Chapter Seventy-Eight: Uh-Oh

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Isla of Sussex

April 2nd, 2013

"Harry," I whispered as I walked into the bathroom.

"Yea," He asked as he popped his head in.

"It's time. You gotta get the bag." I whispered and he froze for a moment before smiling.

"Are you sure?"

"Well, water is dripping down my legs and I feel like I'm dying so yes I'm sure," I said and he cheered before running to the nursery. I pulled out my phone and called mum.

"Is it time?" She asked as soon as she answered.

"Yes, can you go get Maddy and meet Harry and I at the hospital?" I asked and I heard my mum as she began to cry.

"Oh, my baby is having a baby." She whispered before Harry came back in and stared at me for a moment.

"Well, it's seven o'clock in the morning. We don't know if the baby is coming in an hour or in ten." I said as Harry helped me up and we made our way outside where our car was waiting.

"I will see you two at the hospital." She said before I ended the call. Harry was putting the two bags into the car when I saw Kate and Will running to us.

"It's time?" They both asked and I nodded as my hand went to my belly.

"Yea, I just got off the phone with my mum," I said and Will smiled before he handed me a blanket.

"This was Harry's. What mum wrapped him in when she introduced him to the world. I thought you could wrap the baby in it." He said and Harry stared at his brother for a moment before they hugged each other.

"Alright that's nice and all but women over here having contractions!" I said and Harry pulled away and helped me into the car.

"I'll call you after I call Granny," Harry said and Will nodded before he closed the door and tapped the car.

"Scale of one to ten the pain?"

"Fourteen!" I said as I tried those breathing exercises Carole told me.

"Oh Isla I wish I could take this pain away but I can't." He whispered as we pulled into the hospital private entrance. I smiled when I saw my doctor, Dr. Jackson.

"Hey, you two ready to have this baby?" She asked as she helped Harry lower me into a wheelchair

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"Hey, you two ready to have this baby?" She asked as she helped Harry lower me into a wheelchair.

"Beyond ready," I said as she laughed before leading Harry and me to the elevator and pressed number four.

"Your mum and sister Maddy are already in the room setting everything up. How far along are the contractions?" She asked and I winced as the elevator stopped.

"Every five minutes," I said and she stared at me for a moment.

"When did your water break?"

"At six-thirty," I said and Dr. Jackson smiled.

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