Chapter One Hundred and Three: George's Christening

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Isla of Sussex

October 23rd, 2013

I watched as Harry rushed to pick up Diana and get her shoes on as she tried to crawl away from him.

"We have at least three more months before George starts crawling," Kate said as she bounced George in her arms.

"It blows my mind my daughter is now six months old about to be seven," I stated as I fixed my hat and stood up.

"Alright, everyone. Let's get going." Charles said as he peaked his head inside the room. I walked towards Harry as we all got into line with us behind Kate and Will who were behind Charles and Camilla.

We walked the same way we did during Diana's christening and waiting for us were Her Majesty, Prince Phillip, and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Harry handed me, Diana, as he bowed to his grandmother and kissed her cheeks. I stood in front of her and curtsied before kissing her cheeks.

"Hello, Your Majesty. How are you?"

"I'm well Isla, thank you. Hello, little Di." Her Majesty said as she caressed Diana's cheek before I turned to Phillip and bowed my head.

"Hello, Ducky. Hello, Di-Di." He said and Diana looked at her great-grandfather before she grinned and reached for him.

Phillip laughed as he took Diana from me and we all followed the Archbishop inside the church. Waiting inside was the rest of the godparents along with Kate's family.

I followed Kate as she went to say hello to her parents and Pippa pulled me into a hug.

"You all look wonderful and look at how big Diana is!" She said and I laughed softly.

"I know! I was saying earlier how I can't believe she is six months old."

Carole smiled as she stood up and kissed my cheek.

"Enjoy it while you can. Because then they get older and never want to be near you." She said and I let out a laugh before I turned and sat down beside Harry.

I watched Diana as she reached up and pulled on Phillips' nose. He laughed at her for a moment before taking her hand away and shaking his head softly.

"She loves her Poppa," Harry said to me before the children began singing and I looked down at the program.

Once the Archbishop raised his hands the singing stopped and he turned to all of us.

"Here we are again. Three months later celebrating the life of another precious baby." He began and I smiled softly.

"Here today we are to christen George Alexander Louis. Catherine and William may you please bring the child forward."

I watched as Kate stood up and the two of them brought little Georgie over to the Archbishop and he quickly took the baby into his arms.

"May you call the godparents forward."

"Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, William van Cutsem, Zara Tindall, Julia Samuel, Emilia Jardine-Paterson, Isla of Sussex, Earl Grosvenor, and Oliver Baker," William called out and I stood up and followed Zara up to the front and stood in front of the fountain.

"People of God will you welcome this child and uphold them in their new life in Christ?" He asked and I smiled as I watched George look around.

"With the help of God, we will." We all responded and the Archbishop smiled as he turned to George who stared at him.

"Christ claims you as his own. Receive the sign of the cross." He said as he picked up some holy water in his hand drizzled some of George's forehead who just blinked at him.

"I baptize you in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

"Amen," I whispered and I watched as Kate brought George back into her arms as the Archbishop began praying. Once he was done praying we were all allowed to go back to our seats.

I sat beside Harry and reached for his hand as I watched Diana turn to her great-granny and reach for her. I watched for a moment as Her Majesty stared at Diana for a moment before she scooped her into her arms.

I looked back at Harry who raised an eyebrow but smiled.

"She doesn't do that? Does she?" I asked and Harry shook his head.

"She doesn't publicly show affection. It's what her parents have shown her." He whispered before the singing began again.

"Breathe on me, Breath of God, until my heart is pure." I sang softly as I stared at Harry for a moment. Three months ago we sat here christening Diana and singing along to a different song.

Soon we will all be at the Christening for Zara's baby. Once the song was finished everyone clapped signaling the end of the christening. I watched as Her Majesty handed Diana back to Phillip before we stood up and following her to the back room where we would take photos.

"Can I take a photo with my nephew?" Harry asked and William chuckled before handing George over to him. I took my phone out and quickly snapped the photo before I looked down at George and kissing his forehead.

"Madrina loves you, baby boy," I whispered before we were told where to stand for the photos.

"Do you want me to take her back?" I asked Phillip as I watched him rock her back and forth.

"No need Ducky. Diana and Poppa are having their fun." He said and I stood beside Harry as we stood behind William and began taking photos.

We then all moved down as the Middleton family came in and we took more photos.

I heard Diana let out a cry and I looked to see her pulling away from Phillip. I stepped back before I took her into my arms.

"Shh, it's alright mama," I whispered as I laid her in my arms and rocked her softly.

"Is she tired?" Harry asked as he moved towards us.

"I think so. She woke up at seven when we did." I said as everyone broke apart.

"Well, at least she lasted until right now. I thought she would've thrown a fit when they poured the water over George." Harry said making me laugh softly.

"Georgie is her best friend."



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@DailyMailLondon: Prince George's christening has taken place. After the Royal Family released photos the Sussex's released this photo of George and Harry. As we all know Isla was named as one of Prince George's godmothers.

It was reported that Princess Diana of Sussex was also at the christening and spent the entire time with Her Majesty and Prince Phillip who are known to her as her Poppa and Great-Granny.

Isla and Harry both posted this photo and signed off saying they loved him. Usually, they do not control over their social media accounts.

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