Chapter Ninety-Four: Ballet with Mum

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Isla of Sussex

August 2nd, 2013

I sat in the limo next to Mum as we drove through the streets towards London National Theatre where we would be seeing Sleeping Beauty.

"Oh, I'm so nervous! Is this dress nice?" Mum asked making me smile as I turned to her.

"Mum you look wonderful. Remember my stylist Annie picked that dress out because of your curves. It's meant for you." I said as I fixed a curl.

"I don't know how you or Catherine can do this all the time. Constantly being criticized for what you wear." She said as she reached for my hand.

"One thing I learned during princess training, don't let what the media say affect your life," I said before the car stopped and I turned to see the Theatre. My door opened and I scooted to the end before placing both feet on the ground and stepping out of the limo.

I waved hello to the crowd before I turned and helped my mother out of the limo as we walked up to the red carpet. I waved to the fans who were screaming for me before I wrapped my arm around Mum's back and we posed for photos.

"Remember, they can't say anything bad about you if you look your best," I whispered to her and she smiled at me.

"I said that to you. Your first day of secondary school." She said and I nodded.

"And one day I shall say it to Diana," I said before Sarah walked over and led me and Mum inside where Tamara was waiting for us.

"Your Highness." She said as she shook my hand and curtsied to me.

"Hello, Tamara. May I introduce my mother Amanda Richards." I said and Tamara shook my mother's hand.

"The entire cast was wondering if before you took your seat if you could wish them luck." She said and I smiled.

"I would be honored," I said and Tamara grinned before leading Mum and me to the backstage and into the dressing room. Everyone said hello when we walked in and Tamara whistled to silence the room.

"You all know Her Highness but this is her mother Ms. Amanda Richards who will also be reviewing you all tonight," Tamara said and I nodded towards the good.

"One thing you should know about me is I am not a fan of speeches. I say what is on my heart and here is it. Do your best and give one hundred percent. I am not a theatre person but my mother is so I will give her the floor." I said and my mother stared at me before smiling.

"There was always a lined told to us. Break a leg. Do not be afraid of what others will think. If you know you have worked so hard to come this far that is all that matters. I wish you all the best of luck. It will be a beautiful ballet." Mum said and I clapped my hands before we said goodbye to everyone and Sarah began leading us to our seats.

"That was a wonderful speech mum!" I said and Mum smiled.

"Oh hija, I forgot how much the thrill is of being backstage." She said as the doors opened and everyone stood up as we began our way towards our seats.

"You used to always drag us to ballets when we were younger. That's why I wanted to invite you tonight. I want you to come with me more to events like this." I said as we got to the first row and I picked up the paper and sat down.

"Isla, I will love to join you on more events like this. I heard you are going to take Theo with you to the Children's Orchestra?" She asked as she sat down.

"I am. I just have to figure out when I am going to go." I said and she nodded before the band began playing. I watched as the lights dimmed down and everyone slowly took their seats.

Out came Vanessa from the left side and the big light followed her until she got to the middle and she smirked.

"Thank you for all of you who are here tonight. For our opening show, we will be performing Sleeping Beauty. The classic tale of Princess Aurora. We are very pleased to say we have one of our patrons the Duchess of Sussex here tonight." She said and a light flashed to me.

I stood up and waved to everyone before sitting back down.

"Now without further notice, let us take you back to Renaissance France." She said as she quickly rushed away and the curtains opened.

"Now this I love."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As the curtain closed mum and I quickly jumped to our feet and clapped for the cast and crew.

"Oh! That was wonderful!" Mum said as she picked up her clutch and Sarah walked over to us.

"Tamara would like to see you both." She said and I nodded.

"Lead the way. Harry is home with Diana all night." I said and Mum chuckled as we walked outside and saw Tamara. She was holding two small bouquets of carnations.

"These are for you two. I wanted to personally give them to you and thank you both for coming and supporting us tonight." She said and I smiled as I took the bouquet from her.

"Thank you so much! It was an honor and I loved it! I haven't seen a ballet of Sleeping Beauty before and tell them they all did a wonderful job." I said and I watched as Tamara grinned.

"We had also heard your mum used to be a ballet dancer."

"In secondary school. I stopped when I gave birth to my son." Mum explained and Tamara smiled as she shook mums hand.

"If you ever want to come for a class or to just watch our doors are always over." She said and Mum nodded.

"I'll give thought to that. Thank you so much for inviting us." Mum said as I turned and began making my way outside. I waved to the crowd before I wrapped my arm around my mum's waist and we posed for pictures.

"Thank you all for coming tonight! Make sure you all go see the show because it was amazing!" I called out as I led mum towards the limo. I let her slide in first before I got into the limo myself. I rolled the window down and waved one last time to the crowd as we drove away.

"You did wonderful mum," I said and she grinned at me.

"Thank you mija. It means a lot to me."

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