Chapter Ninety-Eight: A Funeral

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Isla of Sussex

September 11th, 2013

I have always hated funerals. Ever since I was a little girl and had to attend my grandfathers funeral. Then my mother's mother two years later. When I was ten I buried my father's father and then a year before Andrew 'died' we buried his mother.

I hated funerals.

But as a royal sometimes you had to go to funerals to represent the Queen. Today I was joining Harry, William, Charles, and Camilla at the funeral for Hugh van Cutsem.

"Why are we going to this again?" Harry asked as he slipped his coat on.

"He has been your father's friend since they were in University together. Some say they were like brothers. So we go to pay our respects." I said as I finished buttoning up my coat before I slipped my rings on.

Harry handed me my hat and I placed it on my head before looking up.

"We both hate funerals though. The last one you went to was your brothers right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Turns out he wasn't really dead. At least this time we know." I said as I stood up and grabbed my clutch. Harry led me outside where William was waiting for us in a car.

"So where is the funeral at?" I asked as we climbed into the car and I kissed William's cheek.

"In Brentwood Cathedral in Essex," William said as the car began to move. I moved back in my seat and let out a sigh in relief.

"I can rest for a little while we drive."

It took half an hour to get to the Cathedral. When the door opened William climbed out of the car first before Harry climbed out. He turned around and offered his hand to me and I gladly took it.

Waiting for us before we went inside was both Charles and Camilla.

"You look, lovely dear," Camilla said as I kissed both her cheeks.

"Thank you. This is actually one of the coats Catherine bought me." I said as I smoothed out the ends. Harry smiled as he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

"I tried to tell her she looks beautiful in anything." He said and Charles chuckled.

"What did he do?" He asked as we all turned and began to make our way inside the church.

"He didn't do anything that I know of." I said as Charles shook hands with the Bishop of Brentwood. I accepted one of the programs and smiled when I saw the song they chose.

"Pie Jesu." I whispered thinking back to when my mom sang this song when my brother 'died'. I shook hands with the Bishop before we were led to the front of the church. We sat behind Emilie who smiled when she saw Charles.

"Charles. Boys. Thank you all so much for coming today. It would've met the world to Hugh to know you all came." She said as Charles hugged her.

"Uncle Hugh was a funny man. I'm sure he is at peace now." Harry said as he kissed her cheeks and went to sit down.

"Isla! I didn't know you were coming here today." Emilie said as I kissed her cheeks.

"I wanted to come and pay my respect to Hugh. He was very kind to me those times I met him." I said and she smiled.

"Oh loved you and baby Diana. He was so excited to meet her. I know he is up there with Princess Diana." She said and I smiled as I held her hand and went to sit down. In front of us was Edward and Hugh Ralph.

"Isla, a bit of help?" He asked as he held up baby Charles. I laughed as the baby came jumped into my arms. I sat down and fixed his little coat before the music began playing.

"Do you think they know?" Harry whispered as he moved his head to the music.

"Know what?" I asked as I laid Charles down in my arms and was rocking him softly.

"That their grandfather is gone."

"I think Jake, Grace, and Rafe know. But they won't say anything to the younger ones. But as they get older maybe they will explain more." I said as I looked at Harry.

"My greatest fear as a child was losing my maternal grandmother Helena. She was my mom." I whispered and Harry nodded as he looked forward.

"After mum died, my biggest fear was losing Grandad. It's why I spend so much time with him. He isn't getting any younger." Harry said and I nodded.

"I know honey. That's why we cherish the time we have with them now." I said as I looked down at little Charles.

"This is why I love you. Because of your knowledge." He said and I rolled my eyes. Soon the piano began playing and I looked down at the program and smiled.

"Loving Jesus, Who takes away the sins of the world, Give them rest. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Give them rest, Everlasting Rest." We all sang before the Bishop raised his hand to silence us.

"We all join together to say our final goodbyes to Hugh van Custem." He began as I rested my head on Harry's shoulder.

"Is this the part you hate?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No, I hate everything about a funeral."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked out of the church behind William and Harry still holding little Charles in my arms.

"I'm surprised he slept this long." Hugh Ralph said as he stepped closer to me.

"I have the magic touch with the babies. When Diana starts crying and I hold her for a moment and then she stops." I explained making him laugh as he took Charles out of my arms.

"It means a lot for you and Harry to come here today." He said and I smiled.

"We would be here in a heartbeat. You know this." I said as I hugged him goodbye.

"See you later Isla." He said and I smiled as I waved goodbye to everyone and followed Harry into the car. He held the door open for me and I quickly climbed into the car.

"You did wonderfully," Harry whispered and I smiled as I turned to him.

"So, Alice is watching Diana for the rest of the day. Do you want to celebrate your birthday early?" I asked and Harry chuckled.

"Good thing William took the car with Dad and Camilla."



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September 15th, 2013

The Duchess of Sussex wishes a happy birthday to her husband Prince Harry. She posted on her Instagram a picture of the pair during their engagement period. Happy Birthday Your Royal Highness!

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