Chapter Seventy-Nine: Introducing our Daughter

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Isla of Sussex

I stood still as Mum fixed my hair and Sarah began taking outside out. Harry was sitting in the corner holding our daughter being mesmerized by her.

"The outfit has to be pink," I said and Sarah smiled before she quickly looked at Harry

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"The outfit has to be pink," I said and Sarah smiled before she quickly looked at Harry.

"Found it!" Maddy yelled and a cry came from my daughter.

"Nice going Maddy," Harry said as he glared at her before bouncing the baby up and down in order to calm her down. I grabbed the dress and nude heels from Maddy and went behind the curtain and got dress. When I stepped out my hand went to my belly.

"I'll miss my stomach," I said and Harry stood up and smiled at me.

"Wow, you don't even look like you just gave birth." He said as he lowered our baby into my arms.

"See those are good compliments I hope to get when we stepped outside," I said and Sarah smiled before checking her phone.

"Come on, everyone is waiting outside." She said and I smiled before walking out of my room and we made our way outside.

"Are you nervous?" Harry asked as we stood in front of the door. I heard the crowd cheering for us and I shook my head as I looked down at my daughter.

"No, I'm not nervous. We have waited forever for her to be here. Nothing can take away this moment." I said and Harry smiled before he kissed my forehead.

"This is why I married you." He said before the doors opened. I smiled at the people cheering for us and I looked down to see the baby's eyes opened. Harry placed his hand on my lower back and motioned for me to walk down the steps.

"Hello everyone," I called out and everyone cheered. I looked down at the baby and smiled when she lifted her little hand up.

"Her first royal wave," Harry said and the crowd went crazy.

"Do you two have a name for her? She's beautiful." Someone called out and I stopped for a moment before looking at Harry.

"We do have a name for her but we won't be announcing it until tomorrow."

"How are you feeling Isla?"

"I feel amazing. I've waited forever for her to be here and she is finally here. When we were in my room I couldn't stop staring at her." I said and everyone awed. I turned to Harry and lowered the baby into his arms.

"Your Highness!" I heard a little voice cry out and I turned to see a little girl in front of the press. I watched as the security guys stepped towards her but I raised my hand.

"I brought this teddy bear for the baby. My baby brother loves teddy bears." She said and I smiled before stepped towards her. I bent down in front of her and she gave me the teddy bear.

"Thank you. I am sure she will love this when she gets a little bigger." I said before I stood up and walked back to Harry.

"Are you ready to go inside?" He asked and I nodded before he gave me the baby again and we waved goodbye to the crowd before we made our way inside. I smiled as Mum came over and took the baby out of my arms and placed her in her car seat.

"Listen, you two can tell me no but I think I can help out with the nanny part." Mum began and I stared at her.

"What? Mum no, you work. I can't ask you to stop working just to help." I said and Harry nodded.

"Yeah, I agree with Isla on this one." Harry said as he came over with mine and the babies bag.

"I already spoke to my boss. Isla will be on maternity leave until August. That is enough time for you two to interview people. When August comes I will leave. Oh please Isla. I didn't help with Theo. Let me help you." Mum said and I turned to Harry who shrugged.

"Fine, but once you start getting on my nerves I will tell you to leave." I said and Mum smiled before hugging me.

"You won't want me to leave." She said and I rolled my eyes before grabbing the baby's car seat and we walked outside to our car. I waved goodbye to everyone before Harry opened the door for me and I clicked the baby into her seat and climbed in with her.

"Oh I thought I would stay longer at the hospital." I said once we began to leave.

"No, it's protocol we leave the day the baby is born." Harry said from the front.

"Do you think we are going to be good parents?" I said and Harry smiled as he looked back at me through the mirror.

"Children love you Isla. No matter what we are going to be good parents." He said before the gates opened to the palace and Harry drove to Apartment 2B. I hissed softly as I climbed out the car.

I reached over and grabbed the babies car seat handle before Harry and I made our way inside. I watched as Harry walked over to Bud's cage and let him out.

"Hey there baby boy. You ready to meet your little sister?" I asked as I smiled as he sat in front of her car seat and sniffed her toes.

"I think he likes her." Harry said before someone knocked on the door and it opened revealing William, Kate, Charles, and Camilla.

"Well, aren't we just missing the queen" I said and Camilla smiled as she walked over and hugged me.

"Are you hungry dear? I could make you something to eat?" She asked but I shook my head as I bent down and got the baby of her car seat.

"No, I'm fine. I know you are all here to meet the baby." I said and Charles nodded as he stepped towards me.

"She looks like Harry. Just the blonde version."

"Like mum." William said and I nodded as I turned to Harry who was wheeling the bassinet it.

"About mum." Harry began and everyone raised an eyebrow.

"You two have decided a name?"

"Yes, I would like to introduce you guys to Diana. Diana Elizabeth Silvia Catherine." I said and I watched as Kate began to cry before she hugged me.

"Diana." Charles whispered and I nodded before looking down at Diana who was wide away before I placed her in Catherine's arms.

"She's so tiny." Kate said and I laughed before I felt Harry wrap his arms around me.

"Your mother would've loved to have met her." Charles said and Will nodded as Kate handed him the baby.

"Maybe when she gets older we can take her to mums grave." Harry said and I nodded as I turned to Charles.

"Also, I know. Tomorrow Harry and I are going to take the baby to the Palace and have her meet her gan-gan and her poppa."

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