Chapter One Hundred and One: International Fleet Review

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Isla of Sussex

October 5th, 2013

Harry and Tony had decided that they would go to the Headquarters yesterday and we are going to the Harbor today.

I fixed Harry's medal's as we climbed out of the car and was met by Quentin Bryce.

"Your Royal Highnesses, welcome to International Fleet Review here in Sydney." She said and I smiled as I reached over and shook her head.

"It's wonderful to be here. I never really have been to a fleet review. Honestly, I am just here to support my husband." I said and Harry smiled as he offered me his arm and we began walking.

"So I will explain shortly, or try to, on what happens here. Harry will go into one of our fleets and give an inspection. Once he gives the okay you two will just walk around and meet people." Quentin said and I nodded as I slipped my sunglasses off my eyes and on my head.

"So what is first on the list?" Harry asked as he fixed his gloves.

"To salute the troops. We will be going to the base right over here." She said as she motioned to the stage. The drums began to beat and I handed my clutch and glasses to Sarah to hold as we all climbed the stage.

Harry stood front and center and I grinned as I watched people photograph him. I stood two feet behind him and followed Harry's motions as he lifted his hand and placed it against his head.

I watched as the other guards and captains motioned over and stood at attention. After saluting them for a minute and dropped his hand. I lowered my hand and clapped before Harry turned to me and grinned.

"I know you don't like when they force you to be in the back and I'm sorry." He said and I smiled as I fixed his hat.

"Honey, as long as I am with you I am fine. They do not want me. They want you. I am and will forever be your wife and the mother of your child." I said and he grinned as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"I'll make it up to you tonight." He said and I nodded.

"I know you will. Now go review the fleet. I will be out here with Sarah looking from the other fleets." I said and he nodded as Quentin lead him to the biggest fleet.

"We are going on fleet number three," Sarah said as she looked up from her phone.

"Posting on Instagram already?" I asked as I waved to some of the crew workers who bowed to me.

"You and Harry are one of the first royals who have a personal social media account who post about their patronages, family moments, things you believe in, and personal things. People love it." She stated as I walked across the top to one of the little balconies.

I closed my eyes and inhaled as the breeze hit me.

"This is actually one of the peaceful spots upon the fleet. Usually, when we are out on the water most people come out here to feel relaxed." A voice said and I turned to see a woman in uniform bowing to me.

"Does it get scary being out there and being away from your family?" I asked and the woman nodded.

"It gets very lonely sometimes. We are only allowed to hang up two photos of your family. It's good to make friends because they become like your second family." She explained and I smiled as I looked out to the water.

"It's very peaceful at this spot."

"Very, it's my favorite spot." She added and I laughed softly.

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