Chapter Seven: Family

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Isla Richards

I laughed as Sarah paced in the office waiting to see if the Queen finally approved the last guest list we sent her. 

"Sit down woman. You're giving me a headache." I said with a small laugh. Soon my phone rang and I jumped to grab it. 


"Yes, good morning Ms. Richards. A woman is here to speak to you. Would you like me to send her up?" Guard James asked. 

"Yea sure. Send her up." I said with a shrug before I hung up the phone and Sarah dashed out to get tea. A knock came to my door and when I opened it I gasped when I saw my sister in law Maddy and my nephew Theo. 

"Maddy? Theo?" I whispered and Maddy let out a laugh

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"Maddy? Theo?" I whispered and Maddy let out a laugh. 

"A year goes by and I get a call from the prince saying you couldn't find us." She said making me laugh as I threw my arms around her and hugged her. 

"Come in! My assistant went to get tea! Sit!" I said as I shoved them inside. 

"Oh, Theo! You grew so much!" I said with a smile as my nephew hugged my leg. 

"I've missed you Auntie Isla!" He said and I grinned hugging him back. Sarah came in with the tea before turning to me. 

"Christopher said I have to go get the list back from him." She said and I nodded. 

"It's alright. I'm fine." I said with a grin before she walked out. Once the door was closed I turned to Maddy who was giving Theo a cookie. 

"It's been a year and you die your hair black," I said and she turned to me laughing. 

"Well, your brother always loved me with this hair color. After he died I wanted to change it back." She explained and I stared at her before smiling. 

"Have you heard from my parents after the funeral?" I asked and she shook her head. 

"Not until you were on the news. They called asking if you had told me. I said I tried to reach you but your number changed." Maddy said and I nodded. 

"Royal rule. I had to change my number. Theo, if you wipe your hands on my chair I will hit you." I said and I saw him staring at me before laughing. 

"You could always spot him doing things. Better than Andrew or I." Maddy said and I stared at her before smiling. 

"I am so sorry that I left. It's just I couldn't handle my parents after so long." I said and she nodded before handing Theo his toys before turning to me.

"I understand. Andrew only dealt with them for Theo's sake. I know how you felt. I just wish you didn't fall out of contact with me." Maddy whispered and I smiled as I reached over and grabbed her hand. 

"I'm here now. I know your number and there is no way I'm letting you go." I said and she grinned at me before someone cleared their throats and I turned to see Harry making me grin. 

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