Chapter Four: Taking with the Queen

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Isla Richards

I rolled my eyes as Kate stood behind me as she curled my hair. Harry and I are scheduled for lunch with the Queen in less than an hour. 

"There. I'm finished. Let's go see how you look." Kate said with a smile as she practically dragged me to the full-length mirror. I smiled at my outfit. 

"Black is your color, my friend

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"Black is your color, my friend. You are all set. William and Harry are waiting for us outside." Kate said as she handed me my small white clutch and we walked outside the room. 

"You look lovely," Harry said as he quickly grabbed my hand. 

"Thank you." 

"You'll do fine. Granny will just ask a couple questions. She loves you." William said as he wrapped his arm around Kate's shoulder. 

"Yes. You have the upper hand." Kate said and I rolled my eyes. 

"Only upper hand I had was my parents not wanting me home and her majesty being kind enough to let me stay for a month or two," I said and Harry laughed earning me to laugh before I saw Prince Philip make his way over to us and Kate and I quickly bowed to him. 

"How many times do I have to tell you, girls, you don't need to do that. I am here to escort you and Harry to lunch." Philip said as he held his arm out for me to take. I quickly grabbed his arm and he began to lead us towards the Queen's wing. 

"So how long were you two going to wait to tell us?" Philip asked as he held the door open for me and I found myself staring at him before smiling. 

"I was just waiting for Harry," I said with a smile as Harry placed his hand on my waist and smiled at me. 

"Took me about three months. But I think it was seeing her being mobbed by those savages made me realize how much I care for her." Harry explained and I saw Philip smile at us. 

"Good. Come. She's waiting for us." He said as he opened his arm and lead us to the small dining room. When I saw the queen I bowed to her and she smiled at me. 

"Come and sit. We have much to talk about." The Queen said as she sat down and the three of us quickly followed her to sit down. 

A simple chicken salad was served along with just glasses of water and we all started eating. 

"I remember when William introduced us to you Isla. I thought he was going to marry you." The Queen said earning me to laugh. 

"It was always Kate. William just tried to make me feel like I had a family." I said with a smile earning the Queen to smile at me. 

"Have you spoken to your parents at all?" She questioned and I shook my head. 

"No. Not until my brother died last year from the car crash. After helping with the arrangements they haven't called me." I stated as I reached for my glass of water. 

"Do you miss your parents?" Harry asked and I almost felt like laughing. 

"What is to miss? I was never home. Sent to boarding school after boarding school. Never home for the holidays. Then once I was introduced to this family I felt more at home than ever." I said with a soft smile. 

"I always considered you family Isla. I was just waiting for Harry to finally come to me." The Queen said making me stare at her for a moment. 

"So you approve?" I asked and she nodded before turning to Harry. 

"I expect you to treat her with the respect she deserves. No partying, no smoking, none of that do you understand?" She questioned and Harry nodded. 

"Yes, granny. I'll treat her like Grandfather treats you." He said and I watched as the old couple shared a look before smiling at us. 

"Well, it will be announced you two are dating in a week. Until then keep low inside here." The Queen stated making us nod and soon she was finished eating which meant we had to be finished as well. 

"Then I will meet with you on Monday Isla for how long you are with the wedding planning. Until then be good and don't be seen in public with each other." She said as she stood up and Harry and I quickly stood up and bowed to her. 

As soon as she left Harry quickly walked over to me and pulled me into a hug before pressing a kiss to my forehead. 

"I told you she would approve. She loves you." Harry said making me smile. 

"It took her forever to approve Kate," I said and he nodded. 

"Very true. But you're different." He said and soon a knock came to the door and we turned to see Will there. 

"Harry come on. We have training." He said and I shared a look with Kate before I turned back to Harry. 

"Go. I'll be fine. I'll stay with Kate and we can do some planning." I said and I watched him frown before he kissed me softly and I smiled at him before he followed his older brother out the room. 

"Come on. I have an idea for your dress and the flower girls!" Kate said before she dragged me towards my office. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later that day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I laid on Kate and Wills bed as Kate put in the first season of The Simpson on the TV. 

"Do you remember when we would stress out over exams and you would just put this on?" Kate asked as she climbed on the bed. 

"Of course. I love this show." I said and Kate rolled her eyes before pulling me into a hug. 

"I love you so much Isla!" Kate said and I laughed before patting her on her head. 

"I love you too Kate. Will is going to kill me for getting you drunk." I said and she laughed. 

"Oh, he is going to kill me as well," I  said before I turned over and saw she was fast asleep. I quickly reached for her blanket and covered her up. 

An hour had passed when Harry and Will walked through the door and saw the two of us laying in bed and they both raised an eyebrow. 

"Were you two drinking?" Will asked with a slight smile on his face as I got off the bed and slipped back into my shoes. 

"Not that much. At least it was like when we were really young." I said as I turned to Harry who smiled at me. 

"Come on love. Let's leave Will alone to deal with Kate." Harry said as he placed a hand on my back and led me out of their small apartment and into the hall and up a floor to Harry's small apartment. 

"Are you tired?" He asked as I held onto him to take my heels off. 

"Yes. Let's sleep." I said as I finally kicked those heels off and took off running to Harry's room with him following me laughing. 

After jumping in his bed he jumped in after me and pulled me close to him. I turned to face him and saw him smiling  at me. 

"What?" I whispered as I brushed his hair back. 

"I'm just really lucky to finally have you in my life." He whispered and I smiled before pressing a kiss to his lips. 

"And I am lucky to have you. Now let's sleep." I said as I covered his eyes before closing mine and heard him chuckle before he removed my hand and I fell asleep. 

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