Chapter Fifty-Five: The After Party

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Isla of Sussex

I sat in the living room of our little suite as Sophie curled my hair. I can't believe that Andrew tried to come and see me when all of my friends and family were there. 

"Isla, are you alright?" Edward asked as he bent in front of me. 

"I'm fine. Just thinking about my brother. The one that was supposed to be dead." I said before I burst out laughing. 

"Oh god, I'm sorry. I find it very funny because I have spent so much time crying over him and that asshole has been alive this entire time." I said before I wiped the tears out of my eyes and sat up. 

"Well you are all set and we have to meet the Swedish Royal Family downstairs in five minutes," Sophie said as she handed me my heels and earring. I grabbed my white clutch before standing up and looking at myself in the mirror and smiled at the crown on my head. I followed Edward and Sophie out the door before we were downstairs and waved at all the paps waiting for us. 

"Where's Madeleine?" I asked Carl as I bowed and kissed his cheek. 

"She got a fever so my father stood back to watch over her. Which means you are now stuck with me as a date."  He said and I smiled before the Queen opened the door and we climbed into the limo.

It didn't take long to get to the Grand Ducal Palace and guards were there to help us all out of the limo. Queen Silvia went out first before Victoria and Daniel climbed out. I climbed out with Carl and I waved to the paps that were there. Sophie and Edward climbed out after us before we all made our way into the castle. 

Henri and his wife Maria were greeting everyone and they smiled when the saw us. 

"Oh it's always wonderful to see The Brits and Swedens together," Henri said and I held back a laugh as Queen Silvia side eyed him. I bowed to them before Maria held my hands. 

"You look beautiful Isla. Your son or daughter will be as beautiful as you." She said and I smiled as I nodded. 

"Thank you. As time gets closer to December I start to get scared." I said as we moved over to the side and she smiled. 

"I was the same way during my first two pregnancy. But after you see your beautiful child, you being scared will go away." She said and I smiled as she hugged me. When we pulled away I walked over to Carl who smiled. 

"So Carl, I have heard some things about you," I said as we walked across the dance floor and went to our table.

"And what were those things?" He asked with a smile. 

"I have heard you are dating a woman named Sofia Hellqvist and you haven't told me a thing. I am truly upset." I said and he laughed before he smiled. 

"She's beautiful. I don't care what anyone has to say about her." He said and I smiled as I patted his hand.

"If you love her, no one else's opinion will matter. Love is love." I said before a trumpet played and we all stood up as Guilliame and Sophie came in. Sophie was wearing the same crown she did from earlier. I started to clap and everyone followed before the got to the middle of the dance floor before they began dancing. 

I felt my eyes water up as I wished that Harry was here with me. I was so angry that he got drunk and got in trouble for it. I let my hand go to my belly and grinned as the baby kicked me. 

When they were done dancing everyone began to clap. We all sat down and our food was being brought out. 

"Isla, what did you order?" Silvia asked.

"Roasted chicken, mash potatoes with cheese, and some chocolate fudge on the side," I said and I felt them all looking at me. 

"Those pregnancy cravings are really weird," Daniel said before we went back to eating. 

"Are you excited to go home?" Victoria asked as our drinks were changed. 

"Very, I miss my dog, Bud. He never gets to see me as much as he did before I got pregnant and I feel bad." I said as I took the salad out of the waiter's hand. 

"William and Catherine are taking care of him yes?" Edward asked and I sighed. 

"They have Lupo and Bud wants to always be the top dog. They are always fighting." I explained and he nodded before the music began. 

"Would you care to dance?" Carl said and I smiled as I stood up and fixed my sash. 

"I would love to Carl," I said before I grabbed his hand and he led me out onto the dance floor. He spun me around and I let out a laugh before we moved to the music. 

"Do you think you will ever go visit Harry before he comes home?" He asked as he dipped me. 

"I hope so. It's been so long. I don't remember what he smells like anymore." I said with a smile before the song ended and everyone clapped. 

"Thank you for that dance, Carl," I said as he guided me back to the table.

"I know how much you love to dance Isla. If you ever need a substitute husband. I am a plane away." He said making me laugh as I sat down. 

"I will keep that in mind." 

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