Chapter Ninety-Two: Kate Gives Birth

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Isla of Sussex

July 22nd, 2013

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I reached over and saw it was Kate.


"Please come to the hospital. My mom and William are here but I am still scared." She said and I sat up quick.

"Catherine, what time is it?" I asked as I looked over and saw Harry was gone.

"It's about ten. Isla, please."

"Yea, yea. Give me ten minutes." I said before I ended the call and raced to the closet and threw on a sweat outfit and began tying my sneakers.

I grabbed my crossbody purse before going back to my room and saw Harry sitting up.

"Kate in labor?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yes, and she is terrified. She needs me. Are you okay with Diana?" I asked and he nodded.

"Madeline and Ricky are coming over in an hour with Theo. We will be good." He said as I leaned over and kissed him softly.

"I'll see you soon," I said before he handed me the keys and I rushed outside.

It didn't take long until I pulled into the private driveway at the hospital.

"Here for the Duchess of Cambridge?" The guard asked as I lowered my sunglasses.

"Show me her room," I said and the guard nodded as he bowed his head and led me to the fifth floor.

I opened the room and smiled when I saw Kate and William.

"I see the baby finally decided to make its way here," I said and Kate sighed in relief when she saw me.

"Oh, thank goodness you are here. These doctors are trying to fill me with pain medication." She said as I got to her bedside.

"Only if you need them. I suggest the epidural before the pain gets to much." I said and Will chuckled.

"I told her the same thing."

"Also, don't break William's hand. I almost broke Harry's when he said I needed to breathe." I stated as I pulled a chair up to her bed.

"Pain is at a ten right now but they said I won't be pushing until later this evening." She said and I smiled as I pushed her hair back.

"You will be okay. This baby just needs a little more time. Diana wanted to get out quickly enough." I said and William chuckled.

"She wanted to be in the world so bad. Our child just needs a few more hours." William said as he stood up and walked towards Kate.

"I'm going to get the doctor and see if there is anything we can do to speed things along." He said and Kate nodded before he walked out of the room.

I grabbed one of the spare chairs and pulled it to Kate pulling out my phone and facetimed Harry.

"Hey! How is Kate doing?" He asked and Kate chuckled.

"Dying, pain is at a ten but this little one is taking its sweet time," Kate called out and I watched as Harry chuckled before he lifted Diana up.

"Diana and I are patiently getting dressed and we will be on our way. William called and said you all need the company that isn't doctors, midwives, and nurses." Harry said and Kate smiled.

"I would appreciate that. Diana could bring a smile to my face." She said and I waved goodbye before ending the call and turning to Kate.

"Don't worry. When the baby is ready he or she will come."

"Why can't they be ready now?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Six Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was now four in the afternoon and Kate was finally ready to push. Harry and Diana had gotten here at eleven and kept us all entertained.

Diana was three months old and she could finally hold her head up on her own and tried her hardest to grab people's faces.

"Alright, Catherine. I think it's time for you to push." Her doctor said and I nodded for Alice to come and take Diana out of my arms.

William was on one side of Kate's arms and Harry was on the other. I was told to stop by her legs and hold it. I rubbed her leg and smiled.

"Your baby will be here soon. Just try to remember that." I said before Catherine's doctor told her to push.

The head came out first and I heard William cheer. Catherine was told to push again and I watched as her face was turning red.

"Breath Catherine!" I snapped and she let out a breath of relief as she relaxed in her pillow.

"The head's out! Harry, did you watch with Isla?" Will asked but Harry shook his head as he wiped the sweat off Kate's forehead.

"Nope, I did what I am doing now." He said and I let out a laugh before Kate push again. The baby came out and we all cheered.

"What is it?"

"Catherine, William. You two have a son." Their doctor said and I smiled as I felt Harry bring me close to him. They lowered the baby onto Kate's chest and I watched as the tears came out.

"There it is," Harry whispered and they both looked at us.


"The moment you see your child for the first time. It's like the sun shining after darkness. It's the moment you waited for." I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Would you guys like to hold him?" Will asked and I nodded as Harry grabbed the little boy first. He looked smaller than Diana did when she was born. He opened his eyes and smiled softly at Harry.

"Aww, he loves his Uncle," I said before I took the little baby out of my husband's arms and sat down.

"Hello, little prince. We have waited for you but you just needed more time." I whispered as I fixed his blanket. I watched as Will stepped outside and Kate looked confused.

"The world now knows you have a son. A future king." I said and you could see the motherly instincts kick in with Kate. The door opened and William came in holding Diana.

"This is your little cousin, George." He said and I smiled as I looked down at George who was now sleeping.

Diana let out what I prayed was a happy squeal as Harry grabbed her and bent down in front of us.

"You and he are three months apart," I whispered before I gave George back to William.

"We are going to go home now. Tomorrow you are all going to present him to the world." I said as Harry gave me Diana and I laid her down in my arms. We all said goodbye to the new trio one last time before we walked out the front way.

The flashes nearly blinded me but Harry quickly grabbed my arm and lead us to the car that was waiting for us. After putting Diana in her car seat, Harry sat beside me and smiled.

"What are you grinning about?"

"They had a son first but we had a daughter first." He said and I laughed.

"Are we back to competition because if so let me know?" I asked but Harry laughed.

"Never, soon you are off maternity leave and can help William and me with our engagements again."

"Ah yes. Back to being criticized twenty-four/seven."

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