Chapter Thirteen: Will and Kate are Back and I Leave

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Isla Richards

Today Will and Kate were coming home from their honeymoon and I couldn't be more excited to see my best friends.

I stood with Harry and Prince Phillip as he waiting for Kate and Will to walk through the doors.

"Calm down Isla." Prince Phillip said as he patted my shoulder. The doors then opened and in came Kate and Will who rushed over to us.

"Oh! I'm so happy you guys are back." I said as I hugged Will first.

"Has my brother been annoying you that much?" Will asked earning me to laugh and his brother to shove him. We all broke apart and Will hugged his grandfather while Kate bowed.

"We are happy you two have returned safely. Remember tomorrow is the Colour of the Troops. Be ready." Phillip said and I found myself looking down.

"Is Isla allowed to come?" Will asked and Phillip shook his head.

"No, Elizabeth said only married couples," Phillip said as he sent me a small smile.

"It's alright. Maddy is picking me up later one and I'm going to spend the weekend in her summer home in Oxford." I explained with a smile.

"It's not fair. You were there last year." Will said and Phillip nodded.

"True but you have married now William. That is why she is changing it. My apologies Ducky. Give your sister in law my hellos." Phillip said before he nodded to us and began walking away. Kate turned to me and I smiled.

"I am truly fine. I am just happy to see you both before I have to leave later." I said as I held Kate's hand.

"We both went last year. Just because I got married doesn't make sense to change it." Kate complained and I laughed as I patted her hand.

"You will fine. Just don't trip." I said and Will chuckled.

"I'll hold her hand. Do you need help packing? How long are you staying with them?" He asked as we started making our way to our apartments.

"I'll be back Monday afternoon. Can you three survive without me until I come back?" I asked as Harry unlocked the door and we all walked in.

"I might have to call you when I don't know what I'm wearing," Kate said making me laugh before I walked over to my room and pulled out my small suitcase as Harry grabbed my duffle bag.

"You are going for two and a half days! Do you need this many clothing?" Will asked as he took the suitcase from me.

"Yes. My nephews birthday is Sunday so I need two outfits since we are having a water party and then for later on at the bonfire. I need pajamas, underclothes, and other things." I said as I plopped down next to Kate and rested my head on her shoulder.

"So did you fight Granny on Isla not coming?" Will asked as he sat across from us and his brother sat beside him.

"Yes, I did. And because of that, she suggested that Isla goes away for the weekend." Harry explained and the newlyweds quickly turned my way.

"Really? Granny told you that?" Will asked and I nodded.

"Yes, she had Phillip come and tell me yesterday. I called Maddy right after and she said yes. I was supposed to go anyways for Theo's birthday." I explained and I laughed as Kate whined.

"Not fair! You are always there when we have major events. Does this mean you can't come to Christmas Service?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Most likely no. But if I can't I'll spend the morning with Maddy and Theo. I've missed a year already with them." I said but Harry cleared his throat.

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