Chapter Forty-Three: Arrival in Sweden

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Isla of Sussex

I smiled as the plane landed and everyone began to take our bags off the plane.

"Can you see them?" I asked Sarah as I looked in the mirror and fixed my hat.

"Not yet. But when we get off the plane they will be coming out of the car." She said before turning to me and nodding.

"You look beautiful." She said and I nodded before the door to the plane opened and I grabbed my clutch and began to walk down the steps. When I did I saw Crown Princess Victoria and her husband Crown Prince Daniels stepping out of the car.

"Isla honey!" Victoria said and I smiled as I walked off the last two steps and smiled as she pulled me into a hug

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"Isla honey!" Victoria said and I smiled as I walked off the last two steps and smiled as she pulled me into a hug. I went to curtized but Victoria stopped me and shook her head.

"You don't have to do that here. It is so wonderful to meet you. And look at that small belly." She said and I smiled as I watched my bags being taken to the car.

"It is wonderful to meet you as well Victoria. Both of you. I am beyond happy that Sweden is going to be my first royal tour." I said as I shook Daniels' hand.

"Well let us get into the car. My parents are very excited to meet you." She said and I nodded before following the two of them to the car. I waved softly at the cameras and stopped when Prince Daniel held the car door open for me.

When I climbed into the car I let out a breath before warming up my hands.

"So how far along are you?" Victoria asked.

"Just turned four months. It is all new to me. I never expected to get pregnant this early in my marriage. Many people thought I did it on purpose." I said with a smile.

"I completely understand. Everyone thought I would get pregnant right away too. I said no. I want to wait just a little while longer." Victoria said and I smiled as we pulled onto the highway.

"So where is your husband stationed at?" Daniel asked.

"Afganistan. Until mid-January."

"Must be lonely without him."

"Some nights yes. Others no. I have a little nephew Theo he always makes sure I'm never alone." I explained with a smile on my face. It took twenty minutes to get to Haga Palace. Prince Daniel helped me out before helping Victoria. Sarah quickly got out her car and was beside me in a minute.

I was led to the library where the King and Queen would be waiting for me. Along with Princess Madeline and Prince Carl Phillip.

Where the doors opened I followed Victoria and Daniel to the middle where King Gustav and Queen Silvia where standing. I quickly bowed before smiling at them.

"Hello, Your Majesties," I said before Queen Silvia kissed my cheek

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"Hello, Your Majesties," I said before Queen Silvia kissed my cheek.

"These are for you." She said and I smiled as I took the bouget of flowers out of her hands.

"Oh! Thank you. I love sunflowers." I said with a smile as I grabbed the flowers and sniffed them. I held them before turning to Princess Madeline and Prince Carl Phillip.

"It's nice to meet you your Highnesses," I said as I shook both their hands

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"It's nice to meet you your Highnesses," I said as I shook both their hands.

"It is a pleasure to have you here in Sweden," Carl said and I nodded before he helped me sit down.

"Congratulations on your pregnancy. How far along are you?" Madeline asked.

"Just turned four months. I said this to Victoria earlier that this is all new to me. It gets scary sometimes." I said making Queen Silvia smile.

"I remember those days." She said with a faint smile.

"We know that this is your very first tour here so we won't drive you crazy. Later tonight will a formal dinner to welcome you here to Sweden. Tomorrow afternoon you and Madeline along with Carl are going to go to the ports and meet some of our sailors." King Gustav said and I nodded as I handed Sarah the flowers.

"We are going to let you rest on Wednesday. I know what walking around too much does to pregnant women. Then on Thursday Gustav and I leave for a visit in Blekinge and you are going to be with Victoria and Daniel that entire day. But we will be back on Friday to say goodbye to you." Silvia said and I smiled.

"Thank you. It means a great deal for me to be here. I cannot wait for tonight." I said and the King and Queen nodded at me. I stood up and we all bowed before they walked out.

"Don't mind our father. He rarely speaks to our guest." Madeline said making me smile as I stood up.

"It is alright. I at times am the same way. My husband Harry most of the times does the speaking." I said before we all made our way to the hallways.

"Well, we all should start getting ready for tonight's dinner. My brother will be escorting you down." Victoria said and I smiled as I made my ways to the stairs.

"That will be loving. My room?"

"Third floor, fifth room on the right," Madeleine said with a smile. I nodded my thanks to them before climbing the stairs. Sarah ran up following me and smiled.

"You did wonderfully with them." She said as we climbed the last flight and we turned down the hallway to our room.

"Thanks. Help me pick out an outfit?" I asked as I opened the door and sighed.

"Already did. Now let us get you into a bath."

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