Chapter Nineteen: Children's Society

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Isla Richards

I grinned as Harry opened my side of the car's door as we stepped towards the Children's Society.

"Ms. Richards." A voice said and I looked up to see Emily standing there with a bouquet of roses.

"Emily! How wonderful to see you again." I said as I broke away from Harry and walked towards Emily and grabbed the flowers.

"You remembered me! I'm so happy you're here." Emily said as I pulled her into a hug.

"So am I. Do you want to walk with Harry and I inside?" I questioned as I stood up.

"Yea!" She said as she grabbed my hand. I smiled as I waved to the cameras and walked over to Harry. Emily curtsied to him before he winked and gave her a high five. Emily led us towards the front doors where the Headmaster was at.

"Wonderful to see you both again." The Headmaster said after he bowed to Harry.

"Wonderful to be here," Harry said and Emily hanged onto my hand as we walked inside.

"Emily, don't you have a lesson to get to." The Headmaster said and Emily whined.

"Is it alright if she stays with us?" I asked and the Headmaster stared at me for a moment before nodding.

"Only if she behaves. Do you hear that Emily?" The Headmaster said and Emily nodded as she held onto my hand and swung her leg. I smiled at the young girl before Harry grabbed my hand and we were led to the Technology department.

"Here the teens have been learning how to code, make websites, and some learned from a robotics professor how to wire a robot." The Headmaster explained as he showed us a trophy case of what the students won.

"When did you decide to make this department?" I questioned as Harry walked to Emily's left and grabbed her arm.

"We decided about six months to a year ago. We saw a lot of their parents had handed them laptops and phones and they had no idea how to use them." He explained as we walked through another set of doors and all the teens stood. I waved to all of them before letting go of Emily's hand and walking to a group of teens who were near the microphones.

"Hello, may I ask what you are working on?" I asked and the kids smile at me.

"Hello Ms. Richards, I'm Alyssa we are working on how to make podcasts," Alyssa said and I grinned at her.

"That sounds fascinating. Can I ask how it works?" I questioned as they pulled me a seat.

"Well, you have to wear these headphones so you can hear what the others are saying. Then you just speak to the mic and we edit out the parts about laughing." Alyssa explained as she handed me the headphones and I held them up.

"These seem pretty heavy. Do you have lighter headphones?" I asked and the girl with box braids nodded.

"Yes, Ms. Richards. I'm Asia. If we don't feel like wearing these big things we grab our headphones." Asia explained and I smiled at her.

"Do you have any teachers here to help you?" I asked as I handed her the headphones back.

"Yes, when we have lessons on Mondays and Fridays our teachers are here," Alyssa explained and I smiled as I stood up and shook all of their hands.

"Thank you, ladies, for explaining this all to me. I hope you all enjoy this." I said as I patted one of there shoulders before moving onto a group of boys who were wearing a green suit and standing in front of a green screen.

"Acting like weather people aren't we?" I asked and the boys quickly stopped and stared at me.

"Sorry, Ms. But yes. We use this a lot for our projects at school." One boy said before I stuck my hand out and shook their hands. One was Matthew, the other was Aruthr, and the last was Zeke.

"Well, I'm Isla Richards. Do you always have to wear the green suit?" I asked as I placed my hands in my pockets.

"Not always. Sometimes we use it as pranks." Matthew explained with a smile.

"It gets hot at times wearing it really," Zeke said as he got out the suit and I laughed as he handed it over to me.

"How long on average do you spend working on this green screen?" I asked as I handed the suit back.

"If we get the scene right no more than an hour," Aruthr said and I nodded.

"But if we get it wrong than most of the time three hours," Zeke said and I nodded before bidding them a goodbye and walking over to Harry and Emily who were with the Headmaster.

"Are you both ready to speak to them?" He asked as Harry swung Emily around.

"Yes, we are. Can you give us a moment?" Harry asked and the Headmaster nodded before we both bent down to Emily's size.

"I have to go with the kids again." She said with a small pout.

"I'm sorry darling. But we have to talk to these people know and after that, we sign a couple of things and go home." Harry explained and I watched as Emily's eyes watered up.

"We will be back next month. Will you be here?" I asked as she turned to me.

"Yea, I always get dropped off here." She said and I smiled as I hugged her.

"The next time you get to be with us the entire time. I pinky promise." I said as I held out my pinky and she grinned at me before wrapping her pinky around mine. She skipped over to a woman waiting for her and walked out.

"You were wonderful to her," I said with a smile and he grinned.

"Kids tend to love me." He whispered as he kissed my forehead. The Headmaster led Harry to the small stage while I went back and sat with Alyssa and Asia.

"Good morning. As most of you know I'm Prince Harry. My girlfriend and I came here particularly to this department to see how engrossed you all are with technology. Now don't get me wrong I believe technology is taking over our world and some for the good and some for the bad. But from hearing how much time more than half of you spend staring at a computer screen it isn't healthy." Harry began as he stared at me.

"I studied around a hundred cases in which some children played games or watched videos for almost days at the end and they died. Their hearts stopped working suddenly and I am terrified that something like that will happen to all of you." Harry added before he motioned for me to join him.

As I walked on the stage someone whistled and I laughed softly before standing next to Harry.

"I visited a hospital about a week back and met a young man who went blind for staring at a laptop screen every day for almost twelve hours. Yes, this man wore glasses but it doesn't matter. I never want to come back to visit this place and find out one of you have been hurt from staring at a screen for over three hours. It would hurt me. Hurt all of us." I said and I watched as the kids stared at us.

"I care for each and every one of you. Both Harry and I do. We want you to all be aware of what is going on and try to take care and be aware. Thank you." I finished and all the teens stood up and cheered for us. Harry placed his hand on my lower back and I looked up at him and smiled.

I watched as the headmaster walked towards us and grinned.

"Thank you for talking to this children. I think you both actually got to them," He said as she shook both of our hands.

"You're welcome. This is something we are both passionate about." Harry said making me smile at him.

"I can never thank you both enough for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and talk to them. Thank you." Headmaster said and Harry and I smiled at him before I turned to Harry and smiled.

"I love you," I whispered and he stared at me for a moment before grinning.

"As I love you." He whispered before he gave me a kiss. 

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