Chapter Seventy-Six: Visit the Headquarters of Child Bereavement

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Isla of Sussex

Today is my birthday, March 15th and I am twenty-nine years old. We were supposed to go with Catherine and William to the Headquarters in four days but Her Majesty thought since the two brothers were still fighting we shouldn't go together.

The car stopped and I smiled as Harry slid out the car first and I followed after him. I heard everyone cheer and I waved to the crowd before I turned to Dr. Su Laruent and shook her head.

"It is wonderful to have you two here today. Happy Birthday Your Royal Highness." She said and I smiled as my hands dropped to my purse.

"Thank you. I can't believe I'm twenty-nine." I said and she smiled.

"Well, if you two are ready then we can begin our tour." She said and Harry nodded before he offered his hand to me and we followed Dr. Su inside the building. I waved to the kids who were gathered around the doors waiting for Harry and me.

"I will give you guys a grand tour of the building and then some of the children want to take you separate and speak to you both." She said and I nodded as I took a deep breath.

"If at any moment you can't handle it just tell me," Harry whispered in my ear and I shook my head.

"I'm okay," I said before we turned a corner and I saw a therapy room.

"We have two different types of therapy room. One for our smaller children who don't quite understand what is happening and we break it down for them. Over there in the corner, we have a puppet corner which we conduct little plays for them to understand. Then they can draw us a picture of how they are feeling today." Dr. Su explained before we moved to the other side.

"These are for our children from the age of ten to eighteen. They understand more and they have therapy and groups they could be with." She said and I turned back to the smaller area.

"Has their parents told them they are dying?" I asked and Dr. Su nodded.

"Yes, some overhear it by accident while others had begged their parents to tell them. Most cases we tell them when the parents don't have the heart." She said before she nodded for Harry and me to follow.

"Here are our nurse's office. Some children are on oxygen and go through treatments. Most of the time they lose their breath easily and come here to relax. Then across from the nurse's office is our library. Our older kids like it better just to be by themselves and read a book or two. We currently have a competition going on to see how many books they can read in a month." She said before we opened the door and walked in.

"When I was a little girl I would beg my mum to take me to the bookstore or to the library and I would take three or four books at a time," I said and Dr. Su laughed.

"That is like our newest member Elizabeth Ruiz. Elizabeth? Can you come here for a moment?" Dr. Su called out and I watched as a small child with curly black hair came running towards Dr. Su.

"Elizabeth I would like you to meet Prince Harry and Princess Isla." Dr. Su said and Elizabeth smiled.

"It is very nice to meet you two." She said and I bent down in front of her and she threw herself in my arms.

"You remind me of this little girl named Emily over at the Children's Society," I said and I heard Harry chuckle as he bent down beside me.

"We heard you like to read a lot." He said and Elizabeth nodded.

"I read when I don't want to be reminded that I am dying of leukemia." She said and I frowned.

"How old are you?"

"I am six years old. My birthday is in June." She said and I chuckled before I stood up and gave my bag to Sarah.

"Well, how would you like to come on the tour with us?" Harry asked and Elizabeth squealed before nodding.

"Can I Dr. Su?"

"Of course Elizabeth. But make sure to stay with either Harry or Isla." She said and Elizabeth turned to me and I gladly picked her up and we followed Dr. Su to the gym.

"Here is where the children love to be the most. We can barely drag them away from here." She said and I placed Elizabeth on my hip before I watched the children play dodgeball.

"Oh good lord. I hate dodgeball." I said and Harry chuckled.

"I love dodgeball. If we have a son he will play every sport that we can afford." He said and I rolled my eyes before the game ended.

"Now this is where you two will be split up. In the end, we will all come back together." Su said and I nodded before walking with Elizabeth towards the rock climbing wall.

"Are you guys having fun?" I asked as one boy got to the top and rang the bell.

"Yes, I would ask if you want to do it but you seem heavily pregnant." A girl said and I laughed before placing Elizabeth down and she ran off.

"Well I am due at the end of the month so yes I am heavily pregnant," I said and the girl laughed before sticking out her hand.

"I'm Jaslene. I'm fifteen and my son is dying." She said and I froze for a moment.

"You have a son?"

"Yea, he is a year old. Light of my eyes." She said and I smiled as my hand went protectively around my stomach.

"Do you know what you are having?"

"No, and it kills me not to know. I can't wait for this little nugget to be here." I said and she laughed.

"Do you like kids?"

"I love them. For some reason beyond my knowledge children are drawn to me. When I visited the Children's Society I met this baby and all I wanted to do was console it. They had told me the baby didn't like anyone but when I held it I felt beyond happy." I explained and Jaslene smiled.

"I was fourteen when I got pregnant and gave birth. Dad and step-mum kicked me out. Mum took me in. When I was pregnant I found out Leo had a heart problem. His heart was failing him. My mum told me about this place that helps you."

"I am so sorry Jaslene. I cannot begin to try to relate but I can always be a shoulder to cry on." She said and Jaslene smiled before she looked over to the little ball area where the babies were.

"I love my son but at times I wish he didn't suffer." She whispered and I nodded before placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Every mother's wish is to protect their child from pain. Sometimes we can't and that is perfectly okay." I whispered before I heard people singing.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Isla, Happy birthday to you!" They sang and I turned to see Harry wheeling in a cake that was lit with candles.

"Harry!" I said and he smiled before stopping in front of me.

"Make a wish love. It's your birthday." He said and I laughed before holding my hair back and blowing all twenty-nine candle's out. Harry dipped his finger in the frosting and wiped it on my nose.

"Happy birthday baby." He whispered before he kissed me softly.

"So what did you wish for?" A little girl asked as Dr. Su and Jaslene began passing out the cake.

"Now if I saw it will it come true?" I asked and everyone laughed. I wrapped my arms around Harry and smiled.

"Plus, I already have everything I want."

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