Chapter Forty-Seven: Visting Schools with Victoria and Daniel

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Isla of Sussex

I stood at the bottom of the stairs as I wait for Victoria and Daniel to come out of their rooms. 

"Isla! Sorry, we kept you waiting!" Victoria said as the two of them stepped out of the room and walked towards me. 

"It's alright. You had some business to attend to." I said as I stepped down and Victoria smiled. 

"Oh look at that baby bump!" She squealed as she rushed over and touched my belly. 

"Little nugget is slowly making it's way out," I said and Daniel chuckled. 

"I want to be one of the godparents. I mean I know you get to choose but please consider me." She said and I laughed as we stood up and made our way outside. When people saw me they screamed as they saw my baby bump. 

I waved for a moment before climbing into the car after Victoria before Daniel climbed in next to us. 

"We are going to The Tanto School AB. We are going to be talking to one first grade class and two-second grade classes." Daniel explained and I nodded before I let out a gasp. 

"What's wrong?" Victoria said and I smiled. 

"The baby, it's kicking," I said as my hand flew to my belly. I rubbed for a moment before looking back at Victoria who nodded. 

It took us fifteen minutes before we arrived at the school. Children were lined up waiting for all of us. Daniel got out first before he held his hand out to me before helping Victoria out. I waved to the children before smiling as two little girls walked towards Victoria and me. 

"Your Highnesses, these flowers are for you." They both said in unison and I and Victoria smiled as we grabbed the flowers. 

"Thank you very much. I love roses." I said before the Headmaster walked out and smiled. 

"Good morning Your Highnesses. I am Headmaster Nilsson. Welcome to our school." He said before we shook his hands and followed him inside. 

I smiled as I watched the small children rush back to their classrooms and I turned to Headmaster Nilsson. 

"It is a very great honor. Mycket bra." (very great) He said before he turned left and we were in the first-grade wing. 

"This is Ms. Alice Ebba's class. They are very happy to have you three here." He said before the door opened and the children clapped when they saw us. 

"Hello, your Highnesses. My class is very honored that you chose our class to visit." Ms. Ebba said as she shook all of our hands before she curtsies. 

We all split up and I smiled as I walked over to the group of girls who were writing on the board. 

"Hello, girls. Do you mind if I join you?" I asked and they all smiled before shaking their heads. 

"Are you having a boy or a girl?" A girl with ice blonde hair asked. 

"I don't know. I am not allowed until the baby is born." I said and she smiled.

"What do you think it is? My mamma is having a boy." She said before finishing her math problem. 

"I think it is a girl," I said and they all cheered. 

"She will be pretty like you." Another girl with deep brown hair said. 

"I am Isla. What are your names?" 

"I am Nora. That is Aimee and Nelly." The girl with icy blonde hair said as she pointed to the other girls. 

"It is very nice to meet you girls. What are you working on?" 

"We are working on adding. Later on is English." Nelly said and I smiled. 

"You all speak perfect English. Does any of your parents speak English?" 

"My papa does," Aimee said and I nodded before sighing. 

"I also speak Spanish. Can you learn that here?" 

"Yes, but when we get older," Nora said and I smiled. 

"What words do you know?" 

"We know la escuela, la Pompa, y el Nombre," Aimee said and I smiled. 

"You sounded perfect. Wonderful job."  I said and the girls smiled at me. 

"Isla come here," Victoria called out and I smiled before shaking the girls' hands. 

"It was very nice meeting you girls," I said before I stook up and made my way towards Victoria and Daniel. 

"Isla I would like you to meet Ms. Alice Ebba," Victoria said and I smiled as I shook her hand. 

"It is very nice to meet you, Ms. Ebba. Your students are wonderful." I said as I stepped back near Daniel. 

"It is wonderful to meet you. When we got the news you were coming the children were so excited. Congratulations on your first child." She said and I smiled. 

"Thank you," I said as I went to touch my belly but stopped myself. 

"We are not going to be seeing the second graders. Ms. Eba came to inform us that a fight broke out in there and there punishment is not seeing us." Victoria explained and I raised an eyebrow at Ms. Ebba. 

"May I ask when the two students were fighting?" I asked and Ms. Ebba nodded. 

"One student, a boy named Liam, his mother died after he was born. The other boy, his name is Hugo, taunted him and said he was the reason his mother died." She explained and I frowned. 

"May I speak to Liam?" I asked and she stared at me and nodded. 

"Follow me." She said as she walked out into the hallways. I sat in one of the chairs before Ms. Ebba led a boy towards me. 

"Hello, Your Highness

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"Hello, Your Highness." The boy said as he bowed and I smiled before shaking his hand. 

"Hello, Liam. Will you please join me? My feet are awfully tired." I said and the little boy nodded before climbing onto his chair and turned to me. 

"Ms. Ebba told me you had a fight with Hugo because he made fun of your mother being dead," I said and Liam nodded. 

"Yes, ma'am." He said and I smiled. 

"I fought a lot in Grade School. There was this girl named Emily and she didn't like me because my brother didn't like her. Then she found out about my parents and told everyone in school that my parents wished I was dead." I began and Liam stared at me. 

"Did they?" 

"Dom gjorde." (They did) I said and Liam smiled. 

"I got tired of it. And that day on the playground I pushed her. She pushed me back and I broke her nose. I am not saying to fight but what I am saying is that sometimes Liam you must ignore people. Because if they see you are bothered they will continue to do so." I said and Liam nodded. 

"Tack högheten." (Thank you, Your Highness) He said and I nodded before shaking his hand and standing up. 

"You are welcome, Liam. Now get back to class." 

"Yes, ma'am." 

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