Chapter One Hundred and Ten: New Years Eve Party

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Isla of Sussex

December 31st, 2013

I smiled as I walked into Sandrigham Castle with Harry right behind me. Today was the Queen's annual New Year's Eve Party and this year she extended the invite to my mum, Maddy, and Theo.

Theo quickly reached for my hand and I smiled softly at him.

"You'll be okay. Remember, Her Majesty loves you." I whispered and he nodded before he spotted James and took off running towards him.

"He and James truly are good friends?" Mum asked as she let go of Harry's arm and looked around the ballroom.

"Yes, they got close when I was pregnant and would always invite James over with Theo all the time," I said before I saw Zara making her way over to us.

"Pregnant women coming through!" She said and I laughed as I kissed both her cheeks.

"I do not know how you are still awake. Last year during the New Years I was practically falling asleep in my chair." I said and Harry nodded as he threw his arm around me.

"If it wasn't for me, she would've fallen face-first into her food."

"Shut up you," I said before Zara rubbed her stomach.

"This little one has about two weeks left before we meet him or her. I already asked William if he would be one of the godfathers but I want to ask you two if you will be the other set of godparents."She said and I stared at Zara in shock.


"Yes! You two are amazing with little Diana! And no matter you two will help us no matter what. Please tell me you'll accept?"

"Of course we will!" Harry said as he pulled Zara in a hug.

"Harry, darling, if you squeeze her too tight you might make her go into labor early," Mum said making me roll my eyes.

After Harry and Zara stopped hugging I walked over to where the drinks were at and handed both Mum and Maddy a glass of champagne before taking one for myself.

"Nervous?" I asked Maddy who nodded.

"Beyond nervous. I'm just happy no paps are here. They make everything worst."

"They do, but Her Majesty specifically told them they weren't invited this year. Just enjoy the music and food. We have one hour before the New Years is here and we can all sleep." I said before someone tapped my shoulder and I turned to see Beatrice and Eugenie.

"You both look very cute!" I said as I hugged both of them.

"You do as well. Red really is your color." Beatrice said before they both said hello to my mum and Maddy.

"We haven't seen you around in a while Maddy. Is the new boyfriend keeping you busy?" Eugenie asked as Andrew came and stole Beatrice away.

"You guys will meet him! He just met Theo and Andrew as well." Maddy said and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Really? How did he meeting Andrew go?" I asked as I took a sip of my champagne.

"It went well. Andrew just told him not to parent Theo, and Ricky respected that."

"Good, as long as they establish that boundary," Mum said before Harry joined us.

"Excuse me ladies, but I want to be able to steal my wife for a dance or two. Our first night out in a while without Diana and we plan to enjoy it." He said as Maddy took my drink and I let Harry led me onto the dance floor.

As he spun me around I let out a laugh before he dragged me close to him.

"You always love to spin me around the dance floor," I said and he grinned as he kissed my cheek.

"Of course, if I didn't I'm not a true husband." He said and I laughed as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispered as he dipped me.

"I may sound crazy for saying this, but I want another baby, Harry. Maybe we can start trying again after Diana turns one." I said and he stared at me for a moment before grinning.


"Yes, I loved every moment being pregnant and I want Diana to have a little brother or sister," I said and he nodded before pulling me close.

"Of course! Of course, we are going to have another baby." He said as we broke apart.

"Only after Diana turns one," I said and he nodded.

"Only after she turns one."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One Hour Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I held onto Harry's arm as we all stood near the Queen as she began her annual speech.

"Another year has gone. This year we welcomed two wonderful little children into our family and within a few weeks, we will welcome another one."

"I am proud to spend another year with you all. I look forward to what the next year brings us and what it brings for this family. I love every single one of you. I hope you all have a very Happy New Years." She said and we all held our glasses up.

"It's starting!" James and Theo said and I looked over to the screen and saw the countdown.











"Happy New Years!" We all yelled and I turned to Harry who was grinning at me.

"Happy New Years my love!" He said before he placed both of his hands on my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss. I let out a little laugh before I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back.

"Happy New Years Harry. And to many more that shall come."

A/N: Guys! Thank you from the bottom of my heart all the support that has been shown! The sequel should be up and running already so just head over to my page and click on the story called A Royal Marriage!

From the bottom of my heart, I love you all!

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