Chapter Thirty-Five: Back Home

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Isla of Sussex

I smiled as I climbed out of the plane with Harry by my side. Harry grabbed my hand making me smile before we waved to everyone. After a couple of seconds, Harry began to lead me down the stairs.

"Are you excited to be back home?"

"Isla how did you feel about your husband getting drunk while you slept at home?"

I felt Harry tense beside me before I dragged him to the car that was waiting for us. Harry helped me into the car before getting in and we took off back to the castle.

"Harry?" I whispered but he shook his head.

"I apologized for that. You forgave me. Why can't they understand?" He whispered making me sigh.

"Your grandmother is still upset. I believe that's why." I stated before I turned and looked out the window.

"I'm sorry." He whispered as he reached over and grabbed my hand.

"I know," I said before I started waving to the people who were lined up by the castle. When we finally parked Harry helped me out of the car before we stood and waved to everyone.

"Bud!" I heard someone call out and we both turned to see our dog running towards us.

"Bud!" Harry yelled as our dog tackled him. I heard everyone laughing before I helped Harry up and smiled at Bud.

"Come on boy. We need to go inside." I said with a smile as we walked to the door where Kate, William, Prince Phillip and Camilla were waiting for us.

"It's so wonderful that you two are home!" Kate said as she pulled me into a hug.

"I've missed you guys!" I said before we broke apart and Phillip smiled at me. 

"Welcome home Ducky." He said as he kissed my forehead before hugging me. I laughed as Will brought me into a hug before we pulled apart and I saw Phillip giving Harry a look. 

"Your grandmother and father wish to speak with you," Camilla said and Harry nodded. 

"Will, can you help Isla bring everything to the house?" Harry asked as he handed his brother his two suitcases. I frowned as I grabbed Bud's leash and started to make my way to our small apartment. 

"What happened?" Will asked as he grabbed my bags and put them in my room. 

"I don't know. I wasn't feeling good after we went out for snails so I said I was going to bed. I thought he was going to come with me but I woke up to the paps calling my room." I said as I filled up Bud's water and turned to them. 

"How did they get your room number?" Kate asked as she handed me a cup of tea. 

"I guess from Harry. I went downstairs to grab him from our private guards. He was so drunk I forced him to sleep on the couch." I hissed as I took my heels off and sat down. 

"He used to drink so many years ago. I thought he stopped." Will said and I frowned before Bud whined and jumped up onto my lap. 

"Have you said anything to him?" 

"No, the next day Charles called demanding to speak to him.  I never had the chance." I said before someone knocked earning us all to jump. William went to open the door and I smiled seeing Charles and Harry. 

"Charles," I said as I stood up and hugged him. 

"You look a little tanner. I just wanted to speak to you and Henry alone for a moment." He said and I saw William freeze. 

"That's fine. When you are finished with them send them over. We cooked dinner." Kate said as grabbed Will's arm and dragged him out the apartment. 

"Come sit," I said before Harry grabbed my arm and we sat down on the big couch. 

"As you know Isla Harry's actions weren't of a Duke during your honeymoon in Paris. My mother has offered this. You join Harry, William, and Catherine in their Royal Foundation. Later this week you and Harry will go and both give a speech. You introducing yourself while Harry apologizes." Charles said and I frowned.

"There's more. What else?" 

"I am to be shipped out back to the army early November," Harry said and I had to clench my hands in order not to cry. 

"That's in five months. When will you come back?"

"Early February," Charles answered. 

"Four months without my husband," I whispered as Bud whined and put his front paws on my lap. 

"I'm sorry," Harry said as he went to grab my hand and I quickly stood up. 

"I am going to walk bud around the castle. Excuse me." I said as I snapped my fingers and Bud followed me to the door where I slipped my heels on and walked outside. 

"Isla! Isla!" A voice yelled out to me and I turned to see Kate. 

"Honey, what happened?" She asked as she guided me to a bench and Bud went to chase Kate's dog Lupo around. 

"Harry is being sent back to the military for four months in November," I whispered and she gasped before clearing her throat and grabbing my hand. 

"He must pay for his actions but not when they hurt you as well. William and I will always be there for you. No matter what." She said making me smile as I leaned against her shoulder 

"Thank you," I said before our dogs ran back to us. 

"I don't know what I would do without you." 

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