Chapter Eighteen: Harry Potter Premiere

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Isla Richards

I smiled as Sarah finished curling my front pieces so that Theo and I could quickly leave to go to the premiere. 

"Are you excited about your first red carpet?" Maddy asked as she dugged through her makeup bag. 

"Nervous. I haven't eaten." I said and Sarah laughed as she placed my curls in front of my face and smiled. 

"You will do amazing. Kate even told you so when you called her two hours ago. Also, you have Theo and me to be with you." Sarah 

"Speaking of my lovely nephew is Harry finished with him?" I asked as Maddy applied red lipstick on me.

"Almost. He is fixing his tie. Theo tried to do it himself. There all done." Maddy said as she helped me stand up and led me to the mirror. I smiled at the way I was dressed. Approve by her majesty with the note I must behave. The door opened and I turned to see Harry walking in with Theo. 

"You look so handsome!" I said with a smile as my nephew rushed over to me

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"You look so handsome!" I said with a smile as my nephew rushed over to me. 

"You look very pretty Auntie," Theo said and I smiled before looking up at Harry who whistled. 

"Hurry and get back." He said with a smile as he kissed my forehead. I turned to Theo and smiled. 

"You ready to meet all those cameras?" I asked and he nodded. 

"I'm ready if you are." He whispered and I smiled before taking my clutch from Sarah who would be coming with us. 

"Well let's get going," I said with a smile as we walked out of the apartment and made our way to the front of the castle and into the limo Harry had rented for us. 

I smiled as Theo began bouncing up and down in his seat as we got closer to the premiere. Once we arrived Sarah was the first one out the door and I placed the clutch on my chest as I stepped out and waved to everyone. 

Theo followed me and I quickly grabbed his hand as we made our way up the red carpet. Theo and I began waving to every camera as Sarah held up a sign saying who we were. 

"Ms. Richards!" A voice cried out and I turned to see Alex from the daily mail threw. 

"Alex wonderful to see you again," I said as I walked over to him. 

"Surprised to see you remembered me." He said and I laughed softly before shaking my head. 

"I'll always remember you Alex. This is my nephew Theo," I said with a smile as I placed Theo in front of me. 

"Hello, Theo. How does it feel to be on the red carpet?" Alex asked Theo. 

"It feels weird. But I love Harry Potter and I wanted to go with my Aunt." Theo said making me and the other reporters around us laugh. 

"So Isla. Same question for you. How does it feel to be on your first red carpet?" He asked and I smiled as I fixed my braid. 

"It's amazing really. Scary as well. When I got the invitation to appear on the red carpet I was shocked. I'm grateful, truly grateful to be here." I said with a smile as I waved to some of the children. 

"The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are on tour in Canada. Any words on that?" He asked and I laughed softly. 

"Catherine called me her first night to see how she thought I did. Catherine is natural. She always has been and she truly is amazing I love her and William so much." I said as Theo walked to Sarah and stricken a pose. 

"Last question I swear. How are you and his Highness Prince Harry?" He asked and I grinned. 

"Harry and I are doing amazing. Together for about nine months now.  We are planning another trip to the Children's society to see the teenagers and their robots and other tech things that they have. After that, I don't know what is in store for us. He makes me happy." I said and Alex nodded before bidding me goodbye and I walked towards Theo who held his hand out for me to take. 

I pulled him closer to me and grinned as I waved to everyone and took pictures. We stood there for five minutes before Sarah began leading us inside. We found our seats in the middle and I grinned as Theo bounced in his seat. 


Once the movie was over I stood with Theo and clapped for the cast before grabbing Theo's hand and leading him back outside.  

The paps were still outside waiting for us but they were too busy with the main cast. We quickly hurried to the limo were I helped Theo into before getting in myself. I leaned against the seat before squealing with Theo. 

"You two were amazing out there. They loved you both." Sarah said and I couldn't help but smile. 

"It was amazing being there. Talking to reporters and getting my picture taken." I said and Theo nodded as he rested his head on my lap and Sarah checked her watch. 

"It's around eleven. Want me to order some food?" She asked and I nodded as the driver passed the guards and we were in front of the palace. 

"Some McDonalds," I whispered as I heard Theo's snores. I got out of the limo and picked up Theo before closing the door and Sarah driving away to get some food. 

I rushed towards mine and Harry's apartment. When I opened the door Maddy quickly rushed over to me and grabbed Theo. 

"So how was the movie?" Harry asked and I laughed as I kicked my heels off and left them by the door. 

"Fucking amazing. We should go see it." I said with a smile as I crawled on his lap and rested my head in between his neck. 

"You just saw it and from the smudges, you cried. You really want to go see it?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. 

"I only cried like two times," I whined and I felt him chuckle before someone knocked on the door. Harry sighed before taking me off his lap and walking to the door. 

"Hello, Sarah. Are those nuggets?" Harry asked and I quickly shot up, stepped on the coffee table and jumped on Harry's back. 

"Those are my nuggets. You don't eat them!" I yelled laughing and Harry grinned for a moment before walking towards the table and throwing me into the chair. I laughed before snatching my box of nuggets out of his hand and bite one if half. 

"Do you still tackle people for your food?" Maddy asked as she walking to the table and sat across from me. 

"Only when it's me. She never does it with Kate." Harry said and I laughed as Sarah handed me my fries and soda before sitting next to Maddy and handing her food to her. 

"Thanks, Sarah," Maddy said with a smile. 

"We should do this more often. Midnight eating." Harry said with a smile as he walked over and took a sip of my soda. 

"I love to eat so I'm done," Maddy said earning us all to laugh before we heard a sound coming from Theo's room. Once the noise stopped we stared at each other before we started to laugh again. 

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