Chapter Thirty-One: Preparing For My Wedding

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Isla Richards

I laughed as Kate cursed my curly hair as she tried to roll it in curlers. 

"Catherine darling move. An expert needs to do this." Mum said with a smile as Catherine walked over to the makeup artist. 

"Are you nervous?" Mum whispered as she finished the bottom half. 

"Yes. I can barely eat." I said and she let out a small laugh. 

"I was the same way when I was going to marry Papa. A part of me thought when I walked to the front of the church he wouldn't be there." Mum said making me gasp. 

"Mum you aren't helping," I whined as she finished my hair and brought out the blow dryer. 

"No I wasn't trying to scare you. I was just telling you how I felt. Harry loves you, darling. He will be there waiting to see how beautiful you look." Mum said before Maddy walked in with a smile on her face. 

"Are you sure?" I whispered making her smile as she turned the blow dryer off

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"Are you sure?" I whispered making her smile as she turned the blow dryer off. 

"Positive. Mija he loves you." Mum said as she pressed a kiss to my forehead. 

"Come on Future Mrs. Henry Wales." The makeup artist said with a smile as she finished Kate. 

"Isla honey we need to get something in your stomach," Kate said as she finished fixing her hair and turned to me. 

"You need to get dressed first. I'll be fine. If anything someone needs to sneak if some chips." I said making everyone laugh. 

"How are we going to sneak it in?" Mum asked as she walked from the room. 

"Oh, mum! You look so nice!" I said as the women added blush to my cheeks

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"Oh, mum! You look so nice!" I said as the women added blush to my cheeks. 

"Oh thank you, darling, now let us get you dressed. It's almost time to drive to the church." She said walked over to me and smiled. 

"Mr. Spencer is waiting in the room to place the crown on you," Kate said as she stepped into the room.

 Spencer is waiting in the room to place the crown on you," Kate said as she stepped into the room

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"Oh everyone looks so pretty!" I said as Maddy dragged me into the room.

"I love this dress," Mum said as she buttoned the top button on my dress. 

"So do I. I knew this was the one I wanted when I saw it in the catalog," I said as Maddy bent down and slipped my shoes on. 

"Okay Kate you can bring Charles in," Mum said as she fixed my hair

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"Okay Kate you can bring Charles in," Mum said as she fixed my hair. The door opened and Charle came before bowing. 

"I'm not royalty yet, you don't have to bow," I said with a smile as he stood up and walked over to me before pressing a kiss to my cheek. 

"You soon will be. You look beautiful." He said with a smile. 

"Thank you," I said with a smile before he placed the box on the table before opening it and took the crown out. 

"When the after party comes I will take the crown away." He said earning me to nod before I squatted down and he placed the crown on my head. I smiled before my veil was put over my eyes. 

"Now you look like a true princess," Charles whispered making me smile before Kate handed me my bouquet. 

"I feel like it." I said and I watched as my mother wiped tears from her eyes before clapping her hands. 

"Alright, everyone. We need to start making our way to the cars." Mum said with a smile and Maddy quickly picked up the end of my dress and we rushed to the elevators. We walked out the back and into our cars. 

"So are you going to tell us who is walking you down the aisle?" Kate asked as she climbed into the car with Maddy. 

"No. You shall all see soon." I said with a smile as I played with my flowers. When we stopped at the church I felt my heart began to beat fast. 

Maddy got out the car first before turning to me and helped me out with Kate right behind me. I smiled as I waved to everyone. Mum walked over to me and smiled. 

"I will see you soon." She said with a smile. 

"I love you." I said making her nod before she patted my cheek and turned and walked away. 

Soon everyone was lining up and I grinned as I saw Prince Phillip walking towards me. Soon everyone began cheering as I linked my arm with his. 

"Well Ducky, are you ready?" He asked before the music began and I took a deep breathe. 

"More than ready. Please don't let me fall." I whispered and Phillip chuckled before patting my hand. 

"Never ducky." 

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