Chapter Seventy-One: Opening the Business Building at University of Sussex

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Isla of Sussex

I walked down the stairs of the plane with Harry in front of me as we have just landed in Sussex.

"Hello, Your Highnesses." Martin Richards said as we both shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet another Richard in the world," I said and he let out a laugh before he handed me a bouquet of lilies.

"It's nice to meet another Richard in the world," I said and he let out a laugh before he handed me a bouquet of lilies

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"It is with great honor for us to host the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, here in Sussex." He said and I smiled before Harry and I followed him to the standard issue car waiting for us. Harry let me climb in first and I relaxed a little when the door closed.

"Your first opening as a royal. Nervous yet?" He asked and I glared at him.

"Bastard now I am," I said and he laughed before grabbing my hand.

"Don't be. The people love you." He said before the car stopped and I saw the University there.

"Well, I hope they love me now," I said before Harry climbed out and I slid to the end of the seat and placed both feet on the ground before getting out the and shook hands with Chancellor Bhaskar.

"Your Highness it is an honor for both of you to be here. It is a greater honor for you to reopen our business building." He said and I smiled.

"The honor is all ours. I took business for my major in University and I believe everyone should at least take one business class throughout their first four years." I said and the chancellor smiled.

"I like you. You're funny." He said and I laughed before Harry and I followed him into the Quad.

"Well, let's getting this opening over with before we have a tour of the building." He said and I nodded before looking at Harry who shrugged.

"Just go with him. I'm here to be arm candy." He said and I laughed as I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together.

"Arm candy who will be holding my clutch as Sarah is out sick," I said and he rolled his eyes. Chancellor Bhaskar led us to the mini stage and the three of us climbed onto it before he went to the microphone.

"Attention all! We have the great honor of having Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Sussex being here with us today as the Duchess opens our new building. Please help me welcome Isla, Duchess of Sussex." He said and I smiled as Harry took my clutch out of my hands and clapped loudly as I stepped towards the mic.

"Thank you Chancellor Bhaskar. Hello, University of Sussex students and staff. I remember my first day of University and how nervous I was. But I had already known my major and I had to prepare myself for the classes." I began as everyone stared at me.

"I chose Business as my major for the fact I was good with running a business. During secondary school, I helped all my friends' parents plan the parties. So I knew I was good at it. All of you will be an amazing business major and going on to the career you want. I will make this short and simple. Your motto is Be Still and Know. Know in your heart no matter what I am rooting for each and every one of you." I said and everyone cheered.

"Now, let's get down to business. See what I did there?" I said and Harry snorted before I walked down the steps to the red ribbon.

"I declare this building is now open," I said as Harry handed me scissors and I cut the ribbon making everyone cheer. I shook hands with the Chancellor before the door opened and I grabbed Harry's hand.

"At St. Andrew our business department wasn't this fancy. I remember the countless nights at the library with Kate as we struggled through our history classes." I said and Harry laughed.

"I used to spend a lot of nights parting instead of studying before I said I'm done and started picking up some of my mother's old work." He said before we stood in front of the stock market screen.

"Least favorite class. I can't wait but I really can wait, till our son or daughter complains to us about school." I said and Harry laughed before he placed his hand on my belly.

"Four more months and the baby will be in our arms." He said before the baby kicked him and I laughed.

"That was funny! You looked so scared!" I said as I let out a laugh before my hand fell to my belly.

"How would you feel if tomorrow we have a Christmas party for the spouses of the ones deployed," Harry said and I stepped towards him.

"I would love to. It almost drove me crazy thinking I had to spend Christmas without you. I can't imagine what they are going through." I said and Harry smiled before he kissed the top of my forehead.

" I said and Harry smiled before he kissed the top of my forehead

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"I don't know what I would do without you." He said and I smirked.

"Probably go insane," I said before someone cleared their throat and I turned to see a couple.

"Your Highnesses we are big fans! When you first made your Instagram account I made sure I knew when you posted something." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you. I'm sorry what are your names?" I asked and they smiled.

"I'm Elizabeth and this is my fiance Emmett." She said and I smiled as Harry and I both shook their hands.

"It's nice to meet you both. Are you both business majors?" Harry asked and Emmett shook his head.

"English major. I'm going to be a teacher." He said and I smiled.

"My sister in law is a teacher. She teaches primary grades mostly." I said and the man smiled.

"We wanted to come up to you and thank you for everything."

"Thank us for what?" Harry asked as we shared a look.

"For being you. We come from very important families who expect us to be someone we aren't. They wanted us to be something we aren't. And when we saw you two during your engagement period and after everything we knew you two were being yourselves and not what people wanted you to be." Elizabeth said and I smiled.

"No need to thank us. It was all you. You two decided to be yourselves. We are just being ourselves." Harry said and I smiled before I hugged Elizabeth.

"Be yourself and happiness will follow anywhere you go," I said before I heard someone clear their throat and I turned to see Chancellor Bhaskar standing behind Harry and me.

"My employees and I see how you two interact with our students and how you two encourage them. We want to know if you two will become Patrons for our University." He said and I looked at Harry who was grinning at me.

"It would be my honor to be a patron of this University," I said and Chancellor Bhaskar grinned before bowing his head and turning to Harry.

"It would be my pleasure," Harry said and the Chancellor bowed his head again before looking for his boss.

"Wow, my first patron," I said and Harry smiled before he pulled me closer to him.

"Welcome to the royal life."

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