Chapter Fourteen: Day with Theo

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Isla Richards

Tomorrow would be my nephews fifth birthday. Right now I was walking around town with him as his Mother was working.

We had visited three clothing stores and had to shove those clothes in the rental I was using so we wouldn't drop from holding all those bags. 

"I'm hungry," Theo said and I turned to him before nodding. 

"Well we have been walking around for about three hours shopping I would be hungry as well." I teased and I tried my hardest not to laugh as Theo glared at me. 

"Okay so I have never been here before but let's get burgers," I said with a smile and Theo grinned.  

"Yea! Let's go to Honest Burgers." Theo said as he grabbed my hand and began leading me towards the restaurant. We quickly sat down and I smiled at Theo. 

"Do you like hanging out with me?" I asked and Theo nodded as he looked up at me. 

"Yea! I wish we saw each other more." He said and I laughed softly before nodding. 

"Well, hopefully, this summer. You can come with me to some of my events if your mum allows me to." I explained making Theo grin before a waiter walked over to us. 

"Cola for both of us," I said and the man nodded before walking away. 

"What kind of events would I be going to?" Theo asked with a smile. 

"Well, I got invited to the new Harry Potter premiere in London, to begin with." I started and he nodded. 

"That's like a month away! I wanna go! Can I go?" He asked as the waiter walked towards us and handed us our drinks. 

"What are you guys eating?" He asked as he took his pad out. 

"Double bacon burger with onion rings," Theo ordered and I groaned thinking of later on. 

"Regular bacon burger. Extra bacon with curly fries." I said and the man nodded as he took our menus and walked away. 

"Are you happy with Prince Harry?" Theo asked and I nodded as I sipped my soda. 

"I am. I love him very much. Why do you ask?" I questioned and he stared at me for a moment. 

"Because I want you to be happy. Like daddy made Mommy. Which is how Prince Harry makes you." He said and I smiled as I reached over and grabbed his hand. 

"I know you want to fill in for your daddy for some things but please remember you are about to be an eight-year-old kid. Be a kid." I said and he stuck his tongue out at me before letting go of my hand. 

"Can we go to the bookstore after we eat?" He asked as the waiter came over with our food. 

"Only if we go to the bathroom and wash our hands twice," I said as I grabbed one of my fries and popped it into my mouth. 

"Deal." He said with a grin before he started eating his food. 

Halfway through us eating our food I saw a flash from a camera and groaned softly. 

"Not now. Can I ever get a break?" I hissed as Theo raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Aren't you Prince Harry's girlfriend?" A voice asked and I looked to see a little girl behind Theo. 

"I am. Did you take my picture?" 


"Can you please delete it? I just want to have lunch with my nephew." I asked and the little girl grinned at me before sitting down. 

"That was awesome," Theo said making me grin. 

"Your aunt is awesome right?" I questioned before we finished eating and I quickly paid the bill and rushed Theo to the family bathroom and laughed as he tried to race to wash his hands. 

We quickly rushed out the restaurant so that no one would spot us and take pictures of us. When we walked into the small Barnes and Noble Theo dragged me to the children's section. 

"I want to get The Son of Neptune. This one is about Percy now!" Theo said as he raced to the books and grabbed it. 

"Did you know your father liked reading as much as you do?" I asked as I sat on the little bench. 

"Yea! He used to read to me every night before I would go to bed." Theo explained as he went to the next bookshelf. 

"He used  to read to me as well. He was only two years older than me but wanted me to know he could do something before me." I said rolling my eyes a bit and Theo let out a laugh as he walked over to me with two books in his hands. 

The Son of Neptune book and A Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. He was just like his dad when we were kids. Expect my brother use to read graphic novels. 

"Come here," I said as I brought him into a hug and he smiled at me. 

"You know I love you right?" I asked and he nodded as he stared at me. 

"Yea. What's wrong?" He asked and I shook my head. 

"Nothing! I promise I just wanted you to know how much I care about you." I said and he nodded before he pulled away from me. 

"Come on Auntie Isla. Let's go get you a book." He said and I laughed before grabbing his hand and dragging him to the teen department. The first book I grabbed was The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. The second book I grabbed was The Scorpio Races

"Okay there. I'm done. Are you done?" I asked and Theo laughed before we began to make our way to the register. After we paid my phone began to ring and I looked to see it was Harry. 

"Stay right there," I said as I handed Theo the bag and we sat on the sidewalk. 

"Miss me already?" I asked as I answered the phone. 

"Yes. We just finished watching the planes and are getting ready for the lunch. Everyone is asking for you." Harry said as I watched Theo play with his watch. 

"Well tell everyone I said hello and that I'll be back soon. I just finished book shopping with Theo. He bullied me into getting two books." I said and Theo grinned while Harry laughed. 

"Sounds like Theo. Ow! Kate!" Harry said and I raised an eyebrow before I heard Kate's laugh. 

"Hello, Isla. Please hurry up and come home." She said and I laughed as Theo sat closer to me. 

"I can't. Theo's party is tomorrow. Why what happened?" I asked as I stood up and dragged Theo with me towards my car. I helped him before closing the door and getting into my side. I linked my phone to Bluetooth and smiled. 

"The paps. They keep questioning where you are and did you and Harry break up. Then to top it off if the Queen herself kicked you out the castle." She explained as I started the car and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Is it that serious that I missed her party? I'm truly in tears." I said as I leaned back and wiped my eyes. 

"Of course you would because you aren't here! I'm getting angrier and Will can't help me." Kate said and I smiled as I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street. 

"You will be fine Catherine! Take a deep breath. Smack Harry upside the head if you need to you have my permission. You can do this." I said with a smile before I heard her sigh. 

"It's not fair that you aren't here. You are always here." She complained and I laughed before pulling into the driveway and parking the car. 

"I'll be there Monday afternoon and then you can complain to me about everything. I have to go." I said before I ended the call, turned the car off and helped Theo out. 

"I had fun today with you Auntie Isla." He said as he handed me the house key and we walked into the house. 

"So did I honey. Go put your bags away." I said as he took them from me before running to his room. Maddy was going to kill me for spoiling him. 

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