Chapter Twenty-Seven: Visiting the Children's Hospital

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Isla Richards

I sat in the car with Harry as we pulled into the hospital and he stared at me for a moment before smiling. 

"My mum loved to come see the children in the hospital." He said and I smiled before the car stopped. 

"I'm happy to help you finish her work," I said before he got out of the car and made his way over to my side before helping me out. 

"Isla!" Many of the paps yelled and I waved to them before Harry and I walked into the hospital where we were met by the chief Dr. Baldwin. 

"Welcome your highness, we are beyond honored that you two chose to continue the late Princess Diana's work." Dr, Baldwin said and Harry smiled before shaking his hand. 

"My mother valued her work with children. It is something I have been wanting to continue and I am beyond excited that my fiance can help me." Harry said earning Dr. Baldwin to turn to me and shake my hand. 

"Your mother would be proud. I was just a resident when she came here. But follow me to the children's wing." Dr. Baldwin said as he turned and we quickly followed him. 

I felt Harry tense as he saw some people taking our pictures. When we stepped into the children's wing I smiled when I saw a little girl wearing a small nightgown and a mask covering her face. She was holding a bouquet of white roses for me. 

"Are these for me?" I asked as I stepped away from Harry and bent down to the girl's size. 

"Yes, Ms. Richards. I picked them out myself." She said as she placed them in my hand.

"Why thank you. What's your name?" I asked as I sniffed the roses. 

"I'm Lily!" She said with a smile before she coughed a little. I picked two of the roses out and handed them to her. 

"Well, I pray you get better Lily," I said before I stood up and made my way back to Harry. 

"You are both free to wander around this wing. The children's have set up a little area with juice and cookies for you two." Dr. Baldwin said and I smiled at him. 

Harry took the lead to a little boys room which was covered with superheroes. 

"Prince Harry!" The boy said and I looked at the bed and saw him hooked up to so many machines. 

"Aaron! I told you that I would come and see you again!" Harry said as he hugged the mother hello before doing a small handshake with the boy. 

"You did, and you brought Isla!" Aaron said and I found myself smiling as I walked towards the little boy. 

"Hello, Aaron," I said and he smiled before Harry helped him sit up.

"Harry told me he would bring you here. I wanted to meet you before I died." Aaron said and I raised an eyebrow before turning to his mother. 

"Aaron has leukemia. It has been taking him quickly. He wrote to His Majesty and ever since they have always talked to each other." His mother explained and I smiled before turning back to Aaron. 

"I had a cousin who had leukemia as well. She was older than you though." I said with a smile. 

"I have been fighting this since I was four. I'm ten now." Aaron said and I watched as Harry wiped a tear away. 

"Well Aaron you have been a very strong boy. Much like Batman if I say so." I said and I watched as he grinned before grabbing my hand. 

"I heard you and Harry are getting married. I want, if you can, that day just a moment for me."  He said and I smiled. 

"Of course we will. Aaron you so strong. Don't give up hope." I said before I leaned down and kissed his forehead. 

"I'll see you later Aaron," Harry said before he grabbed my hand and we walked down the hallway to the playroom where many children were at. 

"Prince!" Some of the girls yelled and I laughed as they dragged Harry to play with them. 

I laughed before setting my flowers and purse down and sat down next to two boys who were building something with Legos. 

"Hello, boys," I said and they looked up and smiled at me. They bowed their heads and the little boy with blonde hair went back to playing. 

"That's Jaden. He can't talk." The boy with pure black hair said. 

"Why can't he talk?" 

"He had surgery in his throat for his tumor." The boy said before he stopped and tilted his head. 

"I'm Micha." He whispered as he held out his hand and I shook his. 

"I'm Isla. I am the fiance to Prince Harry." I said and his eyes lit up. 

"So you are going to be a princess?" He asked and I shooked my hand. 

"No. I will be a duchess. It's similar to a princess." I said before Jaden handed me some of their legos. I smiled as I began to make a car I saw my nephew make so many times. 

"How do you know how to make that?" Micha asked. 

"I have a nephew named Theo. He is eight and loved to play with Legos." I said making them smile. 

"Ms. Richards. May we take a picture?" One of the professionals asked and I turned to Micha who was already movie towards me. Jaden shrug before smiling. The woman took the picture before turning and walking away. 

"Thank you for letting me play with you," I said before Micha wrapped his arms around me and hugged. 

"Thank you for playing. Our mummy doesn't visit much. Only daddy." He said and I tried not to gasp. 

"Jaden is your brother?" I asked and he nodded. 

"He had a tumor is his throat while I have one in my head. Mum gets sad." He said and I smiled before bowing my head. 

"You and your brother are going to get better. I swear to you." I whispered before I saw Harry walking towards me. I waved goodbye to the boys before grabbing my things and Harry pulled me into a hug. 

"Let's go meet with the head doctors

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"Let's go meet with the head doctors." I said with a smile before I grabbed his hand and began leading him to the meeting room. We sat down first and the other doctors followed in and smiled at us. 

"We hope that you two enjoyed meeting the children." The Head of Peds said. 

"We did. The children are adorable." I said as I reached over for my ring. 

"But I had one problem." Harry began and I turned to him confused. 

"I propose that for the children whose parents can't come every day we hire retired grandparents to come and speak with them," Harry said and I smiled before The Head of Peds, Dr. Torres, agreed. 

"It shall be done, Your Highness." She said with a smile before the other doctors clapped. I believe boys like Jaden and Micah will enjoy seeing people even if they aren't their mum. 

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