Harry began to walk over to me I felt myself get dizzy and I frowned. 

"Honey?" Harry said before he rushed over and grabbed my hand. 

"I don't feel good. Somethings wrong." I whispered before I fell backward and Harry caught me. 

"Call for help!" Harry yelled as he began to fan me and everyone ran to find a phone. 


"No, save your energy." 

"I can't. I need to say this. I think I'm pregnant." I said before my eyes rolled to the back of my head and everything went black. 

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