Chapter Ninety-Five: Marine Visit with Harry

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Isla of Sussex

August 14th, 2013

I sat in the car holding Harry's hand as we were about to pull into The Royal Marines Tamar.

"I missed doing events with you. I can finally show my beautiful wife again to everyone." Harry said making me laugh as I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I missed doing events as well. I love being with Diana but I get real tired of baby talk." I said and Harry let out a laugh before he placed his hat on his head and turned to me.

"We are here to open the new center of amphibious excellence and for me to review and meet the marines." He said and I nodded as I fixed his badges.

"I know honey. They will love you. Not as much as I do but they will" I said and Harry smiled before the car stopped and we looked to see us arriving at the center. The door opened and Harry stepped out first waving to the crowd before he turned around and offered me his hand.

I gladly took it and I stepped out of the car and everyone began screaming. Not everyone knew I was to be joining Harry on this event and I grinned as I waved to the crowd as I wrapped my arm around Harry's.

"Captain Harry Sussex! And his beautiful wife Isla!" A voice said and I looked up to see a man in a similar uniform to Harry's.

"Thomas! It's wonderful to see you again." Harry said as he shook Thomas's hand.

"The pleasure is all ours. We are honored you and your wife are here today to open our new center and speak to some of our marines." Thomas said before I shook his hand.

"It's wonderful to be here. The last time I went to a military event I was pregnant." I said and Thomas chuckled.

"I follow you both on Instagram and Twitter. Your daughter is the cutest."

"Thank you. Diana is home with my mother right now. She was very upset when we left." I said and Thomas chuckled before he began leading us outside towards the back where all the Marines were lined up.

I fell in line behind Harry walking with Sarah as she was going through our social media. I smiled at the marines as I stood five bodies away from Harry and spoke to a man.

"Hello, what's your name?"

"Petty Officer Cody Martin."

"Petty Officer Cody, how are you this day?"

"I'm well ma'am. How are you?" He asked and I smiled softly at him.

"I'm well I can't complain. Sharing this event with my husband I get to learn more and more about the military and the marines. I know one day my daughter and my possible future children will join the military one day." I said and Cody chuckled.

"You still have twenty years before that happens, ma'am." He said and I nodded.

"Keep your chin up, Officer," I said before Sarah led me over to the side.

"Are their families here?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Yes, they are over there behind them watching them. We didn't have this many families here until they found out you and Harry were coming." She said as she began unlocking her phone.

"How many more events this month for me?" I asked and she smiled softly.

"Not a lot. Her Majesty wants to slowly introduce you back to public life after your maternity leave." She said before Harry walked over to me and smiled.

"Are you done scaring the marines?" I asked and he smiled.

"It was done to me and it is so much better when I do it to them because they know I am goofing off," Harry said and I rolled my eyes as I tried to hold back a laugh.

"You are so wrong," I said and Harry grinned at me before he grabbed my hand and led me to a stage where we had the flags at. Our national anthem began playing and I watched as Harry stood at attention and I quickly stood up straighter.

I watched as the camera's flashed and people sang along and I couldn't help but smile. When the song was over I turned to Harry and watched as he looked at all of the marines. They waited for him to put his hand down.

"At ease." He called out as he lowered his hand. Every single one of the marines relaxed and Harry stepped towards the microphone.

"Looking at all of you and getting to talk to some of you I know this training center will be amazing for every single one of you." He began before he turned around and cut the ribbon.

"I know declare this center open!" he said and I cheered before following Sarah to speak to some of the families. I stopped when I saw a mother struggling with her two twin babies.

"Can I help?" I asked as I handed Sarah my clutch. The mother stared at me for a moment and nodded. I scooped the little boy with yellow on and placed him on my hip.

"Well aren't you the cutest thing ever?" I asked and the baby smiled at me.

"it gets overwhelming with the two of them and just me." The woman said as she looked at me.

"I only have one baby and on days it does get overwhelming. I want to do everything by myself." I said and the woman smiled.

"I'm Elizabeth Martin. My husband is Petty Officer Cody." She said and I nodded.

"I met him earlier. You two make handsome boys." I said and Elizabeth chuckled.

"You and Prince Harry's daughter is adorable. We watched the christening live together." She said and I smiled.

"I still can't believe Diana is now four months old. Time is flying by. We do tummy time with her along with placing her in her swing. She now swings it by herself." I said and Elizabeth chuckled.

"Now who is this handsome little man hugging my wife?" I heard Harry say as he walked over to us.

"That is Dorian and this is Damon," Elizabeth said before I handed Harry baby Dorian.

"Next time we decide to have another one I hope it's a boy," Harry said and I rolled my eyes.

"You said that when I was pregnant with Diana and you jinxed it," I said making Harry stick his tongue out at me. Harry handed Dorian back to Elizabeth before we said goodbye to her and Sarah led us to other family members.

"Do you like coming with me to these events?" Harry asked as two little girls ran over and handed both of us a bouquet of lilies. I bent down in front of them and smiled.

"Wow! You two picked amazing colors!" I said and they smiled as they curtsied in front of me.

"We were so happy when our mummy said we could give you flowers." The older one said and I smiled as I sniffed the flowers.

"Aw well thank you," I said before Harry offered me his hand and helped me stand up.

"I love coming to these events with you Harry. I love any events with you. Why? Because you are my husband and I love you." I said as I brushed some of his hair back.

"I love you too."

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