Chapter Sixty-Six: Harry's Here

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Isla of Sussex

I smiled as I climbed out of the car with Queen Silvia. She wanted to come to officially welcome Harry to Sweden. Thank god no cameras were here. I was so tired of wearing coat dresses and I just wanted to dress normally.

When the stairs were brought over to the door I smiled when I saw my husband's red hair. 

"Harry," I whispered before I jogged over to him. Harry dropped his bag and pulled me into a big hug. 

"Bud!" I heard a voice yell and Harry broke away from me as Bud leaped. 

"Hey, buddy! I've missed you too." I said and Harry smiled before Silvia walked over and Harry bowed. 

"Welcome to Sweden Prince Henry."  She said before she pulled Harry into a hug. 

"Thank you, Your Majesty. It is really nice to finally meet you." He said and Silvia smiled before turning to me. 

"Remember to take it slow today. After I drop you two back off at the palace I am leaving." She said and I turned to Harry. 

"I feel like a child being scowled." He said and I smiled before grabbing Bud's collar and smiling. 

"I've missed you, buddy. I promise now since your dad's home we are taking you everywhere with us." I said before we began making our way to the car. I let Bud jump in first before climbing in after the Queen. 

"Tomorrow we are having our ball to welcome the Duke of Sussex to Sweden." Her Majesty said and I looked at Harry who smiled. 

"Well, good thing William told me to pack my suit and medals." He said and I smiled before we got to the palace and the king stepped out. 

"Your Majesty," Harry said as he bowed. 

"Prince Henry, Duke of Sussex. Husband to our beloved Isla." He said and I smiled as I climbed out the car with Bud. 

"It is an honor to meet you, your highness." He said and Gustaf smiled before patting Harry on his back. 

"I am only messing with you. I welcome you to our home and encourage you to rest for tomorrow night." He said and Harry nodded as his bags were brought out and we made our way inside. 

"Isla! What took so long?" I heard Carl call out and I smiled as he walked over and smiled when he saw Harry. 

"Wonderful to see you again Harry. But your wife makes amazing rice with beans." Carl said as Sarah came and took Bud from me. 

"Say it with me Arroz con gandules," I said and he smiled. 

"I tried to make it and burned it," Carl said and I smiled when I turned back to Harry. 

"I will make it for dinner. Right now I want to cuddle with my husband." I said as I took Harry's hand and led him up the stairs to the third floor where I will always stay when I came to Sweden.

"How I've missed you," Harry said as we laid on the bed and he placed his ear above my belly. 

"Your child and I  have missed you too. I am glad your grandmother sent you home early." I said and he smiled before he laid beside me and pulled me into his arms. 

"I will never do anything again to disappoint you so I would have to go away." He said and I nodded. 

"I believe you. Now cuddle with me before I go and cook for them." I said and Harry let out a laugh. 

"I've missed your food. Military food is garbage. Taste and smell." He said and I laughed before I cuddled into his chest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to the sound of knocking on our door and when I got up to open it I saw Victoria there. 

"Finally you are up! I made the salad and chicken and Madeline made this egg salad and macaroni and cheese. We are waiting for you to make the rice." She said and I nodded. 

"Let me brush my teeth and I'll be down there," I said before I turned and made our way to my bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth before wiping my face and left Harry alone to go downstairs. 

When I got to the kitchen the pot was already on the stove and everything I needed was near there.

"Wow, how long have you guys been waiting?" I asked as I turned the stove on and smiled when the water began to boil. I threw some salt in the pot along with sofrito before turning to everyone. 

"Two hours. We wanted you and Harry to sleep." Chris said and I smiled. 

"Thank you. Harry is still asleep but I am so happy he is here. After the ball tomorrow we can go home." I said and Daniel nodded as he handed me two cups of rice. 

"We are going to miss you when you leave," Madeline said and I smiled as I poured the rice in. 

"I'm always a call away," I said before I heard footsteps and I turned to see Harry coming down the stairs. 

"Hey, sleepy head. Had a good nap?" I asked and he nodded before he sat next to Chris. 

"Best nap ever. Bud did not wake me up."He said and I let out a laugh before putting on the lid to the pot. 

"Harry you know Victoria and Daniel right?" I asked and he nodded as he smiled and waved. 

"It's nice to have you here Harry," Daniel said. 

"So tomorrow for this banquet, crown or no crown?" Harry asked

"Crown. Your wife has the Spencer Tiara ready because she already wore Queen Mary's Broch one." Victoria said and I winked at Harry. 

"Everyone said the love the crown on me," I said and Harry smiled before I went back and mixed the rice. 

"Are you ready to go home?" 

"Very. I miss my house and my family. I miss my nephew and sister in law." I said and Madeline raised an eyebrow. 

"Well we are going to miss you but I feel like we'll miss your rice more." 

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