Chapter Thirty: Day Before Wedding

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Isla Richards 

I laid on the bed beside Kate and Maddy as we scooped ice cream. Tomorrow I would be getting married to a man I loved more than anything. 

"How do you think the public will react to who is walking you down the aisle?" Kate asked making me smile. 

"I think they will love it," I said before my door opened and I peaked my head to see Sarah there. 

"You ladies ready? We need to go pick up the dresses?" She questioned making me smile. 

"Beyond ready," I said as I rolled out of the bed and placed my empty bowl on the dresser and the other to follow me. 

I grabbed my purse and sunglasses before Kate led us to our private car. We got into the car without any of the paps noticing us. I leaned against the seat staring at my ring. 

"Can you believe it? You'll be married tomorrow by twelve." Kate said as she turned around from the front seat. 

"Honestly, it is still a daze for me," I confessed before our driver pulled into the back way of Maggie Sottero Chandler London shop. 

"There you are, ladies. I was wondering when you were going to pick up the dresses." She said as she pulled us each into a hug. 

"Sorry. Couldn't get these three out the bed." Sarah said making us all glare at her. 

"Fair enough. Tomorrow is the big day. The bride should be relaxing." She said as she turned and grabbed my dress bag before handing it to me. 

"It was an honor to make this dress. I wish you the best in your marriage." Maggie said making me smile. 

"Thank you, Maggie. Your work will be put to good work." I said before she bowed to Kate and me. The four of us rushed back to the car and as we were backing out the paps caught us. 

"It's bad enough that tomorrow my wedding will be filmed. Can I not be pictured today?" I growled as I covered my face. 

"Please hurry," Maddy said to the driver who nodded. 

"It's alright. I was trained for this." He said as he turned two corners and we quickly lost them. I let out a sigh of relief. 

"Get used to it. Every day this is what will happen." Kate said as the driver pulled into the private driveway. 

"I know. Prince Phillip told me the same thing. Along with Princess Anne." I said as the driver stopped and we all climbed out. We all rushed inside and I laughed when I saw Theo laying on my couch. 

"Aren't you supposed to be with the guys?" Maddy asked as her son rushed over and hugged each of us. 

"They went with Prince Charles to check out the church one last time." He said before he grabbed my bag and Maddy's and placed it on the couch. 

"Thank you, honey. Are you hungry?" I asked earning him to shake his head. 

"No, but can I have some juice?" 

I smiled before handing him his cup as Kate threw herself on the love seat. 

"You know every time I see you in the public eye you are posed and collected. But when we are all together you are the opposite." Sarah said with a small smile. 

"Well, it gets tiring trying to be posed twenty-four seven. When I am sure we are alone I will let loose as much as I can." Kate confessed before a knock came to the door. 

"Hide." Maddy said making me groan as I tashed into the hallway and into the little closet. I heard the door open and hellos. 

"Falso alarm! It's your mum!" Maddy screamed and I rolled my eyes before I walked back into the living room. 

"Hi, mum." I said as I walked over and hugged her. 

"Hola. I just came over to check on you girls. Harry called me and said everything is ready for tomorrow.  Mi pequeño bebé se va a casar." (My little baby is getting married) She said as she pinched my cheeks. 

"I'm not little anymore. I'm twenty-nine years old." I said earning her to swat my hand. 

"Don't remind me. Every time you say your age it makes me feel older and older." Mum said with a small later. 

"So are you both ready to go see Andrew?" Maddy asked and I found my eyes watering. 

"Yes, I am," Mum said as Theo walked over and she grabbed his shoulders. 

"So are we," Theo said and I nodded before turning to Kate. 

"If anyone asks where I'm at. I'm at lunch with Theo." I said and she nodded. 

"We will be here. Guarding the place so Harry and the guys can't get in." She said as I grabbed a small jacket and followed Mum to her car. I sat in the back with Theo as Maddy drove the car. 

We were quite the entire way to the cemetrary that when Maddy parked Theo let out a heavy breath. 

"Hey. What's wrong?" Mum asked and I saw Theo shed some tears. 

"It's been a really long time since I visited daddy." He said and Mum smile. 

"Oh Theo. Your father isn't angry if that's what you think. You don't always have to visit your daddy. He is always with you. No matter what." Mum explained earning Theo to nod. 

"Okay." He whispered before we all climbed out of the car and made our way to his tombstone. 

"When were you last here?" Mum asked. 

"November. Harry took me here before we went to Maddy's summer home." I said as I bent down and wiped some leaves away. 

"I miss you, honey. So much." Maddy whispered as she twisted her ring. 

"Hi, dad! I miss you! I'm doing really good in school. I wish you were here to see me play football. Uncle Harry had been helping me." Theo said earning me to sit on the ground beside him. 

"I'm getting married tomorrow and you are not here to walk me down the aisle. I had always imagined that. My big brother walking me down to my husband who had to get along with you." I began as I wiped some tears away. 

"I remember hearing the news of you crashing your car I thought of me yelling at you for all the money you were borrowing. I'm so sorry Andrew. I wish you were here. I wish you were helping me with everything that was wrong." 

"I know you will be there tomorrow at my wedding. You will walk me right down the aisle to my husband. I love you and miss you so much." I whispered as I wiped the tears away and stared at my mother. 

" Perdóname mi hijo.  Fui muy tonta." (Forgive me, my son. I was very foolish). Mum said before she did the sign of the cross and smiled. 

"You three ready. Your aunt has a very long day tomorrow." Mum said earning me to groan as Maddy helped me up. 

"If Harry and I could elope we would," I said as Mum went to hit me but I quickly moved out the way. 

"And the queen would have your head."

"As would I," Mum said making me laugh as I grabbed her arm and laughed. 

"You love me way too much mum," I said making her smile. 

"Get in the car. When we get home we are doing some mask and I am cooking a good homecooked meal." Mum said making Theo and I cheer. 

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