Chapter Eighty-Six: Diana's Christening

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Isla of Sussex

June 10th, 2013

I clipped on the butterfly earrings that Harry handed me this morning before Sarah walked over and helped me place the hat on my head so it doesn't fall off.

"I can't believe we are christening her today," I said as Alice walked in with Diana. We were all staying at Windsor Castle except for Kate. She is resting up today which slightly annoyed me that she would miss her nieces christening.

"Please don't start the waterworks." A voice said and I looked up to see Silvia with Camila.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked as I hugged both of them.

"We are here to help with dressing Diana. The dress is very delicate." Camila said and Silvia nodded.

"I am in your mother's place. She is sorry she couldn't make it today. Your father went over and upset her." She explained and I rolled my eyes.

"Of course my father ruins everything. My sister in law can't be here and neither can my mother." I said and Camila smiled before she held Diana in her arms and slipped the dress over her little head before getting her little arms through.

"There we go. She looks perfect." She said as she handed me the baby. I laid Diana down in my arms and handed her binky to her before the three of us walked out the door. Harry stood up when he saw me and he kissed my cheek.

"Where is everyone?" I asked as Silvia and Camila grabbed their purses and began making their way outside.

"We will already be in the church. All the godparents wait in there." She said and I shook my head before following Camila. I kissed Charles cheek when I saw him before turning to Will.

"Kate is really sorry she couldn't be here." He said as he leaned down and kissed Diana's forehead.

"I know. I just hope she knows I will be coming to your son or daughters christening and not flaking out." I said and Harry grinned at me before we turned and followed Charles and Camila out of this part and began our walk to the church. I held Diana in my arms the entire way and waved to the crowd that cheered for us.

When we got to the doors of the church Her Majesty, Prince Phillip, and The Archbishop of Canterbury was there waiting for us. Harry went first and when I kissed Her Majesty she smiled as she looked down at Diana.

"You both look beautiful." She said and I nodded my head before turning to Prince Phillip and bowed to him.

"You look, wonderful Ducky." He said and I laughed softly before turning to the Archbishop.

"You both look wonderful Isla. Harry, my boy, you have grown into such a wonderful man. Your mother would be so proud." He said as he shook Harry's hand as we all turned and made our way inside the chapel.

I grinned when I saw Madeline, Chris, Louis, James, and Eugenie all waiting for us. I curtsied to Gustaf and Silvia before I sat down beside Harry in front of the fountain.

Archbishop nodded towards the choir and they began singing the same song that was sung during Harry's christening. I looked down at Diana and smiled when I saw her staring calmly at everyone.

When the song stopped the Archbishop clapped his hands.

"We are all here today for one very special little girl. Diana Elizabeth Silvia Catherine, Princess of Sussex. Today we present her to the lord and thank him for safely bringing her to us and for having her bring all the joy that comes with it." He began and I smiled.

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