Chapter One Hundred and Four: Visiting Smart Works

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Isla of Sussex

November 1st, 2013

I stepped out of the car and waved hello to everyone that was waiting to try to get a photo of me. After announcing I was now a patron of Smart Works a couple of days ago I have decided to visit them today.

Smart Works is an organization that helps dress women and help prepare them for interviews. They are allowed to keep the clothing and if they get a second interview they can come back again.

"Isla! It's so wonderful to see you again." Kate Stephens said as she stepped out and shook my hand.

"It's wonderful to see you as well Kate. I am happy to be here today for my first visit." I said and Kate grinned.

"Wonderful! Our first stop you will actually help dress a woman for an interview with a wedding planner." She said and I smirk.

"I believe I know just the outfit," I said as we walked inside the building and towards the back left where closets were all set up.

"Cara Evans! I would like for you to meet Isla, the Duchess of Sussex. She will be helping you with your outfit and preparing you." Kate said as we turned into one of the closets and I saw a girl with black curly hair staring at us.

"Your Highness! It is so nice to meet you!" Cara said as she walked over to me.

"It's nice to meet you as well as Cara. Can I ask you a couple of questions before we start?" I asked as I placed my clutch down and walked towards the clothes.

"Of course. I know you owned your own wedding planning business." Cara said and I nodded.

"I did for about five years. As soon as I finished University I opened it up. I started first by working on all of my friend's wedding and then moving up. So when was the last time you worked?"

"Six years ago before my son was born. Now that my husband and I are divorcing I have to start working again." Cara said and I nodded.

"How about this? I ask you one question and you ask me one in return?" I offered as I began pulling three outfits together.

"Okay! Is it true you planned The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wedding?"

"I did and I had the best time. Why do you think working at a wedding planner is important?"

"I believe it is important because we will fight for your wedding vision and keep everything on track." She answered quickly and I grinned as I came back into the room.

"That was a wonderful answer. I picked out three outfits to see. Normally for me depending on the day depends on the outfit. If it is a nice day I pick a solid color dress with a black blazer and a set of matching pumps." I began as I laid the outfit out first.

"If not the dress then I would wear a pantsuit and either a white or black blouse with heels or flats that match the pantsuit," I added before I grabbed the third outfit.

"Lastly, if I didn't like either of those options I would personally wear a floral skirt, a solid color shirt, a jacket, and either heels or flats." I finished as I laid every outfit out.

"Is being stylish a part of it?" Cara asked and I chuckled.

"Sometimes yes. I believe that the client would like to see that we are able to dress yourself up to the part and even show them we know what they want." I said before Cara reached for the blue and white floral skirt, white blouse, and blue pumps.

"I like this and I think I will try this one on first." She whispered and I nodded as she went to the little room.

"You are a natural with these outfits! They look wonderful!" Kate said and I smiled.

"I have always picked out my own outfits. Even to this day as a Duchess, I pick out most of my outfits. I firmly believe if you want to have a wonderful day you have to have an amazing outfit." I explained and Kate chuckled.

"I like that quote. I think we will use that on our website when we add our section on our Royal Patron." Kate said and I smiled as I looked around.

"I love how it looks like mini rooms with closets. And with all the mirrors I think it helps build up their confidence."

"Thank you! We were so honored that you chose us as one of your patronages."

"It's my pleasure. When the brought me the files and told me to chose one that spoke on things I believed on I knew this one was it. I like how you guys offer support to women who haven't worked in a long time or they have relied on a man and now need to get on their own feet." I said before Cara came back in and I grinned.

"You look beautiful!" I said as I walked towards her and fixed her hair.

"Really? Do you think so?"

"Isla is right, Cara you look beautiful. Do you like this outfit?" Kate asked as we led her over to the three mirrors joined together so she could look at herself.

"I love it! I've never spoken so freely before I spoke to you Isla." Cara said and I smiled softly.

"The one thing my mother always taught me is that you start with soft questions to get people to open themselves up and then you dive in," I said earning Cara to laugh.

"Thank you, Isla! Truly thank you I cannot wait for the interview." Cara said as she hugged me.

"You are welcome! I'm glad you feel comfortable. If you didn't feel comfortable then you wouldn't have been as free as you are now." I said as we pulled apart from each other and Kate handed her a white clutch.

"There now the look is complete. Do you think you are ready Cara?"

"Beyond ready. Thanks to you, Isla."

"No thanks to me. It was all you Cara."


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@DailyMailLondon: The Duchess of Sussex has received a new patron and to celebrate her being a Duchess for almost two years she will be interviewed by GlamourUK on the fifteenth

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@DailyMailLondon: The Duchess of Sussex has received a new patron and to celebrate her being a Duchess for almost two years she will be interviewed by GlamourUK on the fifteenth.

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