Chapter Ninety- Seven: Visiting Princess Diana's Memorial Foundation

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Isla of Sussex

August 31st, 2013

I watched Diana look around in her car seat to see where we were going. Today was the sixteenth anniversary of my mother in law passing. The Queen thought it would be good for one of us to visit the memorial and lay flowers.

Harry didn't want to do it just yet. It was still too much for him to be there. And William didn't want to leave Kate and baby George just yet.

"Are you ready for the world to see you, baby?" I asked as the car stopped and I looked to see the memorial and people crowding around.

"Remember when you lay the flowers she is supposed to help you," Sarah said and I smiled softly.

"My daughter is four almost five months old. She can barely hold her bottle." I said as I unclipped Diana and picked her up. My door opened and I slid to the end of the seat and climbed out of the truck.

I waved to the crowd as I slipped Diana onto my hip and she looked around at everyone. I took her sunhat away from Sarah and slipped it on her head.

"Hello everyone. Thank you so much for coming." I said as I waved to everyone.

"When we heard you would be coming here for the anniversary we all wanted to come." An elder woman said to me and I smiled.

"When the idea was brought up I jumped at the opportunity to come. Then, of course, Harry and I thought we should bring this cutie so she could learn a little about the women she is named after." I explained as I bounced Diana in my arms.

"Will you tell her stories of her grandmother?" A man asked as people began laying flowers down.

"Harry already does. When she gets restless we learned that she calms down when he tells her stories of his mum. I like to listen to them too." I said and Diana let out a happy gurgle and everyone laughed.

"When we had heard you two named her after Harry's mum we were all in shock. Was that a name you two always thought of? My name is John and my mum was a big fan of Princess Diana."

"Actually no. Originally we said if we had a boy he would either be named Phillip or Alexander. But for girls we only had Elizabeth. When she was born Harry said she looked like his mum and it clicked." I said as I looked down at Diana who reached her arm up.

I smiled at her as I touched her cheek and she grinned.

"She looks so in love with you." John's wife said and I smiled.

"I am beyond blessed to have her in my life. I was so terrified for my entire pregnancy. But then she was born and everything felt right." I said before Sarah walked over to me. She held the wreath in her hands and I looked over to Alice who came over and took Diana.

I grabbed the wreath from Sarah and turned to the middle of the fountain. Everything fell silent and I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

Though I will never meet you I thank you for giving me such a wonderful husband. Who is also a wonderful father. May you rest peacefully for all of eternity.

When I opened my eyes I bent down and placed the wreath down. I fixed it before Sarah nodded and I stood back up.

Alice brought Diana over to me and everyone smiled when they saw her holding one single flower in her hands. It was Diana's favorite flowers, Forget-Me-Nots.

I scooped Diana into my arms and when we bent down in front of the fountain she let it fall before she waved her arms around. I felt everyone get their camera's ready. I stood up and turned Diana to me and placed her on my hip.

"You did so good baby girl. We are going to go home soon." I whispered as I fixed her hair and kissed her forehead.

"Whose idea was it for baby Diana to present a flower?" A woman named Veronica asked.

"Harry's. My late mother in laws favorite flower were Forget me not. Harry thought it would be a cute idea for Diana to release one into the fountain. At first, I was scared because she loves water." I said and everyone laughed.

"Is this her first outing?"

"Yes, we were going to wait until she got older and we went on a tour. But as her parents, we thought this would be a good opportunity." I said as Diana leaned into my chest and grabbed a part of my dress to hold herself up.

"It was so wonderful to meet you all but this little one is getting fussy," I explained and everyone nodded.

"We thank you for coming here today. We thought it was amazing that a royal member would be here on this day." Someone said and I stared into the crowd.

"Her sons mourn the mother they both lost. And within this year they also mourn the fact that she now has two beautiful grandchildren that will never know her and she will never know them." I began as I looked down at Diana.

"They still mourn her and if they are not ready to come here we must all accept that," I said before I waved goodbye and allowed Sarah to lead me back into the car. I placed Diana in her car seat and hooked her up to everything before leaning back.

"You handled that wonderfully by the way. They can jump to conclusions so quickly." Sarah said and I shook my head.

"Her children still mourn but all they can think about it themselves and the public image." I hissed as the car started moving.

"It's disgusting. For them to think they still don't miss her. Harry cried for two hours before I left. But they will never know."

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