Chapter Fifty-Nine: Ceremony

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Isla of Sussex

I woke up to Harry singing as he came out of the bathroom.

"You are in a happy mood. What did you do?" I asked as I tried to lift my head off the bed.

"I did nothing but get you and our little nugget breakfast." He said and I smiled before getting off the bed and made my way to the bathroom.

Once I was done brushing my teeth I came back and sat across from Harry at the table.

"Only two more days."

"I wish you could come home already. It sucks being alone." I whispered and Harry smiled.

"I'll be there after Christmas. Granny promised." He said and I smiled before shoving two pieces of bacon into my mouth.

"What uniform are you wearing for the ceremony so I can try to match," I asked as I grabbed the toast and put the egg on it before going to the closest.

"My black and red uniform!" He called and I walked out with a red dress, red hat, my black suede heels, and my black clutch.

"Yes?" I asked and he grinned before getting up and going to his closet.

"What are you getting?" I asked as I took my nightgown off and put the red dress on with my shorts underneath.

"My mother's blue ring." He said as he walked out with the ring in his hand.

"You want me to wear this?" I asked and he smiled before slipping it onto my right middle finger.

"Of course I do. Now let's hurry because we only have an hour left." He said before he ran to his closet.

"I hate you for that!"

"No, you don't! You love me!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One hour later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stepped out of the truck and Harry came over and offered his arm to me. I smiled as I grabbed it before we stepped towards the stage where I saw all the Captains sitting there.

"Introducing their Royal Highness the Duke and Duchess of Sussex." A person said and I waved to the families who were here for the ceremony.

"Excuse me?" A voice said and I looked down and saw a little boy in front of me. I bent down in front of him and smiled.

"Hello, what is your name?" I asked as he shook my hand.

"My name is Freddie. These flowers are for you." He said as he handed me the bouquet of posies.

" Oh, these are gorgeous. Thank you, Freddy." I said before I stood up. Freddy gave me a quick hug before running back to his mum and dad. I stepped back to where Harry was speaking to some cadets.

"Ah, my wife who has seen me through all my training," Harry said and I smiled at the group of men.

"Is it okay if we ask you a couple of questions before the ceremony?" One asked and I nodded.

"Of course. You have all my attention now." I said and they smiled before one took a notepad out.

"Is it hard when Captain Sussex isn't around? Some wives find it difficult."

"Sometimes it does get hard when I miss having him around. I feel like there should be a group of wives and husband who when it gets rough they can all meet." I said and one of them shot me a smile.

"What do you this you will say if your future children want to join the army or navy?"

"I would say go ahead. Your father did it. Along with your uncle, grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-grandmother. I wouldn't say anything negative." I said before I saw Sarah wave for Harry and me.

"Thank you guys but I have to go," I said and they all bowed before Harry grabbed my hand and we walked onto the stage.

"I miss having events with you." He said as I placed my flowers and clutch on the chair.

"So do I. We always had fun together," I said before the anthem began to play and we both stood straight. When the song finished everyone cheered before Harry's boss went to the microphone.

"Attention!" He called out and everyone, including Harry, went into a salute position.

"At ease soldiers. We are all here today for the promotions of the cadets. You have all proved you are worthy enough for our nation to consider moving you up a rank." The Major said and I raised an eyebrow at him before looking to Harry who seemed as if he was struggling not to laugh.

"Here today to help hand out the plaques please help me welcome Captain Henry Sussex and his wife Isla, the Duchess of Sussex." He said and everyone clapped as we walked toward the microphone.

"Thank you all for having us today. Generally, I was already planning on attending. The one who you should really welcome is my wife Isla." Harry said and I smiled before bringing the microphone to me.

"Thank you, love. Cadets and family thank you all for graciously welcoming me. This is my first cadet ceremony so go easy on me. I congratulate all of you on this accomplishment and that hopefully I will be at the next one." I said and everyone clapped before I went to one of the women who held the plaques. I turned to Harry who nodded and began calling all of the cadets.

When the ceremony was finally over at four I leaned into Harry as he was talking to one of the cadets, Mr. Rue.

"How are you feeling?" A voice asked and I looked at Mr. Rue's mother Malia.

"Tired. As I exit my sixth month all I want to do is sleep." I said and she smiled at me.

"I was like that with my eldest Robert. All I did was eat, sleep, and complain about my husband." She said and I smiled as I looked at Diana's ring.

"When it was announced that you and Prince Harry were getting married I thought of Princess Diana. Of how she would've loved you. The way you are it reminds me of her." She said and I looked to see Harry watching her.

"Did you know my late mother in law?"

"I did. I worked on making all her outfits. When we heard she died and we have to create the final black dress it broke me a little." She said before Mr. Rue grabbed his mother and walked away.

"Well, now we have two days alone with one another," Harry said as we began our way to the car with our detail around us.

"I finally get my husband to myself," I said and Harry stopped before smirking.

"Why don't we go get some ice cream."

"It's a date."

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