Chapter Eighty-Three: Arriving In Sweden for Madeline's Wedding

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Isla of Sussex

June 6th, 2013

I smiled as the doors of the plane open and I looked down at Diana who was sound asleep in her car seat. I grabbed my bag before hooking my arm under Diana's car seat and followed Harry as we walked off the plane.

"Isla! Harry!" I heard Victoria cry out and went we stepped off the stairs I was brought into a deep hug.

"Oh, I've missed you!" Victoria said before we pulled apart.

"I've missed you too! Is Madeleine freaking out yet?" I asked as I reached over and hugged Daniel.

"Not yet. Is this Diana?" He asked and I smiled as I turned her car seat around and Victoria smiled.

"Oh, she is precious. Mamma and Poppa are so excited to meet her." She said and I smiled before I turned around and saw Alice stepping off the plane with Sarah.

"When I told mamma that you put Silvia as one of the middle names she cried." She said and I let out a laugh as we began making our way to the cars.

"We are excited for Diana to meet them. She loves meeting new people. When she met my grandparents she cried when we left." Harry said before he opened the door for me and I hooked Diana to the base before the two of us got in ourselves.

"We were thinking she could call you two Aunt Vicky and Uncle Daniel," I said and Victoria smiled before we all took off towards the castle. It didn't take long for us to get there and when we did Madeline, Carl, Chris, Silvia, and Gustaf were outside waiting for us.

"Isla! Harry!" I heard Silvia call out as we got out of the car.

"Hello everyone," I said as I grabbed Diana's car seat and turned around and hugged Her Majesty.

"Oh look at this sweet little girl." She said as she took the car seat away from me. I hugged Carl and Chris before Madeline pulled me into a hug.

"You don't even look like you were pregnant let alone gave birth to a baby." She said and I smiled as we pulled apart.

"Well with Harry and Diana we always do walks every day. But I swear all that weight was her." I said before I turned and hugged Gustaf.

"You look wonderful Isla." He said as he kissed my cheeks.

"Thank you," I said before I watched Harry hug everyone and we made our way inside.

"What's her name?" Carl asked as we all sat down in the sitting room.

"Diana Elizabeth Silvia Catherine," Harry said and I watched as Silvia looked towards me.

"She has my name?"

"Well, ever since I first met you guys you have been like a second family. When naming her your name came up." I said as I took Diana out of her car seat and placed her in Silvia's arms.

"Isla and I were all wondering if when Diana starts talking if she can call you and Carl nana and papa?" Harry asked and I watched as Silvia's eyes filled up with tears.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind that." She said and I smiled before looking at Gustaf.

"Of course. You are like another daughter to us Isla." He said and I smiled as I wiped the tears that were forming in my eyes.

"I am so ready for these emotions to leave my body. It has been over two months." I said and Victoria laughed.

"Are you bringing her to the wedding?" Victoria asked and I nodded.

"Of course. I wouldn't want her to miss her godparent's wedding." Harry said and Madeline smiled as she took Diana away from her mother.

"Oh, I can just look at her little face all day." She said and I laughed as I leaned into Harry.

"I said the same thing when we brought her home. I cried when Harry went and put her in her own room." I said and everyone laughed.

"You didn't cry Isla. You sobbed like a child." Harry said and I went to pinch him before Diana let out a cry.

"Okay, what do I do?" Madeline said and Harry let out a laugh.

"Bounce her softly and rub her head. She loves when people rub her head." He explained and I stood up and walked over to Madeline.

"Like this," I said as I fixed her arms. Soon Diana's cries died down.

"There. She likes being around you. When we were leaving Will was holding her and he could not for the life of him calm her down. But once Kate took her she stopped." I told Madeline who laughed.

"She loves Auntie Kate and I honestly believe she hates my brother," Harry said and Gustaf laughed.

"Vicky at first did not like any of my sisters. But when she turned about six months all she wanted was my sister Christina." He said and Harry shook his head.

"I hope she likes me better than my brother." He said and I rolled my eyes before I looked around the room.

"This is what I missed while being in England. I missed this relaxed feeling." I said and Harry nodded.

"Sometimes I like Sweden better than England," Harry said and Silvia shook her head.

"Don't let your grandmother hear you say that." She said and I laughed as I stood up.

"Well while all of you handle my child I am going to take a nap for as long as I can," I said and Harry jumped to his feet and grabbed my hand.

"I'll take that nap with you too."

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