Chapter Sixty-Two: Seeing My Wedding Dress Again

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Isla of Sussex

I stepped out of the car and smiled when I saw Eugenie.

"Hello, Isla

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"Hello, Isla." She said as she walked over and kissed my cheeks before curtsying.

"Hello, Eugenie. Are we ready?" I asked as I nodded towards the camera crew.

"Yes, Granny had your wedding dress set up in the ballroom." She said and I smiled before I let her lead the way.

"I have never been to this side of the castle," I said and Eugenie laughed.

"Before we went with our parents to the Trooping of the Colour we would play here," Eugene said and I laughed before the doors opened and I gasped.

"Oh wow," I said and I walked over to my dress.

"Your Highness, how does it feel seeing your dress and your husband uniform again?"

"It feels amazing," I said before my dress designer Jenny Lessin walked over.

"Your Highness," She said as I hugged her before curtsying.

"Jenny, how was it designing this dress?"

"It was amazing, working with Isla was amazing. She wanted something simple with lace and she even helped make it." Jenny said and I smiled before I turned and touched my dress.

"Oh, I loved when my mother buttoned the top. It felt so real." I said and Eugenie smiled.

"How did it feel wearing Auntie Diana's crown?" She asked and I smiled as I looked up at it.

"I was shocked at first that her brother Charles said I could. He said that I remind her so much of his sister and that she would've loved to see me." I said and I turned to Jenny.

"Did you find near the stomach area the little blue? That was my something blue and it was from my mother in laws when she wore that blue strapless chiffon dress." I said and Eugenie laughed.


"Yes, it was just this little square. When I stitched it in I thought of Harry." I said with a smile.

"Your husband is currently deployed. Does it feel different now that you are pregnant?"

"It does, but I have family and friends with me. As everyone knows I am leaving to Sweden soon." I said and the man nodded.

"You had the King and Queen of Sweden at your wedding is that how you became so close with them?"

"No, my first royal tour was to Sweden and Crown Princess Victoria and her husband Prince Daniel met me and we connect. I then met Princess Madeline, Prince Carl Phillip, and Their Majesties and we all got along really well." I said and Eugenie smiled.

"It is rumored that His Majesty King Carl Gustav is going to name you and your husband the Duke and Duchess of Dalsland. Did you know?" He asked and I stared at him before shaking my head.

"No, I had no such idea that was even a thought. They can't do that can they?" I asked before the doors opened and we all turned to see Charles walking in.

"Isla, love, you look like you are glowing," Charles said as he walked towards me and I kissed both his cheeks before curtsying.

"Hello, Uncle," Eugenie said as she curtsied to Charles.

"So what were you all speaking of?" He asked as his hands went back in his pockets.

"A rumor that is nothing but. Before we were speaking of my dress." I said and Charles nodded before turning to my dress.

"I remember Harry's face when he turned around and saw you in this dress." He said and I smiled as my hand went to my belly.

"William said he was crying but he quickly wiped them away when I was halfway to him," I stated and he nodded.

"Did Her Majesty know Prince Phillip was walking you down the aisle?" The cameraman asked and I smiled.

"Yes, I asked Prince Phillip when I was at my last fitting. He called Her Majesty and she said yes. I remember everyone's face when Phillip walked towards me. Everyone had sworn it was going to my nephew." I explained and the man chuckled.

"Your nephew, Theo Richards, was apart of your wedding. He was one of the page boys."

"Yes, he was the first one I picked before going on to everyone else," I said as I made my way to the back of my dress and smiled at my train.

"I was so nervous I was going to trip on my train. Thank goodness Catherine and Maddy were with me."

"If you could in the future will you and Prince Harry renew your vows?"

"I would love to. Maybe on our tenth or twenty anniversary. But who knows what is in the future for us." I said and the man smiled.

"Thank you, Your Highnesses for allowing us to capture your thoughts and facial expression when you saw your wedding dress again."

"It was my pleasure. Maybe one day in twenty or twenty- five years you will see me again and I will be with my son or daughter here." I said with a laugh before the all bowed and made their way out the ballroom.

"After everyone is done seeing this will my wedding dress be delivered to me again?" I asked Charles as my guards brought chairs for all of us.

"No, but you will get the crown and jewelry back." He said and I raised an eyebrow.

"The crown, but doesn't it belong to Viscount Spencer?"

"He has given power to you. Just as he did to Diana." Charles said and I smiled when his eyes lit up at Diana's name.

"There is a rumor saying that when I get to Sweden, I will be named the Duchess of Dasland. Can that even happen?" I asked Charles and he sighed.

"Yes, it can. Her Majesty is in a video chat with His Majesty. You are behing William and Catherine, which means over there.."

"We will be behind Victoria and Daniel." I said and Charles sighed.

"Carl Phillip and Madeline are fine with it. They have known forever they won't be King or Queen."

"Niether will we. We will always be known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex or when you assend the throne we will be the Duke and Duchess of York." I said and Charles looked at me before patting my knee.

"My mother was never supposed to be Queen. She was a woman and people thought women weren't fit to rule. But she showed them even being the Duchess of Edinburg what she can do. You must do the same Isla." He said before he got up and gave me a hug before walking out the room.

"Isla, are you okay?" Eugeine asked and I took a deep breath.

"Let's go get something to eat."

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