Chapter Fifty: Church and going home

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Isla of Sussex

I smiled as I climbed out of the car and saw Prince Phillip was beside the Queen. 

"Hello, ducky." He said and I smiled before giving a small bow, kissed both his cheeks before I hugged him. 

"I didn't know you were here," I said as we began our walk down the path to the steps leading to the church. 

"Oh, I had my own engagements yesterday while you were with Lizzy," Phillip said and I smiled as I saw the Queen smiling herself.

When we got to the steps children were waiting for us to give us flowers.  I smiled as a little boy handed me a bouquet of tulips to the Queen and I. The two little boys bowed to us before making their way back to their matters. 

"How are you feeling?" Phillip asked as we walked down the final steps before going into the church. 

"Just tired. I am excited about the wedding." I said before the Bishop turned to me and I shook his hand. 

"You look wonderful, Your Highness." He said and I nodded before making my way to following the Queen to the front of the church. 

The papers were handed out and I smiled as the music began to play. 

"Holy, holy, holy. Lord, God Almighty. Early in the morning, our song shall rise to Thee. Holy, holy, holy, Merciful and mighty. God in three persons blessed Trinity" I sang along with everyone else. 

"It is a wonderful morning for us all. Turn to your neighbor and shake their hand." The Bishop said and I smiled as I shook Phillips hand before the Queens. We all sat down and listened to the word the Bishop had to say. 

When Church was over I stood with Phillip as the Queen spoke to the Bishop. 

"Have you decided which tiara you are going to bring with you?" He asked as we stood to the side. 

"The Cambridge Lovers Knot Tiara. That was a mouthful." I said and Phillip laughed. 

"You will look lovely. I know you wish Harry was here." He said and I nodded. 

"Sometimes when I look at Catherine with William I feel a bang of jealousy," I said with a frown. 

"I know how you feel. Lizzie has a younger sister named Margaret. She wanted to be with a divorce who was the love of her life. Lizzie told her no and she was always angry when she saw us." Phillip said and I nodded. 

"Catherine is angry because I am with a child before she is." I blurted out and Phillip nodded. 

"I will speak with William. Come, here comes Lizzie." He said and I smiled as we followed the Queen out of the church and towards our car. I waved hello to everyone and took more gifts for this new baby.

The Queen climbed in first before Prince Phillip motioned me to climb in next. I waved one last time to the crowd before sliding into my seat. 

"You seem tired Isla." The Queen said and I smiled as I let a hand float to my belly. 

"Harry and I are calling the baby little nugget until I give birth. And this little nugget is swimming in there and it is making me tired." I said with a laugh. 

"I remember those days. When we get on the train ask for some chicken soup. It will help calm the baby." The Queen said and I smiled before we arrived at the train station. Prince Phillip climbed out of the car first and waved to everyone. He helped the Queen out before reaching for my hand. 

I let out a laugh as I heard everyone scream my name. 

"Hello, how are you?" I asked as I shook some of the young girl's hands. 

"It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness." One of them said and I smiled as I was handed flowers. 

"The pleasure is all mine. I love meeting you all." I said before I waved goodbye. 

 "Su Alteza espere" (Your Highness, wait!) I heard someone call out and I turned to see a woman near me. My guard went to step but I stopped him. 

"Te puedo ayudar?" (Can I help you?) I asked. 

"You're brother is alive ma'am. I saw him." She stated. 

"Don't lie to me. My brother has been dead for a very long time. I buried him, I- I watched as they lowered his body into the ground." I stuttered but the women shook her head. 

"Senora, I took a picture of him." She said before she handed me her phone and I saw the picture. 

"Andrew," I whispered before Prince Phillip stepped beside me

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"Andrew," I whispered before Prince Phillip stepped beside me. 

"Come, we have to go." He said and I turned before I was led to the train. I climbed onto the train before the Queen pulled me to my seat. 

"Isla, Isla can you hear me?" The Queen asked and I looked up as I saw her. 

"I think my brother is alive." 

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