Chapter Eight: Prince Charles

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Isla Richards

Valentines Day had come and passed. I had spent most of it in bed with Harry until Kate dragged us out for a double date. I now sat in the car with Harry as he drove towards his father's house. I allowed Kate to dress me for today and she picked my signature nude heels with a green dress I got two years ago.

"Did I tell you that you look beautiful?" Harry asked as he reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Only once. I wouldn't mind to hear it once more." I said with a laugh.

"You look beautiful my love. If only we didn't have to go to my fathers." Harry said as he turned and faced the road.

"Why don't you like going to your fathers?" I questioned as we pulled off the highway and began driving on a rode.

"He doesn't invite me as much as he invites Kate and William. And no it's not jealousy it's annoying." He responded making me stare at him for a moment before I brought his hand up to my lips and kissed it.

"It's alright," I whispered before he took a corner and soon we were pulling into the driveway where Prince Charles and Camilla were waiting for us.

"Behave now. We can't sneak away." I said before I opened my door and climbed ou the car and Harry quickly followed me. We made our way over to Prince Charles and Camilla where they hugged the both of us. I heard the clicks of a camera and tried my hardest not to roll my eyes.

"They get annoying after a while don't they?" Camilla asked making me nod before she placed her hand on my shoulder before nodding.

"Let's go inside then. Come Charles." She said before she began leading me into the house and I smiled.

"You have a lovely home. I haven't been here since William moved out." I said and Charles chuckled.

"We still have your graduation picture in the sitting room." He said before we were led into the kitchen parlor and I sat down beside Camilla as Charles and Harry got the tea and scones.

"So how has the planning been going? It's almost March in a week?" Camilla asked and I smiled at her.

"Well, we are finally done with the children's dresses and outfits! My dress is done along with Kate's after dress. We have the shoes. Kate's father is all fitted for his tux. I went to the church with Her Majesty a couple of days ago and had her put all the cards down with peoples name on them. " I explained and she smiled at me. Charles and Harry came and put the trays down before sitting down beside the both of us.

"So why did you want us here?" Harry asked and I turned around and faced her.

"Harry!" I scolded but Charles shook his head.

"It's alright dear. It is true that I do not invite Harry over here as much as I invite Will and Kate." Charles began before Camilla patted his knee.

"I invited you both here because I wanted to know how series you two are starting to get with one another. It's been three months since we announced you two dating." Charles said and I felt Harry tense.

"Four months, father. We had to wait a month to announce it." Harry said and Charles smiled at us.

"My apologize. But I did this with them as well. I want to know.." He trailed off and I stared at him before laughing.

"To know if I am truly dating your son for him or if I am dating him for the money and the royal title," I stated and he nodded.

"My mother and father did it to me and I shall do it for my sons." He said and I watched as Camilla looked at me.

"No, I am not dating your son for money or for a royal title. Frankly, I wouldn't care if he had a title or not. It took me so long to realize I had bloody feelings for this git. And when I did I ran because I thought he didn't care. But when I found on he did I stayed. I don't want your sons' money. I do not need your son's money." I said and I felt myself breathing heavy and Harry placed his arm around my waist and brought me closer to him.

"I'm sorry Isla. I just need to ask." Charles said and I tried my hardest not to laugh.

"You shouldn't have wasted time by inviting us here. You should've just asked me then and there if I truly loved your son. Because I do and I do not believe I will ever love another man that much." I responded before I stared at Harry. Waiting for him to say something. To defend me.

"Excuse me. I am going for a walk." I said as I pushed Harry away from me and made my way out of the parlor and almost rushed towards the grounds so I could walk. I pulled out my phone and quickly called Kate.

"You will never believe the reason Charles asked us to come here?! To see if I truly love Harry or if I wanted him for his money and title!" I hissed and I heard her sigh.

"He did that with me after Will and I broke up and got back together. I hated it and went to attack but William stopped and defended me. Did Harry do so?" She asked and I let out a laugh.

"Not even. He just stood there while I screamed and made a fool of myself." I said as I saw a bench and smiled as it reminded me the one everyone had seen Princess Diana sit on.

"My brother did what?" I heard Will question and I laughed.

"Didn't defend me. Am I allowed to sit on your mother's bench?" I asked and I saw him smile in my head.

"Of course you can. I always said my mother would've loved you and Kate. Just by your personalities." Will said and I sat down before I looked towards the hill and saw Harry.

"Your brother is making his way towards me. I haven't decided whether or not to rip his head off." I hissed and I heard them both laugh.

"Please don't do that. Granny wouldn't like that very much." He said and I found myself laughing.

"Just let him speak, Isla. Then call me when it is all over." Kate said before the call ended and Harry was standing in front of me.

"Can I help you, your Highness?" I question and he let out a laugh.

"Are you really mad? I wasn't surprised." He asked as he dusted a spot off and sat beside me.

"Mad? No, I am furious. I love you, Harry. I don't care for you being royal." I said and I saw him smile as he moved a piece of hair behind my ear.

"My father didn't say those things for that reason. He said them to hear your response. To see how you would defend me." Harry said and I stared at him before hiding my face.

"I should go apologize," I said and he shook his head as he laughed.

"No don't. He is proud of how you defended me and yourself. Said you'll do good defending us to granny." Harry said with a smile before he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"I love you, Isla Richards. I do not care what my father says. As long as Granny approved us I am fine. I care for you and I always will." Harry said and I laughed as a tear fell down my cheek.

"I love you, Harry. I always will." I whispered and he grinned before my phone began to ring and I raised an eyebrow but Harry quickly snatched it with a smile and answered it. The smile was wiped from his face before turning to me.

"She's here." He said before taking the phone away from his ear and placed the phone in front of me. I took the phone and placed it against my ear.

"Who is this?" I asked and I heard the laugh of a woman I didn't want to hear.

"Hello, Isla. Do you not remember your mother's number?" She questioned and I felt myself getting angry.

"Hello, Mother."

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