Chapter Forty-Two: Goodbye Harry

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Isla of Sussex

With Harry leaving in just two months the queen had thought that it would be best if Harry and I paid a visit to the local Military base and see if everything is in order.

I stood in front of Harry and smiled as I fixed his jacket.

"I had always loved you in your uniform," I said with a smile as I fixed and he put his sash on

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"I had always loved you in your uniform," I said with a smile as I fixed and he put his sash on.

"Thank you, darling." He said as I placed my earrings on. I fixed my hat and turned to Harry. I watched as he stared at me for a moment and pressed a kissed to my cheek.

"Let's go. The car is outside waiting for us."

I let him grab my hand and lead me outside. Like always there were people following us and taking our pictures. I climbed into the car and grinned at Harry. Will and Kate were waiting for us and I smiled as he hugged his brother. 

I didn't know when but I gazed out of the window and thought how was I going to go through half this pregnancy without Harry. 

"Isla honey?" I heard Harry asked and I turned to see him staring at me. 

"Yes?" I asked and my voice cracked and Harry flinched before sighing.

"We're here." He said and the door opened and William and Kate climbed out first. Harry went then and I followed after him. 

I smiled when I saw Her Majesty with Prince Phillip. I looked around and saw Charles and Camilla, Andrew and Sarah, Anne and Timothy, and finally Edward and Sophie. 

I followed Harry and hugged Charles and Camilla. Camilia pulled me into a tight hug. 

"Do not let her see you cry. She will take it as a weakness." She whispered in my ear and I frowned before nodded and walking to  Anne and Timothy. 

"Hello, Anne," I said and she smiled before kissing both my cheeks. 

"You will be strong. I know you two will get through this." She said and I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes as Timothy hugged me. 

"Anne is right, you have all of us to help you." He said and I nodded before letting fo of his hand and making by way towards Andrew and Sarah. 

"You'll be okay. We got you." Sarah said to me as Andrew hugged Harry. 

"Isla, do not be a stranger. You can always come over." Andrew said and I let out a laugh as he sounded so sure. I turned to Edward and Sophie who stared at us with sadness. 

"Louise and James are going to miss you so much, Harry," Sophie said as she fixed Harry's sash. 

"They can always come over. I never mind having them there." I said as I kissed Edward's cheeks. 

"Yea well we know they will constantly ask for you," Edward said and I smiled. 

"Well they have loved me since they met me," I said and we all laughed before I turned to Harry who was facing his grandmother. 

"Come on, quicker we say hello to her, the quicker we can talk before you have to board the plane," I said as I held onto his arm and we walked to Her Majesty and Prince Phillip. 

"Hello, Ducky," Phillip said and I smiled as I let go of Harry and hugged Phillip. 

"Hello, I didn't think everyone would be here," I said and Phillip nodded towards his wife. 

"Well, we all knew everyone wanted to say goodbye to Harry." Her Majesty said and I smiled before kissing both her cheeks and curtsied. 

"We will give you two ten minutes." She said and I nodded before Harry held out his hand and I gladly took it and we walked away from where everyone can hear us. 

"It will go by faster than we think," Harry said and I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Really? By the time you come back we will have two months and then I give birth." I said and he smiled before kissing my forehead. 

"Well I know the last time I was sent and I behaved well, Granny said I could come home early." He said and I let out a laugh as I hugged Harry. 

"You better come back to be in one piece or I will raise holy hell," I said and he chuckled before hugging me. 

"Be careful, we aren't nineteen anymore." He said and I laughed. 

"Well, I'm twenty-eight," I said and he raised an eyebrow before smiling. 

"I love you, Isla Marie." He said and I held back a sob. 

"I love you too, Henry Charles," I said and he pulled me into a kiss before Will brought him his bag. 

"Be careful," William said and Harry hugged his brother and I heard him say.

"Take care of her please?" 

"You know it," William said and they pulled away from each other and carry turned to me.

"Get on the plane. Before I become a mess." I said and he smiled. He mouthed 'I love you' before climbing the stairs and getting onto the plane. I followed William back to the rest of the family and we all began walking to the cars. 

"Isla honey?" The Queen said and I took a deep breath before walking towards her. 

"Yes, Your Majesty?" I asked and she smiled before stopping. 

"I think that you should go to Sweden for a week. As your first royal tour. They came to your wedding but maybe with your outgoing personality you and they can have a bond." She said and I nodded. 

"When will I leave?" 

"Tomorrow, so when you get back to the palace you should begin to back." She said before she got to her car and I turned and walked back to everyone. 

"Shipping you off again?" Sarah asked and everyone let out a laugh. 

"Yes, tomorrow morning I will leave to Sweden," I said and Kate raised an eyebrow. 

"Wow, that's far." 

"Maybe I can make some new friends." 

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