Chapter Nine: My Parents

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Isla Richards

I was pacing in my apartment with Harry for the past five minutes while Kate, William, and Harry stared at me. Yesterday my 'mother' had called me and said her and my 'father' were coming to the palace to see me and Harry.

My nephew had gone to visit my parents and told them that he had come to see me and meet my boyfriend the Prince himself.

"Isla you are going to get yourself sick if you don't stop pacing." Kate called out and I heard her voice before stopping and facing the three of them.

"Why did I agree for them to come? Why didn't you talk me out of it?" I snapped at Harry and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I didn't know I had to. We can still tell the guards to not let them in." Harry said and I sighed before shaking my head.

"No, I'm sorry. It's just I haven't seen them since I buried my brother." I whined and he reached up and pulled me onto his lap.

"You'll be fine. We are right here if you need us." Harry said and Kate nodded as she patted my hand.

"We aren't going anywhere." She said before a knock came to the door and we all stood up to see Sarah peak her head in before opening the door wider.

"Isla, your parents are here." She said before the door was pushed open and in came my parents.


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"Isla." Mother said as she walked over to us. She and my father both bowed to Harry and William before turning to me.

"Hello, Mother. Father." I said and they stared at me.

"It's been so long. You should've come to us instead of your nephew doing so." Father said and I stared at them before shaking my head.

"I tried many times to speak to the both of you. You never responded. The only call I ever received from you was to tell me my brother was killed in a car accident." I said and I felt Kate grab my hand.

"Are these the lies you have been telling everyone? Especially that talk show host?" My mother question and I laughed.

"They aren't lies! Mother, you never wanted me! You said so yourself when I was ten years old!" I yelled and she waved her hand as she placed her bag on the table.

"I was drunk that night and you and your brother were misbehaving!"

"Don't you dare try to speak ill of my brother! He isn't here to defend himself." I hissed before my father stepped up.

"Isla enough.We didn't come here to fight. We came here to try to make amends." He said and I watched as Harry took a step closer.

"She is very upset with your wife. I believe it's best if only you and she spoke." Harry offered as he nodded to the patio.

"I'm okay with that. Isla?" Dad asked and I nodded before leading him outside. I quickly sat down and turned to face him.

"When we heard that you were dating the Prince we knew then that the letters you sent of spending holidays with the royal family were true." He began and I raised my hand.

"You thought I was lying about that! You two never wanted me home! So Her Majesty was kind enough to allow me to come when I wasn't family." I hissed and I felt my father glaring at me.

"Suficiente, Isla vinimos a disculparse."(Enough, Isla we came to apologize) Dad said and I laughed.

" Disculpas? Sólo te llevó diecinueve años."(Apologize? Only took you nineteen years.) I hissed and I felt him get closer to me before sighing.

"I am sorry for the way we treated you and your brother growing up. We were horrible parents." He admitted and I laughed.

"You still are horrible parents. Always criticizing what I was doing. Why wasn't I dating someone? Then you wonder why Andrew moved out the moment he did. You question why I left myself! We couldn't take it anymore!" I hissed before standing up and running my fingers through my hair.

" Mi hermano, su hijo, murió por beber. ¿lo sabías?" (My brother, your son, died from drinking. Did you know that?) I questioned and my father stared at me.

"You're lying. Maddy never told us that." He said and I laughed right in his face.

"Because it killed her knowing that his parents were the reason why! He had called me after leaving your house. Saying he went to you begging for a loan to help pay the rent and you said no! You are the reason your son died!" I screamed before I felt him smack me and I fell to the ground.

"Enough! Enough of your lies!" He screamed and I heard the door fly open and Harry dragging my father inside as Kate rushed towards me.

"Are you alright?" She asked as she helped me up. Once we were inside the guards had my father. I shook Kate off of me and walked towards him.

" Arde en el infierno, bastardo." (Burn in hell, you bastard) I hissed before turning to my mother.

"I will tell you the same thing I told him. Andrew died from drinking that day. Because your husband wouldn't give him the last euros to pay his rent." I sobbed and my mother stared at me before turning to her husband.

"Andrew? Is that true?" She questioned and he nodded.

"He always asked for money. I told him no finally." He said before the guards dragged him out. My mother turned to me and I shook my head.

"Get out. I don't want to see you again." I said and she stared at me.

"Isla, mija." She said as she reached to touch me and I shook my head.

"NO! Salte!" I yelled and she stared at me before grabbing her bag and leaving. I stared at the door for a moment before turning to Harry who brought me into a hug.

"I haven't heard you speak Spanish since you fought with them the day of graduation." Kate said making me laugh.

"I speak it when I get angry or I need to. I'm sorry guys." I said and they all shook their heads.

"No, it isn't your fault. You tried to be nice and allow them to come here and they started the fight." Will said as Harry smooth my hair out and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you." He whispered making me smile.

"I love you too." I said and he looked down at me before wincing at my cheek.

"It's bruising." He whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing new. I learned how to cover bruises when I was really young." I explained and I watched as he wanted to cry but all he did was hug me closer.

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