Chapter Eighty: Introducing Diana to Her Majesty and Prince Phillip

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Isla of Sussex

I groaned as I woke up to hearing Diana cry. After everyone had left, well except for us forcing Charles and Camilla to leave, it took an hour to get Diana back to sleep.

I rolled over on the bed and jumped when I didn't feel Harry next to me. The door opened and I smiled when Harry walked in holding the baby.

"I realize she may not like how my heart sounds." He said as he lowered her into my arms.

"You have to be calm. Babies get more scared when the parent is scared." I explained earning him to chuckle before he sat beside me and pulled me close to him.

"Is it me or can you just stare at her all day?" He asked and I laughed before staring at my daughter's little hair.

"No, I can stare at her too. I took a photo of her while she was sleeping last night." I said and Harry chuckled before our alarm went off.

"Time to see your grandparents?" I asked and Harry nodded before he stood up and made his way into his closet. When he came back dressed in slacks and a gray button-up he took Diana from me.

I walked to my closer and slipped out of my pajamas and into a long sleeve blue dress. I grabbed a scarf and wrapped it around me and slipped my heels on and grabbed my red bag.

"We aren't going to bring a diaper bag?" Harry asked as I walked to Diana's room and grabbed her diapers and wipes.

"No, I'll just throw her things in with mine. Plus I believe your grandmother still has some baby things over there." I said as I walked back into the room and watched at Harry tried to swaddle the baby.

"Need some help?" I asked and Harry shook his head before he cheered and picked up Diana.

"Nope only took me about three tries but I have her changes and swaddled. Let's get in the car." He said as he walked past me into the living room. He strapped the baby into her car seat and we made our way outside.

I sat in the back with Diana and strapped her in as Harry started driving. When Diana finally opened her eyes I laughed at her little blue eyes.

"I honestly feel like she is your mother's twin," I said and Harry looked at me through the mirror and nodded.

"I said the same thing this morning when I woke up and went to her room." He said before he pulled into the private driveway. He got out the car before coming to my side and helping me out. I grabbed the car seat and looked towards the door to see Phillip and Her Majesty waiting for us.

"Ducky! You do not even look like you gave birth yesterday." Prince Phillip said and I smiled before I bowed to both him and Her Majesty.

"Is this the baby?" She asked and I nodded before turning the car seat around and smiled as Diana was looking around.

"Oh, she is beautiful," Phillip said before Her Majesty turned and led us to one of the old sitting room.

"What have you two decided to name her?" Her Majesty asked as we sat down and I took Diana out the car seat.

"We decided to name her Diana Elizabeth Silvia Catherine," I said and Her Majesty smiled at me.

"May I hold her?" She asked and I nodded as I stood up and placed Diana in her arms.

"Hello, little princess." She said and I turned to Harry who smiled.

"She shall be styled Her Royal Highness Princess Diana of Sussex." She said and I smiled as Harry reached over and grabbed my hand.

"She looks like Diana," Phillip said as Granny handed him, Diana.

"Well, I think that's why we named her Diana," Harry said and I laughed as I leaned into him.

"So Isla, are you still going to make that trip to the Harry Potter world with Harry, William, and Catherine of the twenty-sixth?" Granny asked and I nodded.

"Yes, I do still plan on going. That is really the only event I had planned out before I even got pregnant. I plan on keeping that promise." I said and she smiled at me.

"Have you picked out her god-parents or are you two still thinking about them?" She asked but Harry shook his head.

"No, we already know who. Princess Madeline of Sweden along with her fiance Christopher O'Neil. Then Captain Louis Haynes of course. Then Eugenie of course and finally James." Harry said and I watched Her Majesty for a moment before she smiled.

"I think you guys picked out the perfect people to be the godparents for Diana. You have my blessing. Are you two going to Madeline's wedding?" She asked and I nodded.

"She would probably murder me if I don't show up," I said and Phillip laughed and I watched as he lifted Diana slightly into the air and bounce her.

"She met William and Catherine when we got home yesterday and when William went to pick her up she threw up on him," Harry said and I let out a laugh before covering my mouth.

"Oh no. What did William do?" Her Majesty asked with a smile on her face.

"He was so disgusted. He gave Diana to Catherine and practically ran into our restroom." Harry said and I shook my head as I tried not to laugh.

"Are you alright Ducky?" Phillip asked and I nodded.

"Dr. Jackson said my emotions will be all over the place for about a week. Yesterday when Diana went to bed I started sobbing because I missed her." I said and Her Majesty smiled.

"I was like that when I gave birth to Anne. It is perfectly normal." She said before Diana started crying. I went to get her but Phillip quickly laid her down in his arms and bounced her softly.

"I think she is hungry. I am going to get her a bottle." He said as he stood up and walked out the sitting room.

"Phillip loves children. He already loves that little girl." Her Majesty said and I smiled as I leaned into Harry's chest.

"I think Diana is going to love her poppa."

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